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1、天天增分(十四)满分48分,实战模拟,15分钟拿下高考客观题满分 姓名:_班级:_.阅读理解Almost everyone has experienced anxiety at some time in their lives,and to do so is not only probably quite sensible, too. In some sense, the feeling of anxiety is like a signal to us that we need to take action. If we are walking alone down a dark stree

2、t and start to feel anxious,we might think, “This is getting frightening, I think Ill nip into the pub and call a cab.” so we will do something to get ourselves somewhere safe. If we have an exam coming up, we are likely to start feeling anxious. We might think, “I cant pretend its not happening. Iv

3、e got to revise or Ill totally mess up. ” Once again,anxiety can guide us to behave in a way that is in our best interests.However, anxiety can also imprison us. It stops us from doing what we would like to do and living our life fully. Feeling anxious is undoubtedly a fact of life, so our goal is n

4、ot to live an anxietyfree life but to live our life with acceptable levels of anxiety in a full way.Anxiety can be abnormal when it starts to take over our thinking processes and our lives, and makes it difficult for us to function. It is likely that people who experience extreme and upsetting level

5、s of continual anxiety are suffering from a disorder called Generalised Anxiety Disorder(GAD)The most important feature of GAD is that people experience quite severe anxiety and worry about a wide range of things over long periods of time. Other symptoms include finding it difficult to control the w

6、orry,getting easily tired, difficulty concentrating and sleep disturbance.People with GAD tend to worry about the same kinds of things as people without GADonly they fall into worrying more easily and tend to spend more time worrying. Research suggests that our worry tends to cluster around particul

7、ar themes including our health, finances, relationships, family, work and finally, worry about worrying.Some worries are realistic (“real event” worries). For example, if I worry about the size of my credit card bill,then this problem exists and my worry arises from a real problem. Some worries are

8、about things that may never happen(“hypothetical event” worries). Sometimes, real event worries spiral(螺旋形上升) into hypothetical event worries. For example, “My neighbors are noisy” could spiral into “Ill never be able to sell the house. Ill be stuck here for ever. ”Even though you may always have te

9、nded to worry, you can still learn to understand it and get on the top of it. Extreme worry is not a part of your personality, and its not something that you should accept as unavoidable.1. According to the passage, a person with GAD may _. A. try to do something to get himself somewhere safe B. foc

10、us his mind fully on what he is determined to do C. be anxious about one special thing for a long time D. be continuously worrying about some particular things2. It can be inferred from the passage that _. A. GAD can hardly be cured once one suffers from itB. anxiety actually has both positive and n

11、egative sides C. most people have experienced different levels of GAD D. hypothetical event worries are mostly from real event worries3. The difference between people with GAD and normal people lies in _. A. whether they feel worried B. what they worry about C. how they experience anxiety D. why the

12、y get into anxiety4. Which would be the proper title for the passage?A. Anxiety:Learn to Understand ItB. GAD:Learn to Keep Away from ItC. How to Get Rid of Your AnxietyD. How to Distinguish Anxiety from GAD1解析:细节理解题。根据文章第四段第一句“The most important feature of GAD is that people experience quite severe

13、anxiety and worry about a wide range of things over long periods of time.”可知,GAD的一个重要特征就是人们长期对很多事情表现出焦虑和忧虑,D项符舍原文。答案:D2解析:推理判断题。根据文章第一段第二句“In some sense,the feeling of anxiety is like a signal to us that we need to take action.”和最后一句“Once again,anxiety can guide us to behave in a way that is in our

14、best interests.”可知,焦虑可以指导我们采取对我们最有利的行为,这是它积极的(positive)方面。根据第二段第一句“However,anxiety can also imprison us”可知,焦虑同时也束缚着我们,说明它具有消极的(negative)方面。故选B项。答案:B3解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句“Almost everyone has experienced anxiety at some time in their lives.”和第四段第一句“The most important feature of GAD is that people exper

15、ience quite severe anxiety and worry about a wide range of things over long periods of time.”可知,正常的人和患有广泛性焦虑症的人的不同在于焦虑度的不同,故选C项。答案:C4解析:标题归纳题。通读全文,文章一开始指出了焦虑是每个人都会体验的感受,接着细述了焦虑对人们生活的积极和消极的影响,最后一段指出“Even though you may always have tended to worry,you can still learn to understand it and get on the to

16、p of it.”可知,作者希望读者能了解焦虑,从而能够成功地化解焦虑。因此,全文主题是介绍焦虑、学会了解焦虑,故选A项。答案:A.完形填空My sister was graduating just before Christmas, but due to my own scholarly schedule, I couldnt fly to Australia for her graduation. She was understandably _1_ , and I felt guilty that I wasnt able to be there for her.While talking to my supervisor t


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