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1、论 文 摘 要粮食安全问题既是关系国计民生的全国性问题,也是影响社会发展和稳定的区域性问题,在粮食主销区尤为如此。常州地区的粮食供应产不足需,粮食供需缺口达5070万吨,对外依存度达40%以上,粮食供应安全形势严峻。本文以常州地区的粮食供应安全管理为研究对象,旨在以粮食生产、粮食需求、粮食储存、粮食加工、粮食运输、粮食法制保障的现状为视角,通过查阅大量文献资料、开展问卷调查、实证案例研究,并通过分析粮食部门和统计部门的测算数据,采用层次分析法对常州市粮食安全管理展开评价,力图为保障本地区粮食供应安全提供切实可行的建议措施,也给长江三角洲地区其他粮食主销区提供借鉴参照。本文认为:粮食问题是千百年


3、推进粮食法治建设,具体每个方面还有相应措施。综合来说,保障粮食供应安全是一个复杂的系统工程,既要顾及粮食的自然属性,又要考虑居民不间断的需求因素,总体说来,提高产量是基础,仓储保管是关键,流通网络是载体,法治建设是保障。关键词:粮食安全;粮食管理;粮食生产;仓储管理;法制保障ABSTRACT Food security is a major problem of national economy and peoples livelihood. The shortage of grain supply and demand in Changzhou area is 50-70 million t

4、ons, and the dependence degree of foreign trade is more than 40%. Grain supply security situation is grim. This paper takes the food supply safety management in Changzhou as the research object, and aims at carrying out questionnaire investigation and empirical research on the basis of the current s

5、ituation of grain production, grain demand, grain storage, grain processing, grain transportation and grain legal protection. Case study, and through the analysis of the food sector and statistical data, using AHP analytic approach Changzhou food safety management evaluation, in order to protect the

6、 food security in the region to provide practical recommendations, but also to the Yangtze River Delta region other food The main selling area to provide reference. Food security is an important foundation for the realization of economic development, social stability and national security. The issue

7、 of food security is of great research value.Food security is an important part of the countrys food security. One of the important indicators of food security is the self-sufficiency rate of rations, rations self-sufficiency rate of 95% or more can be called to achieve food security. And whether a

8、country can break the constraints of the grain production cycle, at any time to ensure a sufficient number of food supply, is to achieve food security, the basic conditions. Changzhou area is the main sales area, food production needs, need strong storage capacity for food security escort, the curre

9、nt storage capacity of Changzhou there are still some gaps. In addition, the Changzhou municipal government grain reserves capacity and ability to control are inadequate. As a result, we must do a good job in four areas to improve the status quo of Changzhou to enhance the level of food supply secur

10、ity. First, to improve food production, the second is to strengthen the reserve capacity-building, the third is to improve the grain distribution network, the fourth is to promote the building of the rule of law in food, there are specific aspects of the corresponding measures. To sum up, to ensure

11、the safety of food supply is a complex system engineering, it is necessary to take into account the natural attributes of grain, but also consider the residents of the uninterrupted demand factors, in general, increase production is the foundation, storage is the key, the distribution network is Car

12、riers, the rule of law is to protect the building.KEY WORDS:Grain Security; Grain Management; Grain Production; Warehousing Management; Legal Safeguard目 录第一章 绪论1一、研究的目的和意义1(一)选题背景1(二)研究意义1二、相关概念界定3(一)粮食安全3(二)粮食安全评价3三、研究内容与研究方法4(一)研究内容4(二)研究方法6(三)论文框架7第二章 文献综述及理论概述9一、文献综述9(一)国外相关研究综述9(二)国内相关研究综述10(三)

13、文献评述13二、相关理论概述13(一)准公共物品理论13(二)规制理论15(三)需求弹性理论16第三章 常州地区粮食安全管理评价17一、常州地区的粮食安全管理评价原理、方法及思路17(一)评价原理17(二)评价方法17(三) 评价思路18二、 常州地区的粮食安全管理评价依据21三、 常州地区的粮食安全管理评价结果及对比24(一)2015年常州市粮食安全评价系数24(二)2015年常州市粮食安全状况25第四章 常州市粮食管理存在的主要问题及原因分析27一、常州市粮食管理存在的问题27(一)粮食产量不足 产需缺口持续扩大27(二)仓储能力不足 储粮安全难以保障27(三)调控能力有限 应急措施难以落

14、实27(四)法制基础薄弱 安全秩序难以维持28二、常州市粮食管理存在问题的原因28(一)产量不足的原因28(二)粮食安全调控体系不完善29(三)粮食调控能力不足29第五章 提升常州市粮食安全管理水平的建议31一、提高粮食总产量31(一)稳定耕地面积和提升耕地质量31(二)提高粮食单产水平31(三)增加农民种粮比较效益31(四)建设优质粮源基地32二、加强储备能力建设32(一)严格落实储备责任32(二)升级仓储设施水平32(三)创新地方储备管理机制32三、健全粮食流通网络33(一)完善粮食加工体系33(二)建立应急供应网络33(三)畅通流通渠道33四、推进粮食法治建设34(一)严格落实粮食安全省

15、长责任制34(二)尽快建立粮食法律体系34(三)落实监督检查责任34(四)大力推广节粮减损34结 论35参 考 文 献36第一章 绪论一、研究的目的和意义(一)选题背景联合国粮农组织(FAO)给“粮食”下的定义是指谷物,具体包括麦类、粗粮类和稻谷类三大类,这是人类几千年来赖以生存和繁衍的重要物资,世界上任何一个国家发生粮食短缺除了会引发本国饥荒和社会动荡外,还会通过贸易机制影响到其他国家,因此,粮食安全问题是世界各国广泛关注和重视的重大国家战略问题。我国是世界上人口最多的国家,我国若发生粮食安全问题将是世界级的重大事件,这是世界上许多国家非常担心的问题。我国各届政府历来非常重视粮食安全,但由于建国以来我国的农业政策侧重于为工业化发展服务以及不断地推进城镇化进程导致我国的粮食供需长期处于紧平衡状态,在此背景下国家提出了“18亿亩耕地红线”强制政策。党的十八大以来,我国在粮食安全保障的问题上提出了更加明确的主张,在2013年年底召开的中央经济工作会议上提出了“以我为主、立足国内、确保产能、适度进口、科技支撑”的国家粮食安全战略,随后召开的中央农村工作会议又


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