名师大讲堂2012届高三英语一轮单元总复习精品课件牛津译林版必修二Unit 1 Tales of the

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1、2020 6 7 名师大讲堂2012届高三英语一轮单元总复习精品课件牛津译林版必修二Unit1Talesoftheunexplained 2020 6 7 一 单词部分 1 存在vi n 2 相似的adj n 3 神秘的adj n 4 谋杀n vt 谋杀犯n 5 强壮的adj n 6 英寸n 7 目击 目睹n 8 目击者n 9 失踪n 10 失踪的adj sighting murder exist existence similar similarity mysterious mystery murderer missing lost gone disappearance strong str

2、ength inch witness 2020 6 7 二 词块部分1 撞上 偶遇2 加快步伐3 对 有兴趣4 对 做研究5 排除 的可能性6 调查这个案件 1 runinto2 stepuphispace3 showinterestin4 do conduct carryoutaresearchon5 ruleoutthepossibilitythat 6 lookintothecase 2020 6 7 7 总结8 推荐9 铁证10 向某地进发 朝 走去11 putonsth 至少写出4个中文意思 12 makeup 至少写出5个中文意思 7 makeconclusions8 makere

3、commendations9 hardevidence10 makeone swayto 11 穿 戴上 上演 增加 体重 开始播放 视听设备 12 编造 虚构 组成 化妆 和解 补偿 2020 6 7 1 原句再现 PoliceinAmericahavesteppeduptheirsearchforafifteen year oldboywhowentmissingtwodaysagoinDover NewHampshire P2 诊断练习 在空格处填入所缺单词 Theboyswentin searchofsomethingtoeat Thatafternoontherewas search

4、forthemissinggirlSophia In searchforthegirl thepolicefoundmoreabouther I ve allmydrawers butmynotebookisstillmissing Thepolice theprisonertoseeifhehadagun Philosophershavebeen thatanswerforcenturies Atlasttheevidence whichtheyhadbeen cametolight Thiscomputerprogrammeisableto text spellingmistakes 不填

5、 a the their searched searched searchingfor for searching search for 2020 6 7 searchsth在 地方搜 searchforsth寻找searchsb搜某人的身searchsbforsth在某人身上搜 常见词块 insearchof 搜寻 寻找 inthe one ssearchfor V n 一言辨异 TheCustomswere drugswhenIcamethroughtheairport They everyone sluggageforthem andthey themaninfrontofmefromh

6、eadtofoot 用search的适当形式和短语填空 searchingfor searched searched 2020 6 7 2 原句再现 WitnessesalsosaytheysawJustinwalkingtowardshishomeat10 45p m P2 知识要点 witness的用法 诊断练习 用适当的词形或搭配进行句型转换 Hesaidhesawtheaccidentwithhisowneyes Hesaidhe theaccident DuringthepastfewyearstherehavebeendramaticchangesthroughoutEastern

7、Europe Thepastfewyears dramaticchangesthroughEasternEurope Thepolicehaveappealedforanyonewhosawtheaccidenttocomeforward Thepolicehaveappealedfor theaccidenttocomeforward Hisanxietycouldprovethathelovedher Hisanxietywas hisloveforher witnessed havewitnessed seen a the anywitnessto a witnessto 2020 6

8、7 sbwitnesssth目击 见证 sthwitnesssth表示在此时间或地点有某件大事发生 witness常见用法总结 awitness thewitness witnessestosth 事件的目击者 sth多为时间v或地点 此用法的witness可以换成see V n c n u n witnesstosth 的见证 2020 6 7 1 OnJuly1st 1921 theredboatonSouthLakeinJiaxing thebirthoftheCommunistPartyofChina whichmarkedanewstartforChinesepeople A wit

9、nessedB gaveC experiencedD founded2 Thereisalready cleartoshowthatplantsandanimalsarebeingaffectedbyclimatechange A witnessB certificationC identityD evidence A D 2020 6 7 3 原句再现 Wewillnotgiveupuntilwefindconvincingevidence P3 知识要点 convince的用法 诊断练习 根据要求用convince的适当形式完成下列句子 要说服她无需减肥是徒劳的 在动词convince后使

10、用从句 It suselesstryingto 他的律师花了很长时间才使陪审团相信他是无辜的 用convincesb ofsth 结构 Ittookalongtimeforhislawyerto 我不敢确信她的话是否真实 convince的形容词做表语 thetruthofwhatshewassaying 我确信她在说谎 convince的形容词做表语 shewaslying convinceher that shedoesn tneed toloseanyweight convincethejuryof hisinnocence Iwasn tconvincedof Iwasconvince

11、d that 2020 6 7 我觉得电影的结局难以令人相信 convince的形容词做宾语补足语 Ididn t 选出能填入题干空白处的最佳答案 thatthegovernmentcanleadthemoutofthefinancialcrisis peopleareoptimisticaboutthefutureofthecountry himtoseeadoctor sheprayedtherewouldbenothingwrongwithhim ConvinceB ConvincedC ToconvinceD Havingconvinced B D findtheendingofthe

12、filmveryconvincing 2020 6 7 convincesbtodosthconvincesbofsthconvincesbthat clause convince常见用法总结 Vt convinced用作状语 使某人信服某事 说服某人做某事 persuadesbtodosth adj convinced convincing 表示人感到信服 令人信服 常见考点 convincedofsth sb convincedthat sb convincingoneselfof that sb 2020 6 7 4 原句再现 Yetisaresaidtobeheavilybuiltan

13、dhairy P18 知识要点 build的用法 常考词块 bebeingbuilt constructedbeunderconstructionbeintheprocessofconstruction 常见搭配 buildupone sstrength bodybuildupone sfortune 在建设中 增强体质 积累财富 2020 6 7 5 原句再现 Sometimespeoplemakeupsuchamazingstories saysDetectiveSamPeterson whohastakenchargeofthecase P3 知识要点 charge的用法 charge

14、根义 装 载 使 负有 使 负但费用 使 负有电荷 使 负有责任 使负有 罪名 要价 充电 负责 控告 2020 6 7 动词词块 chargeabatterychargesb withsthchargesb moneyforsthchargesth toone saccountgetcharged 充电 记在 帐上 要价 收费 控告 指控 accusesbofsth 充电 2020 6 7 名词词块 freeofchargeinchargeofin under thechargeoftakechargeof 免费地 forfree 主管 看管 负责 在 掌管之下 掌管 负责 看管 2020

15、6 7 1 Iamchargingthebatteryofmycellphone 2 Shechargedmetolookafterherson 3 Thepolicechargedhimwithcarelessdriving 4 Thehotelchargedme 50foraroomforthenight 5 Pleasechargethesegoodstomyaccount 背诵下面句子并注意划线部分的意思 充电 指示我去照顾 控告 指控 收我50美元 将货物记在我的帐上 2020 6 7 6 DoyouknowwhatmadeSusansoupset Isawherweepingjus

16、tnow givingawaystatesecrets ChargedwithB BeingchargedwithC AccusingofD Tobeaccusedof B 2020 6 7 二 句型部分1 原句再现 That swhenthelightcame P2 知识要点 归纳when引导的从句 诊断练习 选出能填入题干空白处的最佳答案 Wearelivinginanage manythingsaredoneoncomputer A whichB thatC whoseD when Hetransplantedthelittletreetothegarden itwasthebesttimeforit A whereB whenC thatD until Jaswasholidayingwithherfamilyinawildlifepark shewasbittenonthelegbyalion A whenB whileC sinceD once D B A 2020 6 7 Wewerejust callingyouup youcamein about whenB onth



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