PEP小学英语六年级上册Unit3 What are you going to do PartB Let’s read

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PEP小学英语六年级上册Unit3 What are you going to do PartB Let’s read_第1页
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《PEP小学英语六年级上册Unit3 What are you going to do PartB Let’s read》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PEP小学英语六年级上册Unit3 What are you going to do PartB Let’s read(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3Whatareyougoingtodo BReadandwrite watchTV playcomputergames drawpictures flykites climbmountains playthepiano gotothecinema readamagazine Whatelse 还有什么 Areyougoingto Yes I mgoingtoreadamagazine Whatareyougoingtodothisweekend I mgoingto amagazineabout plants Ineed 需要 amagazine I mgoingtothebooks

2、tore I mgoingtobuyamagazineaboutplants postoffice cinema museum zoo hospital petshop fruitstand shoestore bookstore Gotothepostoffice postacard Gotothecinema seeamovie Gotothemuseum seesomepictures Gotothezoo seesomeanimals Gotothehospital seeadoctor Needsomepets gotothepetshop Needsomefruits gototh

3、efruitstand Needsomeshoes gototheshoestore Needsomebooks gotothebookstore Needsomeplants gototheplantshop plantshop postacardseeamovieseesomepicturesseesomeanimalsseeadoctor needsomepetsneedsomefruitsneedsomeshoesneedsomebooksneedsomeplants Ashortdialogue A Whereareyougoing B I mgoingtothe A Whatare

4、yougoingtodothere B I mgoingto thismorningthisafternoonthiseveningtonighttomorrowthisweekendnextweek postoffice cinema museum zoo hospital petshop fruitstand shoestore bookstore plantshop Whatishe shegoingtodo He she sgoingto doctor driver nurse scienceteacher Englishteacher TVreporter Mydreamcomest

5、ure 我的梦想成真了 A Iwanttobea an oneday I mgoingtobea an oneday Whatareyougoingtobeoneday B Listenandanswer WhatdoesSarahwanttobeoneday WhatisSarahgoingtodothisweekend Shewantstobeascienceteacher She sgoingtoplanttrees Chen Whatareyougoingtodothisweekend Sarah I mgoingtoplanttrees Chen Planttrees Sarah Y

6、es Ineedsomeplants SoI mgoingtotheplantshop Whatelse Letmesee Chen Areyougoingtouseanybooks Sarah Yes I mgoingtothebookstore I mgoingtobuyamagazineaboutplants Chen That sgreat Sarah Iwanttobeascienceteacheroneday Chen Whatareyougoingtodo Sarah I mgoingto Chen Planttrees Sarah Yes I someplants SoI mg

7、oingtothe Whatelse Letmesee Chen Areyougoingtouseanybooks Sarah Yes I mgoingtothe I mgoingtobuya about Chen That sgreat Sarah Iwanttobea oneday thisweekeng planttrees need plantshop bookstore magazine plants scienceteacher Answerthequestions WhatisSarahgoingtodoontheweekend Sheisgoingto 2 WhereisSar

8、ahgoingtobuytheplants Sheisgoingtobuytheplants 3 WhatisSarahgoingtobuyinthebookstore Sheisgoingto 4 WhatdoesSarahwanttobeinthefuture Shewantstobe planttrees intheplantshop buyamagazineaboutplants ascienceteacheroneday I mgoingtohaveabusyweekend OnSaturdaymorning I mgoingtobuysomefoodat7 00 Thefoodma

9、rketisnotfar soI mgoingonfoot Then I mgoingtoreadamagazineaboutfood Intheafternoon I mgoingtothecinemawithmyfriend ThecinemaiseastofDaYunsupermarket sowearegoingbytaxi Intheevening I mgoingtowatchTVwithmyparents OnSunday I mgoingtoclimbmountainswithmymotherbeforebreakfast Intheafternoon I mgoingtota

10、keatripneartheJishanpark ThenI mgoingtogohome Ilikemyweekend 2 Tickorcross 1 MissXuisgoingtobuysomefoodonSundaymorning 2 MissXuisgoingtothecinemawithhermother 3 MissXuisgoingtothecinemabytaxi 4 MissXuisgoingtoclimbmountainsafterlunch MissXu sWeekendPlan 计划 1 Readandjudge sWeekendPlanI mgoingtohavea happy busy nice good Weekend OnSaturday I mgoingto Then OnSunday I mgoingto Then Iwanttobea an Ilikemyweekend Homework Listenandreadthedialogue trytorecite 听读文中对话 试着背出 2 Trytowriteashortpassage Myweekendplan 试写小短文 我双休日的计划


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