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1、Thousands march against Catalan secession巴塞罗那爆发大规模反独立游行更新于2017年10月9日 06:02 英国金融时报 迈克尔斯托瑟德 巴塞罗那报道Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of Barcelona on Sunday to urge that Catalonia remain part of Spain, adding to pressure on the Catalan regional government as it considers whether to dec

2、lare independence as early as this week.数十万人周日走上巴塞罗那街头,敦促加泰罗尼亚留在西班牙,此举加大了加泰罗尼亚地方政府面临的压力。该政府正在考虑是否最早在本周就宣告独立。The demonstrations came after Mariano Rajoy, Spains prime minister, reiterated his threat to suspend Catalonias autonomy if the region secedes, a sign Madrid has no intention of backing down f

3、rom a potential conflict with the pro-independence Catalan government.这场示威游行发生之前,西班牙首相马里亚诺拉霍伊(Mariano Rajoy)重申了他的威胁:如果该地区宣告独立,就将终止加泰罗尼亚的自治地位。这表明,面临与支持独立的加泰罗尼亚政府之间的潜在冲突,马德里方面无意退让。The anti-secession marches in the Catalan capital and the tough talk from Mr Rajoy highlight the choices facing Carles Pui

4、gdemont, president of Catalonia, as he considers a unilateral declaration of independence that would deepen Spains constitutional and political crisis.加泰罗尼亚首府发生的反独立游行以及拉霍伊的强硬言论,凸显了加泰罗尼亚自治区主席卡莱斯普伊格德蒙特(Carles Puigdemont)面临的各种选择。他正在考虑单方面宣布独立,这将加深西班牙的宪政及政治危机。Catalonia voted heavily in favour of independ

5、ence in a deeply contested referendum, disrupted by Spanish police, on October 1, in which turnout was around 40 per cent. Spains government maintains the vote was illegal.在10月1日举行的一场存在严重争议的全民公投中,加泰罗尼亚民众高票支持独立。那场公投遭到了西班牙警方的冲击,投票率约为40%。西班牙政府坚持认为,这场公投是非法的。Mr Puigdemont also faces pressure from the cor

6、porate world after large companies such as CaixaBank and Banco de Sabadell announced they would move their legal base from the region.普伊格德蒙特还面临着企业界的压力。此前,凯克萨银行(CaixaBank)和萨瓦德尔银行(Banco de Sabadell)等大型企业宣布,将把各自的总部迁离该地区。A delegation from Cercle dEconomia, an influential business forum, met Mr Puigdemon

7、t at the weekend to ask him to withdraw his threat to split from Spain.周末,有影响力的商业论坛Cercle dEconomia的一个代表团会晤了普伊格德蒙特,请求他收回威胁从西班牙独立的言论。Barcelona police said 350,000 people participated in the anti-independence march on Sunday, while organisers said that 930,000 people turned out. Pro-independence ralli

8、es have in recent years also attracted huge numbers, underlining the huge split in Catalan society.巴塞罗那警方表示,35万人参加了周日举行的反独立游行,而组织者称游行人数达到93万。近年来,支持独立的集会也吸引了大量参与者,突显加泰罗尼亚社会存在的巨大分歧。Richard Thaler wins Nobel Prize in Economics理查德塞勒获2017年诺贝尔经济学奖更新于2017年10月10日 06:24 英国金融时报 杰玛泰特洛 报道 Richard Thaler, the ma

9、n behind “nudge” economics, has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his work on incorporating insights from psychology into economic theory and policymaking.“轻推”经济学背后的人物理查德塞勒(Richard Thaler)被授予2017年诺贝尔经济学奖(Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences),因为他将心理学的洞察力融入经济理论和政策制定。The award, which is

10、 officially known as the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in memory of Alfred Nobel, was awarded to Prof Thaler for his “contribution to behavioural economics”, the prize committee said.诺贝尔评奖委员会表示,把今年的奖项正式名称是“纪念阿尔弗雷德诺贝尔瑞典银行经济学奖”(Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel)授予塞勒教授是为了

11、表彰他“对行为经济学作出的贡献”。The US economist co-wrote the global bestseller Nudge, which explores issues such as how people can be given incentives to make more rational decisions.这名美国经济学家与人合著了全球畅销书轻推(Nudge),其中探讨的课题包括如何给予人们激励才能让他们作出更为理性的决策。He is currently professor of behavioural science and economics at the U

12、niversity of Chicago.他目前是芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)行为科学与经济学教授。Prof Thaler is the 79th recipient of the Nobel in economics, which was announced by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm on Monday morning. He will receive a prize of SKr9m ($1.1m).瑞典皇家科学院(Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

13、)周一在斯德哥尔摩宣布的这一决定,使塞勒教授成为第79位诺贝尔经济学奖获得者。他将获得900万瑞典克朗(合110万美元)的奖金。Economists have traditionally assumed that individuals behave rationally, making decisions on the basis of all the information readily available to them. But Prof Thalers work has incorporated insights from psychology to help explain wh

14、y people behave in ways that are not fully rational for example, struggling to save for retirement and placing a higher value on items or money they already have than on those they might buy or win.传统上,经济学家们假设个人的行为是理性的,根据自己可以轻易获得的所有信息做出决策。但塞勒教授的研究融入了来自心理学的洞见,以帮助解释为什么人们的行为方式不完全理性,例如难以为退休后的人生阶段储蓄,以及认为

15、自己已经拥有的物品或金钱(而不是自己可能购买或赢得的东西)具有更高价值。After the prize was announced, Prof Thaler, who is a keen golfer, said he would try to spend the money “as irrationally as possible”.在这一奖项宣布后,爱打高尔夫的塞勒教授表示,他将 “尽量非理性地”花掉这笔奖金。The insights from his work were summarised in Nudge, which was co-authored with Cass Sunste

16、in, a professor at Harvard. Prof Sunstein quipped on Twitter that the decision to award the prize to Prof Thaler was “an unboundedly rational choice for the Nobel”.他与哈佛大学(Harvard)教授凯斯桑斯坦(Cass Sunstein)合著的轻推总结了来自他的研究工作的深刻见解。桑斯坦教授在Twitter上表示,把经济学奖授予塞勒教授是“诺贝尔奖作出的无限理性的选择”。The prize committee said Prof Thalers work had inspired many other researchers and transforme


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