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1、四川双流县2017高考英语完形填空一轮优练(五)完形填空。阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-45各题 所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches along the highway I travel daily to work.There is one _1_ blue flower that has always caught my eye. Ive_2_ that it blooms only in the _3_ hours. The afternoon sun is to

2、o _4_ for it. Every day for approximately two weeks, I see those beautiful flowers.This spring, I _5_ a wildflower garden in our yard. I can look out of the _6_ window while doing the dishes and see the flowers. Ive often _7_ that those lovely blue flowers from the ditch would _8_ great in that bed

3、alongside other wildflowers. Every day I drove past the flowers _9_ , “Ill stop on my way home and dig them.” Gee, I dont want to get my good _10_ dirty. Whatever the reason, I _11_ stopped to dig them. My husband even gave me a folding shovel (铲子) one year to be used for that expressed _12_ .One da

4、y on my way home from work, I was _13_ to see that the highway department had mowed the ditches and the pretty blue flowers were _14_ . I thought to myself, “Way to go, you_15_ too long. You should have done it when you first saw them blooming this spring.”A week ago we were shocked and saddened to

5、_16_ that my oldest sister-in-law has a terminal brain tumor(晚期脑肿瘤) . _17_ we havent been as close as we all would have liked. I couldnt help but see the _18_ between the pretty blue flowers and the relationship between my husbands sister and us.And yes, _19_ I see the blue flowers again, you can be

6、t Ill stop and _20_ them to my wildflower garden.1AparticularBexpensiveCpreviousDcolorful2A .imagined BfeltCnoticedDheard3AmorningBdaytimeCafternoonDnight4AwarmBimportantCweakDresponsible5AboughtBrentCstartedDmanaged6AbedroomBhallCstudyDkitchen7AdoubtedBthoughtCagreedDdreamed8AsmellBlookCproveDbecom


8、viouslyDUnfortunately18AloveBdifferenceCsecretDconnection19AsinceBunlessCifDbefore20Atransport Bsteal Cinvite Dpull参考答案1-5 ACAAC 6-10 DBBDC 11-15 DCBCA 16-20 BDDCA 2014甘肃省部分示范校高三年级调研考试Practice ForgivenessMy friend BJ Gallagher once worked as a training manager for a large newspaper, which was more t

9、han a hundred years old. The companys past_1_had blinded the authorities to the need for change, and they_2_ new ideas.As the years went by, BJ grew_3_ with their shortsightedness. Finally,she left the company.But she found that she hadnt left her_4_behind when she resigned. She carried it with her,

10、like“rocks in the stomach”“I finally decided to_5_about my experiences and my feelings.I_6_ it would be a good mental health exercise. I wanted to be rid of that company and those people, once and for all._7_I wrote and wrote. It wasnt just a story that poured outit was a whole_8_! My resentment (怨恨

11、)_9_ my writing. The whole world would know how_10_ they were!”“What_11_when the book came out?” I asked BJ.“Not much,” she replied, “The newspaper kept doing what it had_12_done. My feelings didnt_13_ them one bit, but it took me several more years to finally_14_my negative emotions. Finally, the t

12、ime came when I decided to make amends (补偿) for the angry things I had said about the company. I_15_my former boss to dinner and made my_16_. I told him I was sorry for being so resentful. It was a great healing process for me.”“What was the_17_outcome?” I asked her.“Gratitude,” she replied, “Not on

13、ly wasnt I resentful any more, but I was grateful to the company. If I hadnt had those_18_experiences, I would never have written a book. And the book became_19_successfulnow in 21 languages. In short, my resentment gave way to gratitude.”She smiled,“I owe them a debt of thanks for giving me such a

14、great tale to tell.”_20_resentments for gratitude isnt always easy. But its worth it.1A. skillB. managementC. success D. business2A. resisted B. gotC. broke D. shaped3A. moved B. frustratedC. excited D. surprised4A. sadness B. worryC. doubt D. anger5A. think B. careC. write D. talk6A. proved B. figu

15、redC. concluded D. agreed7A. So B. ButC. Yet D. And8A. diary B. lessonC. accident D. book9A. prevented B. delayedC. fueled D. corrected10A. sensitive B. successfulC. greedy D. stupid11A. happened B. reportedC. received D. resulted12A. sometimes B. alwaysC. recently D. already13A. forgive B. rewardC. bother D. cheat14A. think of B. g


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