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1、2016王毅部长答记者问-中英对照外交部长王毅就中国外交政策和对外关系回答中外记者提问Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press2016年3月8日,十二届全国人大四次会议在新闻中心举行记者会,邀请外交部长王毅就中国外交政策和对外关系回答中外记者提问。On 8 March 2016, the Fourth Session of the Twelfth National Peoples Congress held a press conference. Foreign Minister Wang Yi was invited to answer questio

2、ns on Chinas foreign policy and external relations.王毅:新闻界的朋友们,大家上午好。首先感谢大家对外交工作的关心、理解和支持,也要对今天在座的女记者、女同胞们致以节日的祝福。现在,我愿回答大家的问题。Wang Yi: Friends from the media, good morning. At the outset, I wish to thank you for your care, understanding and support for Chinas diplomacy. I also want to extend festive

3、 greetings to all the ladies in this room, including the female journalists. Now, I am ready to answer your questions.中央电视台记者:今年9月,中国将首次举行二十国集团(G20)峰会。G20杭州峰会将提出什么主张?CCTV: In September, China will host the G20 Summit for the first time. What proposals will China put forward at the Hangzhou Summit?王毅

4、:第一个问题就问到G20峰会,表明大家对中国主办峰会的高度期待。这次杭州G20峰会是中国今年最重要的主场外交,也是全球最受瞩目的经济盛会。Wang Yi: This is the first question, and you are asking about the G20 Summit. It shows people have high expectations for Chinas G20 presidency. Indeed, the G20 Hangzhou Summit, the most important international conference that China

5、 will host this year, is the worlds most closely watched economic summit.这些年来,G20峰会为应对国际金融危机发挥了关键作用。现在,世界经济又到了一个转折点,如何摆脱长期低迷不振?能否找到新的增长动力?如何有效协调各国政策?国际社会正在把目光转向中国。习近平主席向世界清楚阐明了中方办会的宏观思路。我们愿在全面推进各项议题的同时,着力从三个新角度寻求峰会的突破:一是以创新发掘新动力,二是以改革注入新活力,三是以发展开辟新前景。In the past few years, the G20 Summit has played

6、a critical role in containing the global financial crisis. This time, the world economy has reached another crossroads. How to emerge from long-term economic sluggishness? How to find new sources of growth? And how to coordinate national policies more effectively? The world is turning its eyes to Ch

7、ina. President has clearly articulated Chinas basic approach to hosting the G20 Summit. While making solid preparations on all the topics, we will try to break new ground from three angles. First, we want to discover new sources of growth through innovation. Second, we want to inject new momentum in

8、to the world economy through reform. And third, we want to open up new prospects through development.我们首次把创新增长作为重点议题,期待以新工业革命、数字经济等为契机,制定世界经济创新增长的新蓝图。For the first time, we will make innovative growth a key topic on the G20 agenda. We want to capitalize on the new industrial revolution and digital e

9、conomy, and develop a new blueprint for the innovative growth of the world economy.我们强调结构性改革的重要性,推动主要经济体就此达成新的共识,合力把世界经济拉上强劲复苏之路。We will stress the importance of structural reform and encourage the major economies to build new consensus around this, so as to work together to put the world economy on

10、 the path to strong recovery.我们把发展问题放在宏观政策协调突出位置,推动G20成员率先制定落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程的行动计划,带动全球范围的包容、联动发展。And we will prioritize development issues in macro policy coordination. We will encourage G20 members to show leadership by developing action plans to implement the UNs 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Devel

11、opment, so as to catalyze inclusive and interconnected development all over the world.我相信,这次峰会一定能开成一次提振信心的会议,凝聚共识的会议,指引方向的会议。让G20从杭州再出发,让世界经济从中国再出发。I am confident that the G20 Hangzhou Summit will boost peoples confidence, build consensus and point the way forward. Hangzhou will be a new launch pad

12、for the G20, and China will be a new launch pad for the world economy.韩国广播公司记者:中方如何确保联合国安理会新对朝决议得到有效执行?如何界定民生和非民生的范畴?KBS: How will China make sure that the new UN Security Council resolution on the DPRK will be implemented effectively? Where to draw the line between “livelihood” and “non-livelihood”

13、 purposes?王毅:中国作为安理会常任理事国,有责任也有能力执行好安理会决议,包括第2270号涉朝决议。Wang Yi: China is a permanent member of the Security Council. We have the obligation and capability to implement all the resolutions passed by the Security Council, including Resolution 2270 concerning the DPRK.对民生的概念,各方应有共识。当然,中方在执行过程中,会本着客观公正态

14、度,对此进行必要评估、认定和监督。我要指出的是,第2270号决议不光有制裁,还重申支持六方会谈,要求不采取任何可能加剧局势紧张的行动。鉴此,中方认为,第2270号决议需要全面、完整加以执行。制裁是必要手段,维稳是当务之急,谈判是根本之道。You mentioned the term “livelihood”: I think people would agree what it means. Of course, China will adopt an objective and impartial attitude during implementation and carry out ne

15、cessary evaluation, determination and monitoring. I wish to point out that Resolution 2270 not just contains sanctions; it also reiterates support for the Six-Party Talks and asks the parties to refrain from taking any actions that might aggravate tensions. So in Chinas view, the resolution must be

16、implemented in its entirety. Sanctions are just a necessary means. Maintaining stability is the pressing priority, and only negotiation can lead to a fundamental solution.目前半岛局势剑拔弩张,充满火药味儿。如果紧张加剧甚至失控,对各方都将是灾难。作为半岛最大邻国,中方不会坐视半岛稳定受到根本破坏,不会坐视中国安全利益受到无端损害。我们强烈敦促各方理性克制,不要再激化矛盾。At the moment, there is some saber-rattling on the Korean Peninsula, and the situation is highly charged. If the tensions worsen and get out of con


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