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1、My Hobbies and Why I like themMy family is my major concern. I have noticed that they are very music oriented, whether it is my mother, my husband, or my 2 and 5 year old children. I have always loved music. I played the flute and the trombone in band. I was in choir until I could no longer be in it

2、. I loved to be involved in any musical concerts that came across my path. When I am not into my music, reading takes precedence. I love to read, but while I like to explore different authors, I could sit and read a certain set of books over and over, and learn something new every time. What I love

3、about reading is that you use your imagination. The imagination is a terrible thing to waste. With the world of technology, television, computers, and stereos, children dont use their imagination as much as they should. Besides the music and books, I am into exploring the internet. I love to explore

4、 different things on the internet. It is a great place to learn new ideas, to explore new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before. okay, okay, so I stole that phrase, but it really did sound good, didnt it?A family, school, music, books, and my computer. is there anything I have missed? Oh yes. I love to eat!版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!1,侵权必究 联系QQ68843242 1,版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!侵权必究 联系QQ68843242 1



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