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1、Unit 5 I love reading 单元教材分析 单元主题:歌曲 听力 故事 语篇教学(阅读理解)本单元的教学目标:1. 能理解并学唱歌曲 I love reading .2. 能听懂节目容,完成相关练习并谈论自己喜欢的书。3. 能借助图片听懂、理解故事。4. 能在老师的指导下听懂、理解故事并完成相关练习。5. 能在老师的指导下读懂海报容,完成相关任务并设计自己的海报。学情分析: 本册六年级教材从六年级上学期全面改版,学生们经过上半年的学习已经基本适应了新改版教材的编排和编排体例,并在不断的学习中积累了一定的词汇量,口语表达能力和阅读理解能力也有了进一步的提高。他们不再惧怕新教材,反而

2、更愿意学习更多的新知识。本单元主要要求学生能理解学唱歌曲 I love reading ,能听懂节目容,完成相关练习并谈论自己喜欢的书,能借助图片听懂、理解故事并完成相关练习能在老师的指导下读懂海报容,完成相关任务并设计自己的海报。在教学中教师需要化解学生的学习难度,采用有效的阅读教学策略,引导学生们循序渐进地学习,增强学习的信心。教师也要注重继续培养学生预习和复习的习惯,为进一步学习打好基础。单元课时安排:6课时 1. Part1 2. Part 2a,2b 3. Part3,44. Part 5a,5b5. part5具体授课课时和先后安排教师可根据自己班级教学情况适当调整。课题Unit5

3、 I love reading Part1课时(1)Lesson1Listen and sing the song教学目标1. Listen and sing the song :I love reading2. Learn and understand the sentences : A house without books is like a room without windows.3. Learn some words : bookworm , until a story ends , islands, castles教学重点1. Listen and sing the song :

4、I love reading2. learn some words : bookworm , until a story ends , islands, castles教学难点 1. Listen and sing the song :I love reading2. learn some words : bookworm , until a story ends , islands, castles教学准备- PPT , tape课前预习容Read Unit5 part1 by yourself班级学情分析本节课是歌曲教学课,学生学习兴趣浓厚。歌曲中生单词较少,学生通过预习,已对文本容有了初

5、步的了解。在教学中重点解决生单词,通过学唱歌曲感受歌曲旋律,理解歌曲容。课时安排一课时过程师生教学活动设计教师活动学生活动 二次备课课堂导入Step 1 Warm-up1. Show a picture and answer the question :- What are they? - They are books.2. Free talk: Do you like books ? Do you love reading ?What kind of books do you like best?1. Look at the picture and answer the question.2

6、.The students talk about books.合作探究Step 2 Lead-in1. Look at the picture and listen to the song ,then answer the question :Does Toby like reading?2. Listen again and answer the question : How does Toby read books ? What does he learn from the books?3. learn the new words : bookworm , until a story en

7、ds ,islands 4. learn to sing the song:a. Listen and repeat. b. Sing the song with your partner.c. Sing the song in your group.5.Make your own song in groupListen and answer the questionsLearn the new words The students learn to sing the song.The students make your own song.交流展示1. Ask several student

8、s to sing the song.2.Ask 2 or 3 groups to sing their own songs.The students show their song归纳小结 Summary : A house without books is like a room without windows.Students sing the song again当堂练习 作业设计必做题: listen and sing the song.选做题:make your own song . 板书设计 Unit5 I love readingbookwormuntil a story en

9、dsislandsA house without books is like a room without windows.课题Unit 5 part 2a ,2b课时(2)Listen teaching 教学目标1.Listen and understand the programme dialogues.2.Listen and tick the correct answers.3. Talk about your favourite book.教学重点1. Listen and tick the correct answers.2. Talk about your favourite b

10、ook.3. Use the target langues: I think Fionas favourite is”教学难点.Listen and understand the programme dialogues.教学准备PPT. 课前预习容学生自主预习听力材料的相关容班级学情分析本节课是听力教学,主要是让学生通过听录音选出Fiona和Mike喜爱的书籍的相关容。听力容较长,难度较大,所以学生的预习是非常重要的,一定要在课前对听力材料熟读理解,并指导学生抓住要点来听录音材料。课时安排一课时过程师生教学活动设计教师活动学生活动个性教学设计课堂导入Step 1.Pre-reading 1.S

11、ing the song : I love reading.2. Guess: Whats my favourite book ?My favourite comic is about a man. He is a hero. He can climb houses. He fights bad pepole. He catches them in a web. Do you know the answer. My favourite comic is about a cat and a mouse . They live in a big city in the USA. The cat w

12、ants to catch the mouse.The mouse is very clever ,so the cat cant catch the mouse. Do you know the answer.The students sing the song.The students guees my favourite book.合作探究Step2 New presentation1.Listen to a radio programme : “ guess my story”Listen to what Fiona says and tick the correct answers

13、.Listen to what Mike says and tick the correct answers2. Listen again and check the answers3. Read the sentences about Fiona and Mike4. Listen and guess Fiona and mikes favourite book, then check the answers:I think fionas favourite is by Judy Blume.I think Mikes favourite comic is Asterix.The stude

14、nts listen and tick the correct answers.交流展示Talk about your favourite book or comic.Group work归纳小结Summary : Wrtie about your favourite book or comic.当堂练习Listen and tick the correct answers. Part2a,2bThe students listen and tick 作业设计必做题:Talk about Fiona and Mike. 选做题:Wrtie about your favourite book or comic.板书设计Guess my storyFionas favourite book is about a girl.Mikes favourite comic is about the people in a village. The hero in the comic is short ,but clever. The comics name is also the heros name.I think fionas favourite is by Judy Blume


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