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1、 Unit1 Ourschool words单词 computerroomartroommusicroomteachers officelibraryplaygroundcanteen wordgroup词组 firstfloorsecondfloorthirdfloor Thisisthelibrary Isthisthelibrary No Itistheartroom Thatisn ttheteachers office sentence句型 Whereisthecomputerroom It sonthefirstfloor Doyouhavelunchatschool Yes Id

2、o No Idon t 1 这2 那3 班级4 吃 有5 吃午餐6 在学校7 请这边走 8 图书馆在一楼 this that class have havelunch atschool Thisway please Thelibraryisonthefirstfloor 谁是小小翻译家 computermusicart computerroom电脑室 musicroom音乐室 artroom美术室 TV TVroom电视室 gym体育馆 It sonthe floor 1 2 3 Isthisthe 1 ratmoro 2 icmus 3 cputeomr 4 myg artroom musi

3、c computer gym 火眼金睛 Readinthe Eatinthe Playinthe Drawinthe canteen library library gym gym artroom canteen artroom 1 Thisisalibrary Isthisalibrary 2 Thatisapicture Isthatapicture 1 Thisisamonkey Isthisamonkey 2 Thatisthegym Isthatthegym 3 Thisismygrandfather Isthisyourgrandfather Isthatamouse Yes it

4、is That sright Isthisafootball No itisn t No it sabasketball 1 这是我的书 Thisismybook 2 那是你的书 Thatisyourbook 3 你们有图书馆吗 是的 我们有 不 我们没有 我是大翻译家 Doyouhavealibrary Yes wedo No wedon t 4 图书馆在哪里 Whereisthelibrary 在一楼 It sonthefirstfloor 5 教室里有多少个学生 Howmanystudentsarethereinyourclass 6 我们有一个新的电脑室 Wehaveanewcompu

5、terroom 我是小老师 1 yes itis 2 Yesitis 3 Yes isit 4 Yes itis 5 No itis 6 NO itisn t 7 No itisn t 8 No itisnt Unit2 Whattimeisit words单词 breakfastEnglishclasslunchmusicclassdinnerPEclass wordgroup词组 getupgotoschoolgohomegotobed 1 Whattimeisit It s7 2 It stimetogetup 3 It stimeforschool 4 Let sgotoschool

6、whattime it s itis o clock sentence句型 Warm up 说出1 10的英语单词 说出11 19的英语单词 说出20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90的英语单词 One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety 1 三餐 早餐breakfast 吃早

7、餐havebreakfast 午餐lunch 吃午餐havelunch 晚餐dinner 吃晚餐havedinner 2 学科 英语课Englishclass数学课mathclass语文课Chineseclass体育课P E class音乐课musicclass3 重点短语 起床getup去上学gotoschool回家gohome看电视watchTV睡觉gotobed 现在几点了 问 回答 Whatisthetime 或者是Whatisthetime Itis 时间例 Itis8 00 该是做什么的时候了 Itistimeto 做的事情如 该是睡觉的时候 Itistimetogotobed I

8、tistimefor 一日三餐 学科类如 该是吃晚饭的时候 Itistimefordinner 如 该是上英语课的时候 ItistimeforEnglishclass Doyouknow It sseven It sseveno clockIt stimeforEnglishclass It stimetohaveEnglishclass It stimeforbed It stimetogotobed Whattimeisit It s o clock It s o clock two eight Whattimeisit It s threefifteen 3 15 It s fourth

9、irty It s fiveforty five It stimetogetup It stimetogotoschool It stimeforEnglishclass Unit3 Weather words单词 cold cool warm hot sunny windy snowy rainy sentence句型 1 CanIgooutside yes youcan No youcan t 2 What stheweatherlikeinNewYork 3 It srainy 今天天气怎么样 What stheweatherliketoday What stheweatherlike

10、It s rainy windy snowy cloudy sunny dry wet What stheweatherlikein It s in spring warm summer hot What stheweatherlikein It s in autumn cool winter cold TheWeatherReportfromShanxiTV Askandanswer A What stheweatherlikein B In it s 根据表格完成句子 Doyouknow 1 It srainingdogsandcats 倾盆大雨 2 Asnowyear arichyear 瑞雪兆丰年 3 Talltreescatchmuchwind 树大招风 二 翻译 1 什么 2 时间 3 几点了 4 九 5 九点钟了 6 语文 7 课程 8 数学 9 七 10 英语 11 八 12 音乐 三 连词成句 1 is time it what 2 school time it s go to to 3 o clock it s twelve 4 for math time class it s 5 is breakfast ready Thankyou



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