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1、中国软饮料市场的差异化营销策略研究学 院:影视技术艺术学院专 业:广告学学生姓名:陈哲学 号:04110081指导老师:乌嘉义目 录摘 要4ABSTRACT5一、中国软饮料市场现状分析8(一)市场需求量大,增长趋势明显8(二)饮料种类丰富,消费需求多元化9(三)饮料品牌之间竞争激烈9(四)产品同质化明显10(五)市场消费的不均衡性突出11二、中国软饮料市场的差异化营销策略分析11(一)中国软饮料市场的产品差异化策略分析12(二)中国软饮料市场的品牌形象差异化策略分析16(三)中国软饮料市场的促销差异化策略分析20三、中国软饮料市场的差异化营销策略的误区与风险24(一)中国软饮料市场差异化营销策

2、略的误区25(二)中国软饮料市场差异化营销策略的风险25四、中国软饮料市场差异化营销策略的建议27(一)根据消费者的需求实施差异化营销策略27(二)根据软饮料市场的发展趋势实施差异化营销策略28(三)坚持不断创新28注释30参考文献31致谢32附录摘 要差异化营销策略是指企业有效地运用其技术、产品、服务等方面的优势,向目标市场推出具有满足消费者特定需要的产品或服务,从而树立与众不同的形象,形成具有区别的特定消费市场,以抵御其他同类产品和替代品的激烈竞争。随着中国经济的持续发展,居民生活水平的不断提高,中国软饮料市场容量不断增加,具有极大的成长空间。良好的市场前景吸引了越来越多的企业的进入软饮料


4、名称、品牌定位、品牌个性中创造差异;而促销差异化,则可以凭借差异化的广告策划、促销活动、公关策划来实现。另外,软饮料企业在实施差异化策略时有必要认识到,差异化营销策略并不是万能的,而是一把双刃剑,不当的差异化策略会给企业造成严重的后果,软饮料企业必须警惕走入差异化策略的误区,规避差异化策略所可能引发的各种风险。最后,想要更有效地实施差异化策略,中国软饮料企业还要清楚地了解各类消费者的不同需要,紧跟软饮料市场的发展趋势,并做到在生产技术和组织、管理上的多方面的创新。关键词:软饮料 差异化 营销策略ABSTRACTThe difference marketing strategy is refer

5、s to the enterprise effectively to utilize its technology、product、service superiority, offer the product or service which has meets the consumers specific needs to the goal market, thus sets up the unusually image, forms the specific difference market, resists the competition of other similar produc

6、ts and substitute.With the development of economic and peoples living standard in China, the output of soft drinks is increase year by year, the market capacity increase unceasingly and have great potentiality of development. More and more enterprises have been attracted entering this market, as con

7、sequence, the drink multitudinous brand compete intensely, the product homogeneity phenomenon is serious and so on. At the same time, the contemporary Chinese soft drinks markets diverse demand and the unbalanced expend in market give the soft drinks enterprise the opportunity to development. The di

8、fference marketing strategy is an effective method for the soft drinks enterprise to hold the market opportunities and open new market, thus solves the product homogeneity phenomenon which handicap the soft drinks enterprise grows strong and differentiate the product or the brand with the similar pr

9、oduct so as to win the competition.Chinese soft drinks enterprise can implement difference marketing strategy in the way of the product difference, the brand image difference and the sale difference. To implement the product difference strategy, may in the aspect of the product localization, market,

10、 packing, category, craft, and channel. To implement the brand image difference, may in the aspect of the brand name, the brand localization and the brand individuality. To implement the sale difference, may in the aspect of the advertisement, sell and the public relationship. Moreover, when the sof

11、t drinks enterprise implementation difference strategy has the necessity to realize the difference marketing strategy is not multi-purpose, but is a double-edged sword, the improper difference strategy can create the serious consequence to the enterprise, the soft drinks enterprise must be vigilant

12、the erroneous zone of the difference strategy, dodges each kind of the risk which the difference strategy possibility initiates. Finally, Chinese soft drinks enterprise must clearly understand each kind of consumers different need, follows close on the soft drinks markets development tendency, and a

13、chieves many innovations in technology, organization and management.KEY WORDS: soft drink difference marketing strategy中国软饮料市场的差异化营销策略研究 随着世界经济的一体化的发展和营销环境的变化,差异化营销策略已越来越受到企业的关注和偏爱,成为企业开发新产品、寻求新市场、抵御竞争压力和进行营销策划的有力武器。同时,伴随着人们对于营销理论研究的不断深入,实现差异化的范围变得异常广大。当今世界,差异化营销已经成为企业整体营销活动中必不可少的一个环节。当代的中国软饮料业有着世界任





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