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1、第一部分必修3Unit 5.完形填空(2014全国课标)Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains.They reached the top _1_, but on their way back conditions were very _2_.Joe fell and broke his leg.They both knew that if Simon _3_ alone, he would probabl

2、y get back _4_.But Simon decided to risk his _5_ and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope(绳)As they _6_ down, the weather got worse.Then another _7_ occurred.They couldnt see or hear each other and, _8_, Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice(峭壁)It was _9_ for Joe to climb bac

3、k or for Simon to pull him up.Joes _10_ was pulling Simon slowly towards the precipice._11_, after more than an hour in the dark and the icy cold, Simon had to _12_.In tears, he cut the rope.Joe _13_ into a huge crevasse(裂缝)in the ice below.He had no food or water and he was in terrible pain.He coul

4、dnt walk, but he _14_ to get out of the crevasse and started to _15_ towards their camp, nearly ten kilometers _16_.Simon had _17_ the camp at the foot of the mountain.He thought that Joe must be _18_, but he didnt want to leave _19_.Three days later, in the middle of the night, he heard Joes voice.

5、He couldnt _20_ it.Joe was there, a few meters from their tent, still alive.()1.Ahurriedly BcarefullyCsuccessfully Dearly()2.Adifficult BsimilarCspecial Dnormal()3.Aclimbed BworkedCrested Dcontinued()4.Aunwillingly BsafelyCslowly Dregretfully ()5.Afortune BtimeChealth Dlife ()6.Alay BsettledCwent Dl

6、ooked ()7.Adamage BstormCchange Dtrouble ()8.Aby mistake Bby chanceCby choice Dby luck()9.Aunnecessary BpracticalCimportant Dimpossible ()10.Aheight BweightCstrength Dequipment ()11.AFinally BPatientlyCSurely DQuickly ()12.Astand back Btake a restCmake a decision Dhold on ()13.Ajumped BfellCescaped

7、Dbacked ()14.Amanaged BplannedCwaited Dhoped ()15.Arun BskateCmove Dmarch ()16.Aaround BawayCabove Dalong ()17.Aheaded for Btraveled toCleft for Dreturned to ()18.Adead BhurtCweak Dlate ()19.Asecretly BtiredlyCimmediately Danxiously ()20.Afind BbelieveCmake Daccept【主旨大意】乔辛普森和西蒙耶茨是第一批攀登Siula Grande山峰

8、西麓的人。他们成功登顶,但返程中却遇到了危险。经历了种种磨难之后,他们终于奇迹般地在宿营地重逢。1【答案】C【解析】根据“the first people to climb the West Face of Siula Grande”及空后的“but on their way back”和下文中的种种困难,可以推断此处应该是他们成功登顶。hurriedly意为“匆忙地”;carefully意为“小心地”;successfully意为“成功地”;early意为“早早地;提前”。故选C项。2【答案】A【解析】根据下文的“Joe fell and broke his leg.”及第二段中的“the

9、weather got worse”和“They couldnt see or hear each other”等可知,返程的路上困难重重,故选A项difficult,意为“困难的”。similar意为“相似的”;special意为“特殊的”;normal意为“正常的”。3【答案】D【解析】根据上文可知,乔摔断了腿;由下文可知,西蒙决定冒生命危险带乔一起下山。故此处指西蒙如果自己一个人继续下山,就可能安全返回。climb意为“攀登”;work意为“工作”;rest意为“休息”;continue意为“继续”。故选D项。4【答案】B【解析】由于乔摔断了腿,在路上只能是拖累,因此让西蒙独自下山可能会

10、安全到达。unwillingly意为“不情愿地”;safely意为“安全地”;slowly意为“缓慢地”;regretfully意为“后悔地,遗憾地”。故选B项。5【答案】D【解析】西蒙要用绳子系着乔一起下山一定是非常危险的。risk ones life 意为“冒生命危险”。故选D项。6【答案】C【解析】根据语境,此处应该是指向下山走(went)时天气变得更差。故选C项。7【答案】D【解析】因为他们彼此看不到也听不见,西蒙不小心让乔掉到了峭壁边缘。这是他们在路途中遇到的又一个麻烦。damage意为“破坏”;storm意为“暴风雨”;change意为“改变”;trouble意为“麻烦”。故选D项

11、。8【答案】A【解析】乔掉下峭壁肯定不是西蒙故意造成的,而是疏忽所致。by mistake意为“由于疏忽所致”;by chance意为“意外地,偶然地”;by choice意为“出于选择”;by luck意为“侥幸地”。故选A项。9【答案】D【解析】下文中提到西蒙决定切断绳索,由此可知,乔不可能爬上去或者让西蒙把他拉上去。故选D项impossible,意为“不可能发生的”。10【答案】B【解析】根据语境,乔挂在峭壁边缘无法行动,是他身体的重量把西蒙渐渐拉向峭壁。故选B项weight。11【答案】A【解析】在寒冷和黑暗中过了无奈的一个多小时之后,西蒙才终于下了决心。此处应该理解为作了一番挣扎之后

12、下定决心。finally意为“终于”;patiently意为“耐心地”;surely意为“必定”;quickly意为“迅速地”。故选A项。12【答案】C【解析】一个多小时的徒劳挣扎终于让西蒙作出决定,含着眼泪,他割断了绳索。stand back意为“退后,靠后站”;take a rest意为“休息一下”;make a decision意为“作出决定”;hold on意为“坚持”。故选C项。13【答案】B【解析】乔被绳索挂在峭壁边缘。切断绳索,乔自然就掉落下去了。故选B项fell。14【答案】A【解析】根据下文可知,乔最终回到了宿营地附近。前句说乔无法走路,but后应该表示转折,也就是说,乔成功

13、地从裂缝出来,向宿营地移动。故选A项,manage to do sth.意为“设法做成某事”。15【答案】C【解析】乔的腿摔断了,不可能跑(run)、滑冰(skate)或行走(march),只能慢慢移动。故选C项move。16【答案】B【解析】根据上下文的意思,应该是向距离10公里远(away)的宿营地移动,故选B项。17【答案】D【解析】根据语境可知,西蒙一直在往宿营地走,而此刻应该是回到了宿营地,故后文才说他不愿意马上离开。head for意为“朝着前进”;travel to意为“去旅行”;leave for意为“出发去”;return to意为“回到”。故选D项。18【答案】A【解析】根

14、据上文切断绳索时的语境,西蒙认为乔一定已经死了(dead)。故选A项。19【答案】C【解析】根据下文中的Three days later可以推断出,西蒙没有立刻(immediately)离开。故选C项。20【答案】B【解析】西蒙认为乔已经死了。听到乔的声音,看到乔的出现,让他难以相信(believe)。故选B项。.阅读理解(2014全国课标,B)Since the first Earth Day in 1970, Americans have gotten a lot “greener” toward the environment.“We didnt know at that time th

15、at there even was an environment, let alone that there was a problem with it,” says Bruce Anderson, president of Earth Day USABut what began as nothing important in public affairs has grown into a social movement.Business people, political leaders, university professors, and especially millions of grass


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