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1、一、阅读理解What makes one person more intelligent than another? What makes one person a genius, like the brilliant Albert Einstein, and another person a fool? Are people born intelligent or stupid, or is intelligence the result of where and how you live? These are very old questions and the answers to th

2、em are still not clear.We know, however, that just being born with a good mind is not enough. In some ways, the mind is like a leg or an arm muscle. It needs exercise. Mental (done with the mind) exercise is particularly important for young children. Many child psychologists think that parents shoul

3、d play with their children more often, and give them problems to think about. The children are then more likely to grow up bright and intelligent. If, on the other hand, children are left alone a great deal with nothing to do, they are more likely to become dull and unintelligent.Parents should also

4、 be careful what they say to young children. According to some psychologists, if parents are always telling a child that he or she is a fool or an idiot, then the child is more likely to keep doing silly and foolish things. So it is probably better for parents to say very positive things to their ch

5、ildren, such as That was a very clever thing you did or You are such a smart child. 1、The questions in the first paragraph are raised to _. A、introduce the topic of what makes a clever mindB、compare Albert Einstein with ordinary peopleC、summarise the characters of an intelligent personD、prove that t

6、here are no answers to these questions参考答案:A解析:【答案】A【解析】细节题,问:“第一段提出的问题是为了_。”需要从文章的结构来分析,文章第一段围绕聪明与平庸的主题提出了许多问题,并说明这些问题的答案尚不明朗,第二段则谈论聪明的因素有哪些,第三段是告诉父母,为了让孩子更聪明,应当如何做。可见,第一段提出了一些与主题相关的、令人感兴趣的问题作为铺垫。由此选A,“为了引出主题,即什么因素形成聪明的大脑”。 2、According to the context we can guess that a genius is _ while an idiot i

7、s _. A、a normal person.a funny personB、a strong person.a weak personC、a highly intelligent person.a foolish or weak-minded personD、a famous person.an ordinary person参考答案:C解析:【答案】C【解析】词义题,询问genius和idiot各是什么意思,题干中的while说明genius和idiot之间是对立或相反的意思,对应第一段:What makes one person more intelligent than another

8、? What makes one person a genius, like the brilliant Albert Einstein, and another person a fool?“是什么原因,使得有的人比别人更聪明?是什么原因,让有的人成为像聪明绝顶的爱因斯坦那样的genius(本题考点),而让有的人却成为傻瓜?”文中和genius对应的词是fool,因此idiot与fool是同义词,表示“傻瓜,笨蛋”,而genius与fool是反义词,表示“聪明人”,根据分析应选C,“非常聪明的人,愚蠢或迟钝的人”。A,“正常人,有趣的人”,B,“强壮的人,虚弱的人”,D,“有名的人,普通人”

9、,均不符合文意。 3、A person _ is more likely to become a genius. A、whose parents are cleverB、who often thinks about difficult problemsC、who is often helped by his parents and teachersD、who is born with a good brain and putting it to active use参考答案:D解析:【答案】D【解析】主旨题,问:“一个_的人更有可能成为天才。”从文章首段可以看出,文章通篇都在讨论什么样的人会成

10、为天才,因此,这道题考察考生对全文主题的把握,需要通读全文后选择答案。第一段说,如何成为天才一直是人们津津乐道的话题。第二段认为除了天生聪慧,智商还应当得到后天的锻炼。第三段认为父母应当注意自己的语言,跟孩子多说鼓励的话。根据全文,选项D包含了成为天才的两方面因素:天生拥有聪明的大脑与后天的勤奋,应选D。 4、It is better for parents _. A、to praise and encourage their children more oftenB、to be hard on their children C、to leave their children alone wi

11、th nothing to doD、to give their children as much help as possible参考答案:A解析:【答案】A【解析】细节题,问“父母应当_。”题干中的It is better for someone to do something对应第三段第一句话Parents should,表示“某人应当做某事”,因此对应第三段。这一段说父母应当注意自己的言语,不该打击孩子,而应该多赞扬孩子,说鼓励的话。选项A的praise和encourage与文中say very positive things对应,应选A,“经常赞扬和鼓励孩子。” 5、Which of

12、the following is NOT true according to the article? A、Parents play an important part in their childrens growth.B、The less you use your mind the duller you may become.C、Intelligence is obviously the result of where and how you live.D、Parents should always encourage their children.参考答案:C解析:【答案】C【解析】推断

13、题,问:“根据文章,以下哪个选项不正确?”A,“父母在孩子的成长中起到重要作用”,全文都有此暗示,正确。B,“脑子动得越少,就会越笨拙”,对应第二段最后一句,“如果孩子常常无事可做,就更有可能变得笨拙,不聪明。”C,“显然智力是出生地点与生活方式导致的结果”,文章认为先天优势加上后天用脑才是决定智力的因素,而非出生地点与生活方式。D,“父母应该总是鼓励孩子”,与第三段对应。C选项不符合文意,应选C。 Child labor, the employment of children in industry, often against their will, has been a problem

14、for many years.Over a hundred years ago, Charles Dickens shocked many of his readers when he described the conditions under which young children worked in British factories. The conditions Dickens described continue almost unchanged today in many parts of the world. The only difference is that today

15、 employment of children is confined to small industries and family businesses, such as hotels, restaurants and particularly farms, rather than to large factories.Girls suffer more from child labor practices than boys. Many of them are forced to start work when they are only ten years old. Although t

16、he work they are given to do is often light, it is often harmful to their health. Recently, children as young as six years were found to be working in Asian factories, and the children were working from eight to fourteen hours a day in overcrowded and unhealthy working conditions. Sometimes a whole family group is employed, with the payment going to a


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