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1、Unit 1 Challenging Yourself 单句语法填空1She used (have) more friends than anyone else I have known.答案:to have2I could just make a figure in the darkness.答案:out3 (tell) you the truth,I cant tell the younger brother from the elder brother.答案:To tell4As we all know,NBA is short National Basketball Associati

2、on.答案:for5She is organized,friendly to people,hardworking and clever. a word,I cant speak too highly of her.答案:In6The journalist had contact in Paris and he managed to make contact with her.答案:a7My first (impress) of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.答案:impression8If something unex

3、pected hadnt come on her way home,she could have seen her brother off.答案:up9The Trade Union will meet with (represent) from industry and the government.答案:representatives10You would sound a lot more polite if you make a request in form of questions.答案:the 单句改错1I dont think he is the best man do the

4、job.do前加to2As I had a cold,I was absent at school.atfrom3The conference,that was held in Beijing,was a great success.thatwhich4It sounds like good offer,but what if its a trick?good前加a5Not being given careful consideration,the work cannot be easily completed.去掉being 翻译句子1对你来说学好英语并非不可能。 答案:It is not

5、impossible for you to learn English well.2没有来自全国范围的帮助,地震后,我们不可能重建我们美丽的家园。 答案:We couldnt have rebuilt our beautiful home without the nationwide help.3你每周挣1万美元,而我只挣两千。 答案:You earn 10,000 dollars per week whereas I only 2,000.4虽然他不富有,但生活得很好。 答案:Whereas he is not rich,he lives well.【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成

6、下面小作文, 并背诵成文。 1地震发生后,现场一片混乱。2这位母亲一直担心她的双胞胎儿子的安危。3不相信他们已经丧命。4一直在恳求救援人员帮助救救她的儿子,场面令人心酸。【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文) One possible version:After the earthquake,the site was in a mess.The mother was anxious about her twin sons safety,disbelieved they had lost their lives,and kept appealing to the rescue workers to help save her sons,making a sad scene.2


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