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1、美国国家安全战略报告全文中英对照(一)新年将至,Wells公司先在这里提前祝福大家元旦快乐,感谢大家一直以来的持续关注和支持,也祝愿新的一年,国家美好,世界和平!National Security Strategyof the United States of America美国国家安全战略报告(一)December20172017年12月THE WHITE HOUSEWASHINGTON, DC白宫华盛顿特区My fellow Americans:我的美国同胞们:The American people elected me to make America great again. I pro

2、mised that my Administration would put the safety, interests, and well-being of our citizens first. I pledged that we would revitalize the American economy, rebuild our military, defend our borders, protect our sovereignty, and advance our values.美国人民选择了我让美国再次变得强大。我承诺我领导的本届政府会把美国公民的安全、利益和福祉放在首位。我承诺我

3、们将振兴美国的经济,重建我们的军队,保卫我们的边境,保护我们的主权,并推进我们的价值观。During my first year in office, you have witnessed my America First foreign policy in action. We are prioritizing the interests of our citizens and protecting our sovereign rights as a nation. America is leading again on the world stage. We are not hiding

4、from the challenges we face. We are confronting them head-on and pursuing opportunities to promote the security and prosperity of all Americans.在我任期的第一年,你们见证了我所推行的“美国优先”的外交政策。我们优先考虑美国公民的利益和美国的主权。美国在世界舞台上重回领导地位。我们没有逃避我们所面临的挑战,我们迎面而上,正在为增进美国人民的安全与繁荣而寻求机遇。The United States faces an extraordinarily dang

5、erous world, filled with a wide range of threats that have intensified in recent years. When I came into office, rogue regimes were developing nuclear weapons and missiles to threaten the entire planet. Radical Islamist terror groups were flourishing. Terrorists had taken control of vast swaths of t

6、he Middle East. Rival powers were aggressively undermining American interests around the globe. At home, porous borders and unenforced immigration laws had created a host of vulnerabilities. Criminal cartels were bringing drugs and danger into our communities. Unfair trade practices had weakened our

7、 economy and exported our jobs overseas. Unfair burden-sharing with our allies and inadequate investment in our own defense had invited danger from those who wish us harm. Too many Americans had lost trust in our government, faith in our future, and confidence in our values.当今世界形势异常险峻,近年来种种威胁不断升级。在我

8、就任之初,流氓政权就在研制核武器和核导弹威胁整个世界。激进伊斯兰恐怖组织四处生根。恐怖分子控制了中东的大片地区。敌对国家正在全球范围内严重损害美国利益。国内,千疮百孔的边境线、移民法执行不力造成了诸多漏洞。犯罪集团正把毒品和危险输入我们的社区。不平等贸易往来削弱了我们的经济,导致我们的工作岗位流向海外。与我们的盟友之间不公平的分担以及对国防的投入不足加剧了敌方的威胁。太多的美国人失去了对政府的信任、对未来的信念、对我们价值观的信心。Nearly one year later, although serious challenges remain, we are charting a new a

9、nd very different course.将近一年之后,尽管严峻挑战尚存,但是我们正在开启一个全新的、极为不同的征程。We are rallying the world against the rogue regime in North Korea and confronting the danger posed by the dictatorship in Iran, which those determined to pursue a flawed nuclear deal had neglected. We have renewed our friendships in the

10、Middle East and partnered with regional leaders to help drive out terrorists and extremists, cut off their financing, and discredit their wicked ideology. We crushed Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorists on the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, and will continue pursuing them until they ar

11、e destroyed. Americas allies are now contributing more to our common defense, strengthening even our strongest alliances. We have also continued to make clear that the United States will no longer tolerate economic aggression or unfair trading practices.我们正在集结世界各国对抗朝鲜的流氓政权,直面来自伊朗独裁政权的威胁执意追求有缺陷的伊朗核协议

12、的人对威胁视而不见。我们已经在中东重建了联盟,并与该地区的领导人携手合作,铲除恐怖分子和极端主义者,切断他们的资金链,使他们邪恶的意识形态信誉扫地。我们在叙利亚和伊拉克的战场上粉碎了伊斯兰国(ISIS)恐怖分子,并将乘胜追击,直到他们被彻底摧毁。美国的盟友正在为我们的共同防御承担了很多责任,强化了我们的盟友关系。我们也继续表明,美国将不再容忍经济侵略或不公平的贸易往来。At home, we have restored confidence in Americas purpose. We have recommitted ourselves to our founding principles

13、 and to the values that have made our families, communities, and society so successful. Jobs are coming back and our economy is growing. We are making historic investments in the United States military. We are enforcing our borders, building trade relationships based on fairness and reciprocity, and

14、 defending Americas sovereignty without apology.在国内,我们恢复了对美国意志的信心。我们已经承诺坚持美国的建国理念和那些造就了美国家庭、社区和社会的价值观。工作岗位正在回流到国内,经济正在增长。我们对美国的军队的投资创下历史记录。我们增强了边境线,在公平互惠的基础上开展贸易关系,并且毫无歉意地捍卫美国的主权。The whole world is lifted by Americas renewal and the reemergence of American leadership. After one year, the world knows

15、 that America is prosperous, America is secure, and America is strong. We will bring about the better future we seek for our people and the world, by confronting the challenges and dangers posed by those who seek to destabilize the world and threaten Americas people and interests.美国的复兴和美国领导地位的重振令世界为

16、之振奋。一年之后,世人将见证美国的繁荣、美国的安全和美国的强大。我们将直面所有企图破坏世界稳定和威胁美国人民和美国利益的势力所带来的挑战和危险,为美国人民和世界谋求更加美好的未来。My Administrations National Security Strategy lays out a strategic vision for protecting the American people and preserving our way of life, promoting our prosperity, preserving peace through strength, and advancing American influence in the world. We will pursue this beautiful visiona world of strong, sovereign, and independent nations, eac


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