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1、Unit 20New Frontiers.单句语法填空1The expert said that of the two possibilities,the former seemed _(much) likely than the latter.答案:more2He said that two persons got _ (beat) in the restaurant last night.答案:beaten3Hurry!Or by the time we get to the church,the wedding ceremony _(finish)答案:will have been fi

2、nished4There is much doubt _ the young man will keep his word.答案:whether5In fact,we have found out that what he says doesnt correspond _ what he does.答案:with6The new books _ (donate) by some kind people arrived at the village school yesterday.答案:donated7Weve got into trouble and we all hope that som

3、eone will come to our _ (assist)答案:assistance8As we all know,it is human activity that has led _ the global warming.答案:to9Employees are permitted _ (use) the golf course during their free hours.答案:to use10The public is urgently requested to assist police in _ (trace) the man.答案:tracing.阅读理解A(2016安徽宣

4、城市八校高三联考)Homemade lemonade is an essential taste of summer.But concentrates (浓缩汁) and powders simply wont be enough.Luckily,great homemade lemonade is as easy as remembering a few numbers3111.Three cups of cold water,1 cup of lemon juice,1 cup of sugar and 1 more cup of water to make the sugar syrup

5、 CTJO.When shopping for lemons for lemonade,buy large lemons that feel heavy and are squeezable.I find that half the lemon is rind(外皮) and there is very little juice.For that reason,I always buy a couple extra.If I think I can get 1 cup of juice from 6 lemons,I buy 8.As soon as I bring them home,I s

6、oak the lemons in a solution of white vinegar and water to minimize any molding or rotting.Often,a bag of lemons with one slightly moldy (发霉的) lemon becomes a whole bag of rotten lemons during a night if you dont do this.And you dont have to stop at lemons:this is a great way to wash all fruits and

7、vegetables.Before you juice them,soak the lemons in warm water or microwave them for 10 seconds.The heat relaxes the juice bags and makes it easier to remove the most juice from each lemon.Then,before you cut them in half,roll the lemons on the counter with your palm,using some power.This also helps

8、 get the juices flowing.Once the juice is strained(过滤) of excess pulp and seeds,and the simple syrup is cooled,you are ready to mix your lemonade.This can be done up to 2 days in advance.Also,be careful not to add too much water.The lemonade should be slightly concentrated because the ice in the gla

9、ss will make the liquid weaker a bit.For that reason.I only add the ice to the glasses.【文章大意】本文主要介绍了怎样在家里制作口感好的柠檬汽水。1Why does the author always buy a couple extra when shopping for lemons for lemonade?ABecause the author loves lemons a lot.BBecause a lemon contains little juice.CBecause the majority

10、 of a lemon is rind.DBecause the lemon juice is tough to get.B解析:细节理解题。第三段提到“I find that half the lemon is rind(外皮) and there is very little juice.”可知,作者认为“一个柠檬几乎一半都是皮,所含有的汁水不多”,所以要多买两个。2The speed of mold affecting lemons seems to be _.AuncertainBslowClimited DfastD解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Often,a bag of le

11、mons with one slightly moldy (发霉的)lemon becomes a whole bag of rotten lemons during a night if you dont do this.”可知,霉变对于柠檬腐烂的影响速度很快。3What should be done to make the lemonade slightly concentrated?AStraining the juice 2 days in advance.BMaking syrup cool as early as possible.CNot adding too much wate

12、r.DNot adding ice to the glasses.C解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的“Also,be careful not to add too much water.The lemonade should be slightly concentrated because the ice in the glass will make the liquid weaker a bit.”可知,希望让柠檬汁浓缩,不要加太多的水。4What is the best title for the passage?AHomemade Lemonadea Unique Taste of

13、 SummerBThe Secrets of Making Great Lemonade in SummerCHow to Choose Lemons in ShopsDHow to Make Lemonade ConcentratedB解析:标题归纳题。本文介绍了夏季制作柠檬汁饮料的秘诀,包括选材,把柠檬浸泡在白醋中,在榨汁前把柠檬浸泡在温水或用微波炉加热十秒钟,把柠檬汁饮料与糖混合、之后加些冰等。故选B项。B(2016安徽六校高三联考)More than onethird of adults in the United States are obese(肥胖的)In fact,over o

14、besity has reached such proportions that one bigcity mayor has gone about banning largesized,sugary soft drinks and the First Lady has been on a campaign to control the dietary offerings in public schools.Even many adults who do not fit the clinic definition of obesity are still overweight,and a lar

15、ge percentage are looking for the best ways to lose weight.Reducing pounds largely comes down to the twosided factors of diet and exercise.Not carrying out the first one enough,and not getting enough of the second one,ends up giving the individual a recipe for being overweight.Advising someone to eat less and exercise more might be the easiest advice possible,but its also,partially,an oversimplification.Dieting has more to do with the types of food you eat than how much you eat.Reduce


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