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1、期中检测卷(二) (考试时间: 100 分钟 试卷总分: 120 分)第I卷 选择题(共60分)一、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题l分,满分l5分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1. Did you watch Wolf WarriorII(战狼2), _ movie that made box office(票房) history in China last summer.Yes, it tells _ story of how the Chinese government successfully rescues overseas Chinese citizens i

2、n Africa. A. a; the B. the; theC. the; /D. a; a2. You look very beautiful in this dress and there is only one of this kind left here. I wonder if you would like to buy Of course I will.A. one B. some C. it D. any3. It is reported that the size of the economy (经济) of our country has expanded (突破) to

3、more than 82.7trillion(万亿) yuan from 54 trillion yuan _ the past years.A. over B. before C. after D. while4. Last summer, I went rafting(漂流)in Huaguo Mountain. Really? _ exciting trip it is!A. What B. What anC. HowD. How a5. Who is the woman over there? Is it Mrs White ? No, it be her. Mrs White is

4、much shorter.A. mustnt B. may not C. cant D. neednt6. _, Chinese mobile phones, like Huawei, have improved greatly.I agree. Thats why made-in-China products are more and more popular now.A. At the endB. In allC. In the endD. In the beginning7. Your spoken English is all very good. How do you improve

5、 it? Thanks. Mrs Wang always asks us to _ conversations in our English classes.A. take upB. make upC. turn upD. end up8. Excuse me, can I park my car here? Sorry, you can park it on _ side of the street. There is too much traffic. A. both B. either C. neither D. none9. Did Lucy dress herself beautif

6、ully at her birthday party? Yeah, of course. Her white dress caught everyones _. A. celebration B. organization C. introduction D. attention10. Didnt you see her come in just now? Oh, sorry, I _ to Bruno Mars songs, who picked up prizes at the up-to-date 2017 Soul Train Awards.A. is listening B. was

7、 listeningC. would listen D. have listened11. I hear Music and Art will enter the Entrance Examination for the high school.Yes. But dont worry. Nothing will be difficult if more attention _ to them.A. will pay B. will be paid C. is paid D. pays12. My parents are crazy about Super Brain. How about yo

8、ur parents? _my dad _my mom likes it. They prefer Nothing Gold Can Stay(那年花开月正圆).A. Not only; but also B. Both; and C. Neither; nor D. Either; or13. _ is it from our school to Mount Huaguo?About half an hour by bus. Shall we go climbing?A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How much14.Could you tel

9、l me _? “Rome was not built in a day.” You should try to give it enough chances to becomestrong. A. how I can do to have a good memoryB. what I can do to have a good memory C. how can I have a good memory D. why I should have a good memory15. What do you think of the news that if a passenger smokes

10、on high speed trains, he or she will be banned(禁止) from buying tickets for 180 days?_, it sounds pretty good and most of the Chinese are waiting for good results.A. Its a pleasureB. Im afraidC. Its a pityD. To tell the truth二、完型填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。A friend w

11、rote me a letter a few weeks ago. He felt 16 at the time. He ended his letter 17 this question: “We cant really change this crazy world we live in, can we?” I 18 to him and started my own letter with these words: “Yes, we most certainly can!”I can still remember 19 who changed my world. She was the

12、music teacher at my elementary school. She was good at playing the guitar. I wanted to 20 her. However, I didnt know 21 to play any instruments.One day, she let me 22 playing her guitar. I did my best, but could only stumble along(断断续地弹奏). When I was done, I put my head 23 . “I guess I am not very g

13、ood.” I told her. She looked at me with her kind eyes, 24 at me and said, “We are all good at something. You just need to 25 what you are good at. 26 , you can share it with the world.”Those words changed me. They planted a seed(种子) in my soul that 27 to grow to this day. They made me 28 that I had

14、something good inside of me. I just had to find it and share it.Can you change the world? Yes, you can! You can change it 29 one choice, one person, and one kind act at a time. All you have to do is share your 30 . Mother Teresa once said, “God doesnt ask us to do great things, only small things with great love.” So make your love great! Remember that everyone can change the world.16. A. hopef


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