2020年人教版英语九年级 时态复习(二)课件

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《2020年人教版英语九年级 时态复习(二)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年人教版英语九年级 时态复习(二)课件(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 时态二一般将来时与现在完成时 学习目标 3 在语境中熟练运用以上两种时态的中考解题技巧 2 利用思维导图掌握一般将来时和现在完成时的中考考点 1 在情景中掌握一般将来时和现在完成时的结构及用法 Judy What sJudygoingtobeinthefuture Judy splans I twohoursadayinthefuture I inZootopiaPoliceSchoolnextweek I apoliceofficerintwoyears I forZootopiatomorrow willrun willleave amgoingtostudy amgoingtobe 一

2、般将来时 结构 定义 标志词 表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态 1 2 will 动词原形 begoingto 动词原形 tomorrow soon tonight nextyear week month in 一段时间 inthefuture in2050 标志词 一般将来时 结构 定义 TrainStation Mum We resoproudofyou Judy Dad Yes andscared too Zootopiaissuchabigcity manyinterestingthings and lotsofdanger Youshouldbecareful Judy Iwillbe

3、OK dad Don tworry Mum Promiseyouwilltakegoodcareofyourself Judy Ipromise mum Thetrain inaminute Ishouldgo Dad We toseeyounextmonth Judy OK Iloveyou Bye M D Bye Judy Thereisgoingtobe isleaving arecoming Listenandcompletetheconversation 听录音补全对话 therewillbe 现在进行时表将来 现在进行时表将来 therebe结构的将来时 表示某处将会有某事物发生时

4、 与therebe结构连用 表达为 thereisgoingtobe therewillbe 考点一 There anartfestivalattheendofthismonth A wasB isC isgoingtobeD willhaveThere morepeopleintheworldin2060 A willbeB willhaveC wereD are 他们五小时后将会到达这个村子 They atthisvillageinfivehours 我们明天将去郊游 We onafieldtriptomorrow 表往来运动的某些短暂性动词go come leave arrive等 可用

5、现在进行时表即将要发生的动作 考点二 arearriving aregoing 1 Withthedevelopmentofscienceandtechnology robotcooks inourfamiliesinthefuture A appearB appearedC willappearD wereappearing 考点训练 2 I veneverseenMr Taylorbefore Don tworry I himtoyoubeforethemeeting A willintroduceB introducedC haveintroducedD hadintroduced 3

6、Hurryup Thetrain atthestationinasecond A arrivesB isarrivingC arrivedD hasarrived Twoyearslater 两年过后 Judysendsamessagetoherparentsaboutherrecentlife Mydearparents howiseverythinggoingathome IhavegraduatedfromZootopiaPoliceSchoollately andIhavealreadybecomeapoliceofficer PeopleinZootopiaareverynice I

7、havehadsomenewfriendssinceImovedhere Howtimeflies IhavebeenawayfromBunnyTownformorethan2years Imissyousomuch 标志词 现在完成时 结构 定义 1 2 过去发生的动作或事情 对现在有影响 从过去一直持续到现在的动作或事情 have has 动词过去分词 already yet never ever before sofar since for recently lately inthepastfewyears days months 一 规则变化 动词的过去分词 worked studie

8、d lived stopped 二 不规则变化 动词的过去分词 done seen taken come run made bought read beaten A B C A B A A B B A A A A A B yet ever never already HaveyouheardthenewsofJudy Judyhas becomeapoliceofficerinZootopia Haveyou heardofarabbitpoliceofficer JudyisthebravestrabbitIhave known Therehas beenarabbitpoliceoffic

9、erbefore Manyanimalshaven tacceptedthefact 标志词辨析1 ever曾经 用于 放在 already已经 用于 放在 或 never从不 用于 放在 yet还没 用于 放在 ever ever already never yet 疑问句和肯定句 句中 肯定句 句中 句末 否定句 句中 疑问句和否定句 句末 yet Judygetsachancetoproveherself 标志词辨析2 forsince Mrs Ottertonhasn tseenherhusband 10days EmmittOttertonhasbeenmissing 10daysa

10、go Mrs OttertonhaswishedtheZPDtohelp lastMonday Judyhasbeeninherfirstcase ChiefBogoadmittedher for since for后面接 表示 since后面接 表示 一段时间 一段时间ago since 时间点 一般过去时的句子 持续了 时间 自从 到现在 since 1 Emmitt MysticSpringOasismanytimes 2 A WhereisEmmittOtterton B He Tundratown 3 Emmitt Cliffsidefor10days hasbeenin hasbe

11、ento hasgoneto havegonetohavebeentohavebeenin 去了某地 现在还没回来 待在某地 曾经到过某地 现在已回来 短语辨析 后面常接次数 常与for since连用 havegonetohavebeentohavebeenin 神秘冰泉绿洲 冰川镇 悬崖收容所 小试牛刀 1 HaveyoulearnedEnglish Yes I velearnedalotsinceprimaryschool A never everB ever alreadyC ever neverD already ever2 Ihaven theardfromhim lastweek

12、 A sinceB forC agoD before3 They ChinathreetimesandtheyloveChinesefoodverymuch A havebeentoB havebeeninC havegonetoD havecometo JudyandNickhasendedthemissinganimalcase Themissinganimalcasehasbeenoversinceaweekago NickhasjoinedtheZPD 动物城警局 recently NickhasbeenintheZPDforfivedays Zootopiahasbecomeabet

13、terplace Zootopiahasbeenabetterplacesincethen 短暂性动词与延续性动词 当句中出现for since howlong等时 have has后要接延续性动词 成为 的一员 延续性动词 Howlong 加入 短暂性动词 结束 短暂性动词 变成 短暂性动词 是 延续性动词 处于结束的状态 延续性动词 had kept bein beenin bedead beendead beawayfrom beenawayfrom beon beenon beopen have 拥有 keep 保管 beenopen 你知道以下短暂性动词相对应的延续性动词吗 1 Ko

14、beBryant sinceJan 26th 2020 Manypeoplearesadtolosehim A diedB hasdiedC wasdeadD hasbeendead2 Themovie forabout20minutes solet sseethenextone A hasbeenonB hasstartedC startedD began 小试牛刀 1 Myfather inapandaprotectioncenterfor10years soheknowsalotaboutpanda A wasworkingB isworkingC hasworkedD willwork

15、2 WhatgreatprogressHuawei inrecentyears Nowonderitiswidelyknowninallpartsoftheworld A ismakingB hasmadeC makesD made3 TheTVplayAllIsWell theheartsofmanypeoplesinceitwasfirstshowedmonthsago A winsB wonC haswonD willwin 考点训练 Hello everyone Haveyou1 seenthemovieZootopia Today I2 介绍 thiswonderfulmovieto

16、you Judyisthemaincharacterofthismovie Tobeapoliceofficer3 herdreamsinceshewasachild Althoughsheisalittlerabbit sheisverybraveandsincere Zootopiahasbeenapeacefulplace4 Judybecameapoliceofficer Thismovieshowsusanyonecanbeanythingifhebelievesinhimself Ifyou5 thismovieyet youcanwatchitthisweekend Ibelieveyou6 funwatchingit Hopeyou7 喜欢 it 短文填空 ever amgoingtointroduce hasbeen since haven twatched willhave willlike Summary



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