2020届高考系统复习英语大题精做10 完形填空 说明文(学生版)

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1、A【2016上海】In the 1960s, Douglas McGregor, one of the key thinkers in the art of management, developed the most famous Theory X and Theory Y. Theory X is the idea that people instinctively 1 work and will do anything to avoid it. Theory Y is the view that everyone has the potential to find satisfactio

2、n in work.In any case, despite so much evidence to the 2 , many managers still agree to Theory X. They believe, 3 , that their employees need constant supervision if they are to work effectively, or that decisions must be imposed from 4 without consultation. This, of course, makes for authoritarian(

3、专制的) managers.Different cultures have different ways of 5 people. Unlike authoritarian management, some cultures, particularly in Asia, are well known for the consultative nature of decision-makingall members of the department or work group are asked to 6 to this process. This is management by the c

4、ollective opinion. Many western companies have tried to imitate such Asian ways of doing things, which are based on general 7 . Some experts say that women will become more effective managers than men because they have the power to reach common goals in a way that traditional 8 managers cannot.A rec

5、ent trend has been to encourage employees to use their own initiative, to make decisions on their own without 9 managers first. This empowerment(授权) has been part of the trend towards downsizing: 10 the number of management layers in companies. After de-layering in this way, a company may be 11 with

6、 just a top level of senior managers, front-line managers and employees with direct contact with the public. Empowerment takes the idea of delegation(委托) much further than has 12 been the case. Empowerment and delegation mean new forms of management control to 13 that the overall business plan is be

7、ing followed, and that operations become more profitable under the new organization, rather than less.Another trend is off-site or 14 management, where teams of people linked by e-mail and the Internet work on projects from their own houses. Project managers evaluate the 15 of the team members in te

8、rms of what they produce for projects, rather than the amount of time they spend on them.1. A. desireB. seekC. loseD. dislike 2. A. contraryB. expectationC. degreeD. extreme 3. A. vice versaB. for exampleC. howeverD. otherwise4. A. outsideB. insideC. belowD. above 5. A. replacing B. assessingC. mana

9、gingD. encouraging 6. A. referB. contributeC. objectD. apply7. A. agreementB. practiceC. electionD. impression8. A. bossyB. experiencedC. westernD. male 9. A. askingB. trainingC. warningD. firing 10. A. doublingB. maintainingC. reducingD. estimating 11. A. honored B. leftC. crowdedD. compared12. A.

10、economicallyB. traditionallyC. inadequatelyD. occasionally 13. A. denyB. admitC. assumeD. ensure14. A. virtualB. ineffectiveC. day-to-dayD. on-the-scene15. A. opinionB. riskC. performanceD. attractivenessB【河南省南阳市2020届高三上学期期终质量评估英语试题】Bridging the gapHow does a principal investigator make communicatio

11、n among deaf and hearing colleagues easier? Moreover, how are the large number of field-specific technical terms 16 and communicated in sign language? These 17 differences are not remarkably challenging to work around.Blumberg taught himself American Sign Language and has interpreters 18 in the lab

12、during the day. For lab meetings, journal clubs and research seminars, he has two interpreters present to tag-team signing. Costs for the interpreters are 19 by the NIHs Office of Research Services. The only learning curve that he experienced, Blumberg says, was realizing he needed 20 interpreters.

13、Before, when he had one deaf student, he could 21 the interpreting. As more deaf fellows joined, Blumberg 22 full-time interpreters for help.Having interpreters around all day is not necessary though. “ 23 , interpreters are only needed during the day if were having lab meeting, classes, important f

14、unctions or events, or 24 poster presentations, student presentations, guest presentations from 25 scientists,” Lundberg says, “The rest of the day, I do not need an interpreter, 26 Im in lab and its independent work.”During his Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota, Lundberg used online chat platfor

15、ms to 27 with his adviser and colleagues. Or he wrote 28 a whiteboard, scratch paper, or paper towels. His adviser later 29 that he keep the scraps of paper, which “was really good advice”, Lundberg says, “because they were really good notes.”“The best way to arrange the most suitable accommodations for deaf individuals is to ask them 30 they need,” says Derek Braun, a former postdoctoral fellow with Blumberg and currently a professor of biology at G



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