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1、Unit 19Language.单句语法填空1. To my _(embarrass),I met the young man again,for I misunderstood him just now.答案:embarrassment2The terms of the wage settlement are still under _(negotiate) at the present.答案:negotiation3I _(inform) that my son had been admitted into that famous university.答案:was informed4If

2、 you yell at him,he is guaranteed _(do) the opposite of what you want.答案:to do5_(surround) by mountains,the small village is really difficult to reach.答案:Surrounded6The man is careful,so the _(accurate) of his report is beyond doubt.答案:accuracy7As to the lessons missed during my _ (absent),Ill try t

3、o make them up soon.答案:absence8By doing well at school he hoped to win his parents _(approve)答案:approval9. This song sounded so attractive that it caught _ quickly among the Chinese.答案:on10The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world,_(consist) of millions of pages of data.答案:consi

4、sting.阅读理解(2016陕西西工大附中高三模拟)More than a century ago,the composer and bandleader John Philip Sousa warned that technology would destroy music,who said,“These talking machines are going to ruin the artistic development of music in this country.When I was a boy.in front of every house in the summer even

5、ings you would find young people together singing the songs of the day or the old songs.Today you hear these terrible machines going night and day.We will not have a vocal cord (声带) left.” Music has greatly changed in the past hundred years,which has been everywhere in our world: rivers of digital m

6、elody flow on the Internet or on disc; MP3 players with forty thousand songs can be put in a back pocket or a purse.Yet,for most of us,music is no longer something we do ourselves,or even watch other people do in front of us.It has become a radically virtual medium,an art without a face.Ever since E

7、dison invented the phonograph cylinder(滚筒式留声机),people have been assessing what the medium of recording has done for and to the art of music.Sousa was a spokesman for the party of doom; in the opposite corner are the utopians(乌托邦),who argue that technology has not imprisoned music but liberated it.Be

8、fore Edison came along,Beethovens symphonies could be heard only in select concert halls.Now the recordings carry the man from Bonn to the corners of the earth.Glenn Gould,after renouncing live performance in 1964,predicted that within the century the public concert would disappear into the electron

9、ic air.Having discovered much of my favorite music through LPs and CDs,I am not about to join Sousas party.Modern urban environments are often so soulless or ugly that Im grateful for the humanizing touch of electronic sound.But neither can I accept Goulds slashing futurism.I want to be aware of tec

10、hnologys effects,positive and negative.Fortunately,scholars and critics have been methodically exploring this terrain for many decades,trying to figure out exactly what happens when we listen to music with no musicians in the room.【文章大意】John Philip Sousa提出警告:科技会破坏音乐。人们对这个话题也有不同的观点。在本文中作者陈述了不同的观点以及自己

11、的看法。1The first paragraph is intended to _.Adefend an argumentBmake a predictionCcriticize an attitude Dsummarize a viewpointD解析:段落大意题。从第一段的句子: More than a century ago,the composer and bandleader John Philip Sousa warned that technology would destroy music.可知,一个世纪之前,作曲人和乐队队长 John Philip Sousa警告科技会破坏音

12、乐,可知,本段是总结一个观点,故选D。2The authors attitude towards the recorded music may best be described as _.Adissatisfied BdefensiveCoptimistic DobjectiveD解析:观点态度题。从文章第四段的内容:But neither can I accept Goulds slashing futurism.I want to be aware of technologys effects,positive and negative.可知,作者对于录音音乐的态度是客观的,故选D。3T

13、he underlined word “terrain” in the last paragraph most nearly means “_”Aregion Bsubject Cland DdistinctionB解析:词义猜测题。根据最后一段的内容:Fortunately,scholars and critics have been methodically exploring this terrain for many decades可知,“terrain” 的意思是“subject”,故选B。4The primary purpose of the passage is to _.Aex

14、plain different attitudes of scholars and criticsBdefend the view of one group from the criticism of anotherCadvocate an unexpected solution to a pressing problemDpresent the key issues in an ongoing debateD解析:写作意图题。从文章内容可知,本文的主要目的是陈述现在正在进行辩论的一个关键的问题:科技是否会破坏音乐,故选D。.完形填空(2016山东省威海一中高三模拟)In my profess

15、ional life I am fortunate to have acquired some skills that I find I am able to use even though Ive retired.Last week while at church in the morning,I met a _1_ that had just moved to our state.Unfortunately,they were robbed shortly after their _2_ and had the valuable belongings with all their _3_ papers stolen.A very kind person in the neighborhood had _4_ them in,but the family had very little _5_,no transportation,and no _6_ to enroll(注册)their son in school without the


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