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1、前台FRONT DESK部门/区域:DEPARTMENT/ AREA: FD 接待处 RECEPTION 服务内容/工作职责:SERVICE/ TASK:FD-SOP-032 现金支出 PAID OUTS标准:STANDARD: 确保支付客人的金额数目正确且附有客人签名的凭证To make sure that we give the correct amount of money to the guest with the proper signature for hotel records迅速而高效地得到帮助To be assisted promptly and efficiently认真核

2、查 Check If you can issue a paid out 所有现金支出必须有当班主管检查,告知其金额,原因及宾客姓名。Check with your supervisor if you can issue the paid-out. Mention the amount, the reason and the name of the guest. 礼貌告知客人酒店只能提供有限金额的信用卡提现,且需收取5%手续费Kindly inform the guest that we can only give a certain amount on his credit card as w

3、ell we will be charging him 5% commission on his account. 确认宾客是否有足够的信用额度(预授权或预付现金),如果没有,报告主管由其确认是否帮助客人提现Check if the guest has enough credit facilities (enough authorization on his credit card or enough cash advance). If not, refer to your supervisor who will take the decision of giving out the mone

4、y or refusing. 主管在必要时须向客人要求更多预授权,或留言通知宾客支付现金押金。Supervisor, take action when necessary; ask for more authorization on credit card, send a message to the guest for cash deposit. 将信用卡背面的签名与宾客登记卡上的签名校对。如果不一致,不得提现并报告主管 Check the signature on the back up presented to you against the signature of the guest

5、 on the Registration Card. If it does not tally, do not hand out the money and advise your supervisor. 宾客期望Customer expectation工作职责What to do?工作标准Standard of Performance用你的收银员编码进入客人帐单Go in BILLING by cashier enter the password 输入M 进入菜单选框Enter M to get the MENU screen输入4进入入账窗口Enter 4 NEW POSTING. 选择现

6、金支出的代码“800”Use 800 department code for posting the paid out 输入支出金额按yes确认Enter the amount you like to post in the amount field press yes to confirm it 输入凭证号码在参考栏按enter完成入账Enter the voucher number in the reference field press enter to complete the posting 填写支出单并要客人签字Write the whole explanation in full

7、 in the voucher and get guest to sign. 根据入住程序,所有客人在登记时应在登记卡上签字,如果没有,向客人索求签字模式否则不得提现Supervisors, as per check-in procedure, the signature of all guests staying in the room should appear on the Registration Card. If not, please contact the guest to give a sample of their signature and authorize paid-o

8、ut accordingly. 填写现金支出单:宾客姓名/房号/日期/提现原因Fill in the paid-out slip : Name of the Guest/ Room Number / Date / Reason for Paid Out 如果款项直接记入信用卡且已包含手续费,填写一张手续费杂项单If the paid-out is debited directly on a credit card and a commission has been charged, fill in a separate miscellaneous voucher for the commiss

9、ion only. 签名要求:The required signatures are:现金支出单:On the Paid-Out Slip:第三方和/或宾客/自己(收银员)/前台经理或主管THE THIRD PARTY and/or THE GUEST (if present) / YOURSELF (as cashier) / FD MANAGER or SUPERVISOR杂项收费单:On the Miscellaneous Slip:宾客/自己(收银员)THE GUEST / YOURSELF (as the cashier) 把对应的单据和宾客的复印件放在一起并存档Attach the

10、 corresponding back up to the guests copy and file it 如果前厅经理,副经理或接待处经理在场,请他们复签结帐单。如果不在,把单据保存在你的收银抽屉内If the Front Desk Manager, Assistant Manager or Reception Manager is available, have them countersign the paid out. If not, keep it in your float. 在当班结束时把现金支出单装入现金袋交至财务部。杂项单按要求放于前台 Send paid out to accounts in the cash envelope at the end of your shift. Place the miscellaneous slip in the required spot in reception.



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