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1、Unit 2We have played football for a year now.单词拼写1.Simon is one of the members(会员) of the football club in our city.2.My mother always tells me to put my heart(心) into my study.3.Mrs Li spends lots of time taking care of her pet(宠物) cat.4.We cant imagine what ourdaily(日常的) life will be like without

2、the Internet.5.My grandma is over 80 years old,but she is in excellent condition.6.The old woman was very weak after the illness.7.Perhaps I will see him tomorrow,but Im not sure.8.My best friend,Tom,is very active in everything,so we choose him as our monitor.9.Whats wrong with you,Eric?I feel awfu

3、l and I think I must be ill.10.If you feel sleepy,you can go to bed now.用所给词的适当形式填空1.I stayed up late watching TV last night,so I felt very sleepy(sleep)in class today.2.The boy had to stop going to school because of his terribleillness(ill).3.Nowadays WeChat is widely used in our daily(day)life.4.S

4、ally is one of the most active(active)boys in her class.5.Mrs.White looks much weaker(weak)than she was yesterday.单项选择1.(2017福建)B has Hong Kong been back to our motherland?For 20 years.How time flies!A.How soonB.How longC.How often2.Fred looks veryD because he has been ill for a week.A.nervousB.quie

5、tC.activeD.weak3.(2017黑龙江龙东) My cousin isC heavy because he often eats fast food.A.much too;too manyB.too much;too muchC.much too;too much 4.导学号82654066(2017四川眉山) Her grandfather B a car in 2007.He the car for 10 years.A.buy;has boughtB.bought;has hadC.buys;has hadD.bought;has bought5.导学号82654067We

6、often practice EnglishB chatting with some foreign friends online.A.inB.byC.withD.of.选词填空take part in,in excellent condition,all over,feel healthy,feel awful1.Last night I caught a cold,so I felt awful.2.Li Ming took part in the speaking competition last week.3.She does lots of exercise and feels healthy now.4.Mr Wang works ten hours a day,but he is in excellent condition.5.He told the doctor that he felt ill all over.2



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