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1、Unit5 A Lets talk公开课教案教 材:人教PEP小学英语三年级上册P48单元主题:Lets eat!课 型:听说课授课教师: 一、教学目标1. 掌握句型,正确朗读课文。能听、说、认读本课时句子Id like some juice, please. Here you are. Have some bread, too. Thanks. 要求模仿正确、语调自然,并能在情景对话中进行流畅交际。 2. 能够运用Have some 给别人提供或邀请别人吃些东西。如:Have some bread.并能够联系实际运用。在英语交流中能理解并尊重他人的意愿。 3. 能够听懂、认读并表演对话。 二

2、、教学重难点1. 掌握新句型Id like some juice, please. Here you are. Have some bread, too.并能够联系实际运用。 2. 能够正确朗读课文,模仿正确,语音标准。 三、教学准备课件,单词卡,食物模型,以及食品托盘一个。 四、教学过程Step1: Warm up 1. Greetings2. Sing a songT&Ss sing together “Watch out, rabbit”. 3. Eagle eyes: (Show the pictures of the food) T: Next, lets play a gameea

3、gle eyes. Are you ready? Go! Step2: Presentation& practice1. T: Look, so much food. Are you happy? Ss: Yes. T: And our old friend rabbit is happy, too. T (rabbit): Ha-ha, Im happy. Today is my birthday. T&Ss sing the song Happy birthday together.2. T: Thank you. Ill have a birthday party. What shoul

4、d I buy? (出现shopping list) Yes, some apples, some bananas, some 新授some 贴板书 T: And some (板书写省略号) S: some noodles/ fish/ sweets/ bread T新授bread, juice, egg 3. T: OK, the list is done. Lets go shopping.T&Ss: Go, go, go. Go shopping. T: What do you see? S: I see some . (Look at the blackboard) T: Mmm. I

5、d like some bread. Yummy. 新授 Id like 词卡 Id like = I would like What would you like? S: Id like some T把黑板上的食物取下放入筐中。4. Chant巩固 Id like, Id like, Id like some bread. Id like, Id like, Id like some juice. Id like, Id like, Id like some eggs. Yummy, yummy, yummy! T: Thats enough, lets go home. 5. T: My

6、friends are coming. Guess, who are they? T: Listen, woof, woof Ss: dog T: Quack, quack Ss: duck T: Oink, oink Ss: pig T: Who can be the dog? S: Woof Happy birthday. T: and the duck/ pig? 一个个把学生请上来S1: Im the dog. Woof, woof.S2: Im the duck. Quack, quack.S3: Im the pig. Oink, oink. S1-3: Happy birthda

7、y! T: Thank you! (拥抱) Welcome. Sit down, please. T: Have some juice.(举着托盘) S1-3: Thank you. 新授Have some Group work. (4人小组表演rabbit招待小伙伴的情景)6. T: Woof, woof Im the dog. Who will be the rabbit? Rabbit: Have some juice. Dog: No, no, no. Id like some bread, please.Rabbit: Here you are. Dog: Thank you. 教读

8、Id like some bread, please. Pair work(同桌两人活动,模仿对话)7. T: What about the duck? Rabbit: Have some Duck: No, no, no. Id like some , please. Rabbit: Here you are. Duck: Thank you. Ss fill in the blanks.8. How about the pig? 欣赏视频。 T& Ss ask and answer. Question: What would the pig like? Lets act 第一遍展示:T:

9、pig S1: rabbit Rabbit: Have some apples. Pig: Thank you. Rabbit, Im hungry. Id like some bread, please. Rabbit: Here you are. Pig: Im hungry. Id like some , please. (连续几次要食物) Rabbit: Here you are. Oh, no! Pig!Pair work(学生两人一组,模仿表演。)上台展示表演。9. Read and act the whole story. Lets act 1-4幅,小组合作。 Step3: Homework1. Listen and read the book on page 48.2. Act out the whole story.3. Try to make a new dialogue. 板书设计Unit5 Lets eat! A: Have some B: Im hungry. Id like some , please.A: Here you are.B: Thank you.


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