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1、第一讲 语法专练知能闯关1(2016江苏四市调研)While visiting Europe, I was lucky to have the great _of praying in a historic church that dates back to the early 12th century.AfavourBmotivationCequalityDprivilegeD解析:favour 支持, 偏爱, 赞同; motivation 动机, 积极性, equality 平等; privilege 特权, 优待。 在访问欧洲的时候, 我有幸拥有在一座12世纪的教堂里祈祷的优待。 故选D

2、。2(2016南京、盐城模拟)Estella showed me the way with a candle. When she opened the side entrance, the_ of the daylight quite confused me.AtrendBrushCcrashDincreaseB解析:句意:Estella用蜡烛给我指路。 当她打开侧门时, 强烈的日光让我看不清。 the rush of the daylight强烈的日光。 故选B。 trend趋势; crash坠毁; increase增加。 3The International Monetary Fund h

3、as received both criticism and _ for its efforts to promote financial stability, prevent crises, facilitate trade, and reduce poverty.AworshipBcreditCargumentDprivilegeB解析:考查名词的用法。 句意:国际基金会因它促进金融稳定、制止危机、促进贸易和减少贫困方面的努力而得到批评和赞誉。 worship尊重; credit赞扬; argument争执; privilege特权。 故选B。 4(2016盐城质检)Weve been d

4、estroying lots of forests every year.What a shame!Well be the_ of our own foolish behavior.AchallengersBjudgesCwitnessesDvictimsD解析:考查名词词义辨析。 句意:每年我们都在毁坏大量的森林。 多可惜!我们将成为我们愚蠢行为的受害者。 A为“挑战者”; B为“法官, 审判员”; C为“见证人”; D为“受害者”。 结合语境可知选D。 5Universal_ to education is the ability of all people to have equal o

5、pportunity in education, regardless of their social class, ethnicity, background or physical disabilities.AapplicationBaccessCadmissionDattemptB解析:考查名词词义辨析。 句意:普及教育是指全民在受教育方面都有平等机会的权利, 不论其社会阶级、种族、背景或是身体残疾。 本题选项中的名词都可与介词to连用, application to意为“申请”; access to意为“有权使用”; admission to意为“入场, 许可”; attempt to

6、意为“尝试”。 根据语境可知, B项符合题意。 6(2016江苏常熟中学检测)The CCTV show Chinese Characters Dictation Competition has taken the country by storm, which is partly designed to arouse peoples _ in the Chinese language.AresponsibilityBsignificanceCenthusiasmDdisappointmentC解析: 句意:中央电视台的节目中国汉字听写大会已席卷全国, 部分旨在激发人们在中国语言方面的热情。

7、responsibility 责任; significance重要性; enthusiasm热情; disappointment 失望; 根据句意选C。 7It takes _ to talk to others on the team when that might expose some of your own weaknesses or ignorance.AenergyBpatienceCwisdomDcourageD解析:考查名词辨析。 句意:当跟队里的其他人交谈可能会暴露出你的一些弱点或者无知的时候, 这样的交谈需要勇气。 这里用courage表示“勇气”。 8(2016泰州模拟)

8、 Under the Dome, _ 103minute documentary released by Chai Jing, has pushed _ public awareness about air pollution and encouraged people to join in efforts to make a difference.Athe; theBa; aCthe; 不填Da; 不填D解析:句意:穹顶之下, 一部由柴静制作的103分钟的纪录片已经激发了关于大气污染的公共意识, 并鼓励人们参加更多的活动进行改变。 第一空是泛指, “一部的纪录片”, 故填a, 第二空的中心词

9、是awareness, 是抽象名词, 不加冠词。 故判断选D。 9(2014湖北高考T21)Her _ for writing was a desire for women to get the right to higher education.AmotivationBqualificationCtalentDtechnique A解析:考查名词词义辨析。 句意:她写作的_是为妇女争取到接受高等教育权利的渴望。 motivation动机, 目的; qualification资格, 资历; talent天才, 天赋; technique技能, 技巧。 由语境可知是写作的动机(motivatio

10、n)。 10(2016浙江温州诊断)For_ cancer patients there may not be _ bright future; today has to count.A/; /B/; aCthe; /D/; theB解析:句意:对于癌症患者来说, 可能没有一个光明的未来; 必须重视当下。 第一空后是复数形式, 不特指不用冠词; 第二空的名词中心词是future, 一个光明的未来, 应用不定冠词a。 故选B。 11(2016盐城模拟)_International Womens Day, which falls on_8th of March, is a global day c

11、elebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women.AThe; theB/; /CThe; /D/; theD解析:考查冠词。 International Womens Day为节日, 其前不加冠词; 用序数词表示日期时, 前面要加上定冠词the。 故选D项。 12(2016南通高三质检)If you want to improve your working efficiency, it will be_must for you to make_most of your time.Athe; /Bthe; aC

12、a; aDa; theD解析:考查冠词。 第一空表示“一件你必须要做的事”, 因此must前加a; 第二空, make the most of表示“充分利用”, 为固定搭配。 13(2016江苏四市调研)The Teamup Centre will offer _opportunity to young singers to showcase their talents in front of _ audience of 5,000.Aan; anBthe; anCan; theDthe; theA解析:给年轻人提供一个机会, 不定冠词an表示“一”。 an audience of 为固定短语

13、。 14(2016浙江师大附中模拟)Having dinner together on New Years Eve has always been _big deal for my family and it gives us _pleasure.Athe; /Ba; theCa; aDa; /D解析:句意:除夕一起吃年夜饭一直是我家的一件大事, 它带给了我们快乐。 第二空后的pleasure作“快乐”讲, 为不可数名词, 表示泛指, 故用零冠词, 故排除B、C两项; a big deal为习惯搭配, 意为“一件大事”。 15(2016惠州月考)Scientists are worried that _air pollution may do harm to _rare plants and animals on this island.A/; theBthe; theCan; theDthe; aA解析:句意:科学家们担心空气污染可能会危害这个岛上的稀有动植物。 pollution为不可数名词, 且此处表泛指, 故第一个空不填; 第二个空用定冠词the表示特指。 故A项正确。 3



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