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1、Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?Section A 2 (3a-3c) 1.能掌握以下单词和短语:relation,communication,argue,cloud,elder,instead,whatever,nervous,offer,proper,secondly,communicate,explain,clear,copy,return,anymore,get on with。2.阅读短文,能按要求找到相应的信息。3.通过阅读提高学生们的阅读能力。4.了解如果在生活中发生了一些不尽如人意的问题,应当如何面对并理性地去解决。1.短文阅读

2、与技巧,关注学生心理健康和情感教育,学生合理表达自己的观点和看法。2.学习could/should的用法,连词(词组)until,although,so that的用法。运用句型Why dont you.?1.阅读短文,提高获取相关信息的能力,提高阅读能力。 2.掌握本部分出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。3.理解并运用所学的词汇及表达方式。 本课教学内容是八年级下Unit 4 第二课时,是一节阅读和语法课。在阅读部分要训练学生阅读技能,涵盖交际、语法、词汇和知识点等,教会学生如何处理人际关系、健康成长等深层含义。阅读中对不会的词要进行猜测,练习提高猜测词义的能力。 准备单词卡片、图片、多

3、媒体课件。Step. Lead inLeading in 【情景1】T:Can you get on well with your family?S1: Yes,I can.My parents care for me and I like to talk with them.T: Are the relations between your parents good?S2: I think so.Though they argue sometimes,they get on well with each other most of the time.T: Do you have any br

4、others or sisters?Can you get on well with him/her?S3: Yes.I have a brother.We are not good with each other.We always get into a fight.He always refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show.T: Who do you ask for help when you have problems?S4: I always talk to my best friend and ask her for help.设计意图

5、通过问答一些有关家庭生活的问题来导入正题,为这节课的学习做好铺垫。Leading in 【情景2】T: In our daily life,we can meet all kinds of people and things.Maybe these things cause lots of sadness or pressure.So we must have the proper ideas to deal with them.We can also communicate with our parents or friends to relax ourselves.Communicatin

6、g with others can make our relations better.T: Everyone has problems.This class well talk about a boys problems and learn to solve them.Lets come to 3a.设计意图通过说明学生日常生活中的问题,谈论与父母的关系以及其他亲情关系自然导入这节课一位男孩的问题。Step.Reading activitiesTask 1: Read the article fast and find the general idea of 3a.The article i

7、s talking about .A.Sad and Thirteens problems and Roberts adviceB.the students future jobsC.how to be a good studentTask 2: Read the article and answer the questions.1.Whats the writers problem? 2.How does he feel at home? 3.Whats the advice that Mr.Hunt gave? Task 3: Let students read the passage a

8、gain and write True (T) or False (F).1.The writers problem is that he cant get on with his family.2.The writers parents dont fight.3.The writers elder brother is friendly to him.4.The writer feels lonely and nervous at home.5.Robert thinks he could talk about his feelings with his parents.6.Robert t

9、hinks he should argue with his brother.The teacher should explain the sentences and points.教材解读1.My problem is that I cant get on with my family.本句含有表语从句,I cant get on with my family在句子中作表语,对My problem进行说明。get on (along) with sb.表示“和某人相处”。 get on (along) well with sb.表示“和某人相处得融洽”,反义词组get on badly wi

10、th sb.表示“和某人相处得不融洽”。He gets on well with his boss.他和他的老板相处得很好。Mrs.Black gets along well with her neighbors.布莱克夫人和邻居们相处得很好。【拓展】get on with sth.表示“某事进展、进行”的意思。How are you getting on with your studies?你的学习进展得怎样?2.When they argue,its like a big,black cloud hanging over our home.argue v.争论;争吵 。argue用作不及物

11、动词时,与介词with连用,后跟sb.,意为“与某人争论/争吵”。 We argued with them for a long time.我们和他们争论了好长时间。 Dont argue with your classmates.别和你的同学争吵。 【拓展】argue与介词about连用,后跟sth.,意为“为而争论(争吵)”。 They are always arguing about money.他们总是为钱争吵。 hang over意为“挂在上;笼罩”。The crescent of a new moon hung over the mulberry in the yard.一弯新月高

12、悬在院子里的桑树之上。3.Also,my elder brother is not very nice to me.elder的意思是“年长的”,指家庭里两个成员中年龄较长的,只用作定语,不用作表语。elder也可以用作名词,其复数形式表示“长者,长辈”。He is my elder brother.他是我的哥哥。We should respect our elders.我们应该尊重长辈。【拓展】older是形容词old 的比较级形式,指年龄较大、较老,也指较旧。可以与than连用。Tom is two years older than John.汤姆比约翰大两岁。This bike is o

13、lder than that one.这辆自行车比那辆旧。4.He always refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show.refuse v.拒绝。refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事。If he offers you a good suggestion,dont refuse it.如果他向你提出一个好建议,你不要拒绝。She refused to let me go.她拒绝让我走。【拓展】refuse sb.sth.表示“拒绝某人某事”。5.Instead he watches whatever he wants until late

14、at night.instead是副词,意为“代替,顶替,反而,却”。I dont like blue.Give me a red one instead.我不喜欢蓝色。给我换个红的吧。【辨析】instead,instead of (1)instead代替,反而。可置于句末,其前不用逗号,也可置于句首,其后常用逗号,起衔接两个句子、分句或短语的作用。If you cannot go,let him go instead.如果你不能去,让他替你去。(2)instead of代替,而不是,是介词短语,后跟宾语(名词、代词、动名词),常位于句中。Please give me the red box

15、instead of the yellow one.请把那个红盒子给我,不是那个黄盒子。whatever pron.任何(事物);每样(事物)。Whatever happens,I wont change my mind.不管发生什么事,我都不会改变主意的。【拓展】whatever相当于no matter what,引导让步状语从句。No matter what/Whatever you say,well carry on the experiment.不管你说什么,我们都要继续试验。6.I hope things will be better for you soon.这是一个主从复合句,主句是I hope,things will be better for you soon是一个宾语从句,hope后面省略了连词that。 I hope that they can finish the work in time.我希望他们能及时完成那项工作。 We all hope she will be all right soon.我们都希望她很快恢复健康。Task 4: Read the article again and



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