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1、Unit 5 Nelson Mandel a modern hero.单句语法填空1Although he made a serious mistake in his work, he was lucky to escape_(fire) by his boss.答案:being fired2Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be_(equal) respected.答案:equally3Everything begins hard. Dont hesitate to turn_me if you are in

2、difficulty.答案:to4Anyway, I cant cheat himits against all my_(principle)答案:principles5Some students are very_(actively)in answering teachers questions while others just keep silent when asked any question.答案:active6Of all the things I have done in my professional career, nothing has been more_(reward

3、) than writing that book.答案:rewarding7It is wrong to see_(violent) as the only way to solve problems.答案:violence8We are living in an age _many things are done on computer.答案:when9Teachers_(devote)to education should receive great respect from everyone because it benefits the development of society.答

4、案:devotion10Little John hardly got anything in reward for his kind act, _made him unhappy.答案:which.阅读理解(2016太原第二学段测评)A group of psychologists led by Albert Bandura developed social learning theory, which emphasizes the fact that much learning occurs in a social context. This kind of learning, which

5、results simply from observing and imitating the behaviors of others, is called observational learning. Observational learning helps people acquire proper behaviors in their families and cultures. By watching others, we learn how people talk to each other, what clothes are“fashionable”, and how to in

6、teract with people. In one of Banduras classic studies, children were divided into three groups: One group watched an adult beating up a Bobo doll, one group watched an adult ignoring the Bobo doll, and the third didnt see an adult at all. After being placed in a room with toys, but not being allowe

7、d to play with them, all the children were then placed in another room with a variety of toys, including a Bobo doll. Children in the first group tended to imitate what they had seen, mistreating the doll and even inventing new ways to abuse it. They were also aggressive with the other toys in the r

8、oom.Researchers have discovered that several characteristics of models can make learning through observation more effective. Not surprisingly, the more you pay attention to the model, the more you learn. You are more likely to pay attention if the model is an expert, is goodlooking, has high status,

9、 or is socially powerful.Then, as teachers, how can you apply observational learning?Here are a few guidelines. Above all, model the behaviors and attitudes you desire your students to learn. For example, show enthusiasm for the subject you teach. Be willing to demonstrate both the mental and the ph

10、ysical tasks you expect the students to perform. Second, use peers, especially class leaders, as models. For example, in group work, pair students who do well with those who are having difficulties. Third, you may seek the help of class leaders in modeling behaviors. Examples include letting highsta

11、tus students lead an activity when you need class cooperation or when students are likely to be reluctant(不情愿的) at first. 【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文, 介绍了著名的“波波玩偶实验”及Bandura所倡导的观察学习理念。 这种理念可以运用在教师的实际教学中: 以身示范, 向学生展示你的行为和态度; 重视榜样引领; 强调自我调节等。 1What can you acquire by watching others according to the passage?AA soc

12、ial context.BAppropriate actions.CFamily cultures.DKnowledge from instructors.B解析: 细节理解题。 根据第一段最后两句“Observational learning helps people acquire proper behaviors in their families and cultures. By watching others, we learn how people talk to each other, what clothes arefashionable, and how to interac

13、t with people.”可知, 通过观察别人, 我们可以学会如何与人沟通、 互动等行为。 故B项正确。 2What was found in Banduras studies?AAll the children in the test found a new way to play with Bobo doll.BAll the children in the test tended to imitate what they had learned.CChildren watching a Bobo doll beaten treated the doll cruelly.DChildr

14、en watching a Bobo doll beaten invented new ways to look after toys.C解析: 细节理解题。 根据第二段倒数第二句“Children in the first group tended to imitate what they had seen, mistreating the doll and even inventing new ways to abuse it.”可知, 唯有第一组的儿童会模仿他们所见的, 有的甚至发明新招来虐待玩偶。 故C项正确。 3The guidelines teachers mentioned in

15、 the last paragraph do not include “_”Afocusing on the modelBusing class leaders as modelsCshowing enthusiasm for the subjectsDdemonstrating the mental and physical tasksA解析: 细节理解题。 根据最后一段第三、 四、 五、 六句可知, B、 C、 D三项均涉及, 故A项正确。 4What is the passage mainly about?AThe importance of social learning theory.BLearning new behaviors in group work.CAlbert Bandura and his contributions.DObservational learning and its application.D解析: 主旨大意题。 通读全文可知, 这篇文章主要介绍了Bandura观察学习理念的内容与作用, 最后给老师提供了在教学方面运用观察学习理念的策略。 A、 B两项表达的意思只涉及文章部分内容; C项表示的


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