Appreciate English songs and Noun clauses名词性从句和歌曲欣赏

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《Appreciate English songs and Noun clauses名词性从句和歌曲欣赏》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Appreciate English songs and Noun clauses名词性从句和歌曲欣赏(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Appreicatesongs Nounclauses IfonlyyousawwhatIcanseeYou llunderstandwhyIwantyousodesperatelyRightnowI mlookingatyouandIcan tbelieveYoudon tknowohohYoudon tknowyou rebeautifulOhohThat swhatmakesyoubeautiful 做宾语为宾语从句 做宾语为宾语从句 做宾语为宾语从句 做表语为表语从句 Step Lead in 名词性从句在句子充当 四中成分 有 性质 充当主语的为 充当宾语的为 充当表语的为 充当同位

2、语的为 Step Whatarenounclauses 主语Subject 宾语Object 表语Predicative 同位语Appositive 1 Definitionandtypes 名词 主语从句Subjectclause 宾语从句Objectclause 表语从句Predicativeclause Appositiveclause 同位语从句 thatwhetherifwhat ever which ever who ever whom ever whosewhen ever where ever how ever whybecause 2 Conjunctions 1 Whoev

3、ercomestothepartywillbewelcomed 2 Itisapitythatwecan tgo 3 Iwonderwhomtheyaretalkingabout 4 Wethinkitourdutythatweshouldhelpothers 5 Thepolicemanisthinkingaboutwhosefootprintitis 6 Thequestioniswhetheritisworthdoing7 Itseemsthatitisgoingtorain 8 Ihavenoideawherehecomesfrom 主从 主从 宾从 宾从 宾从 表从 表从 同位从 3

4、 Exercise Howtoidentifydifferenttypesofnounclauses conlusion 从句作 成分 位置多为 或由 作形式主语 从句作 成分 位置多为 或由 作形式主语 从句作 成分 位置为 从句作 成分 位置多为 用于说明名词的内容 主语 宾语 同位语 表语 主语 句首 it 宾语 动词 介词后 it 表语 be动词 系动词后 同位语 名词后 Step Howtouseconjunctions It samazinghowyoucanspeakrighttomyheart Withoutsayingaword youcanlightupthedark Tr

5、yasImayIcanneverexplainwhat sbeensaidbetweenyourheartandmine Thesmileonyourfaceletsmeknowthatyou renearme Thereisatruthinyoureyessaysyou llneverleaveme Thetouchofyourhandsaysyou llcatchmewhevererIfall Whenyousaynothingatall 1 Findoutthenounclausesinthelyric First Ithink1 thelyricofthissongisveryroma

6、ntic Thesecondreasonis2 itssoftmelodymakesmerelaxedwhenIlistentoit Lastbutnotleast thefact3 itistheendingsongofmyfavouritemoviemakesmemorewillingtolistentoit I msure4 thissongbringsyougoodmoodeventhoughwearelearninggrammar Iguess5 eventheteacherssittingatbackoftheclassroomarefondofitand6 allofyouare

7、lookingforwardtowatchingthemovie Isitagoodidea7 IcombineEnglishgrammarwithsongs 1 that A thatB that that that that that that that that BAAABAA 1 that可引导 2 that 充当成分 实际意思 3 that只有在 中可省 但在并列的两个宾语从句中 that可省 that不可省 不 无 动词后的宾语从句 第一个 第二个 conlusion 主从 表从 宾从 同位从 Itisagoodidea apleasure apitythat Itiscertai

8、n possible likely important necessarythat Itissaid thought believed considered reportedthat sbthinkitimportant necessary unbelievablethat 2 Classicsentencepatterns 是否这次我将真的离开你是否这次我将不再哭是否这次我将一去不回头走向那条漫漫永无止境的路是否这次我已真的离开你是否泪水已干不再流是否应验了我曾说的那句话情到深处人孤独 是否 2 whether if 是否这次我将真的离开你IwonderwhetherIwillleaveyo

9、uthistime IamnotsurewhetherIhavethecouragetoleaveyou IamthinkingaboutwhetherIshouldleaveyou WhetherIwillleaveyouthistimeisstillunknown ThequestioniswhetherIwillleaveyouthistime Ihaven tmadethedecisionwhetherIwillleaveyou 是否这次我将不再哭是否这次我将一去不回头 Iwonder Iwillleaveyou Iwonder Iwillhavethecouragetoleaveyo

10、u Idon tknow ornotIwillleaveyou Idon tknow Iwillleaveyouornot Idon tknow toleaveyouthistime Iamnotsure Ihavethecouragetoleaveyou Iamthinkingabout Iwillleaveyouthistime Icanleaveyouisstillunknown Thequestionis Iwillleaveyou Ihaven tmadethedecision Iwillleaveyou A whetherB if whether if whether if whe

11、ther whether whether if whether whether whether whether whether whether BBABAAAAAA 1 在名词性从句中 whether if 充当成分 译为 2 whether在 中都可用 但if只在 后的 可用 且不可与 连用 与 不可紧跟其后使用 不 是否 主从 表从 宾从 同位从 动词 宾从 todo conlusion ornot Aslongasyouloveme Althoughlonelinesshasalwaysbeenafriendofmine I mleavingmylifeinyourhands Peopl

12、esayI mcrazyand Iamblind Riskingitallinaglance yougotmeblindisstillamystery Ican tgetyououtofmyhead Don tcare iswritteninyourhistory Aslongasyou reherewithme Idon tcare youare you refrom youdid Aslongasyouloveme that How what who where what 3 Questionwords Howyougotmeblindisstillamystery Don tcarewh

13、atiswritteninyourhistory Idon tcarewhoyouare Idon tcare whereyou refrom Idon tcare whatyoudid Iwonder what which songyouprefer Personally Ilovebothofthem Youmaywanttoknow whether why Iamfondofboth Herearemyreasons Asforthefirstsong that what impressesmemostisthesinger svoice Ithinkitfullyexpresseshe

14、remotions I mquitedamazed when how shecouldsinginsuchaspecialway Asforthesecondone it sanoldsongfromBackstreetboys Ican tremember whether when Ilistenedtoitthefirsttime ButthelyricandrhythmweresocheerfulthatIremembereditatonce Myfavouritelineis Idon tcare youare youarefrom don tcare youdid aslongasy

15、ouloveme who where what Step Themostpopularsonginourgroup Discussion Whatisthemostpopularsonginyourgroup Canyousingapartofthesongforus Canyoulistatleastthreereasonswhyyoualllikeit Sample Allofourgroupmembersconsider from isthemostpopularsong Hereareourreasons thenameofthesong thenameofthesinger Youmayusethesesentencespatterns 1 Ithinkthat 2 Thefirst second thirdreasonisthat 3 Whatimpressesmemostisis 4 Itisagreatpleasurethat Themostpupolarsong Thanksforyourattention


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