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1、Unit1Canyouplaytheguitar SectionB 1 Canyou swim inthewater 2 Myteacherwants buy aping pongbat 3 you want tojointhemusicclub 4 Hecan t play thepiano butheplaysbasketballvery good 5 Canyouhelpmewith swim 用词的适当形式填空 swim tobuy Do want play well swimming drums playthedrums playtheviolin violin piano play

2、thepiano guitar playtheguitar guitar drums violin piano Canyouplaythe Canyouplayitwell Yes Ican No Ican t Workingroups Askandanswerlikethis Whatcanyoudo Ican butIcan t Thenactitoutinfront Ifyoucan youmustshow 展示 itforyourclassmates Languagepoints play的用法 1 2 3 playwith和 玩 play 球 棋 牌 play the乐器 Reada

3、ndunderlinewhattheycando Hello I mPeter Iliketoplaybasketball IcanspeakEnglishandIcanalsoplaysoccer Hi I mMa Icanplayping pongandchess Iliketotalkandplaygameswithpeople Myname sAlan I mintheschoolmusicclub Icanplaytheguitarandthepiano Icansinganddance 英语中的 也 1 too用在肯定句 疑问句句尾 too前有逗号 2 either用在否定句句尾

4、either前有逗号 3 also用于肯定句 位置是行前be后例句 Heisateacher too Isheateacher too Heisn tateacher either Heisalsoateacher Healsolikesplayingfootball 4 too另一个含义 太 后接形容词副词toobig太大了tooslowly太慢了 习题 用 too either also 填空 Tom IlikemyEnglishteacher Doyoulikehim Jim Ilikehim Lucy I likehim Heis kind Lily ButIdon tlikehim

5、Mary Idon tlikehim too too also also either ReadandMatch A HelpforOldPeopleB MusicTeacherWantedC HelpwithSportsinEnglish 帮助老人 招聘音乐教师 帮助 Weneedhelpattheoldpeople shome AreyoufreeinJuly Areyougoodwitholdpeople Canyoutalktothemandplaygameswiththem Theycantellyoustories andyoucanmakefriends Itisinterest

6、ingandfun Pleasecallusat689 7729today A need需要 实义动词needsth need sb todosthbegoodwithsb sth善于应付 的 对 有办法的talktosb和 交谈tellsbsth告诉某人某事 某物 Areyoubusyafterschool No CanyouspeakEnglish Yes ThenweneedyoutohelpwithsportsforEnglish speakingstudents Itisrelaxingandeasy PleasecometotheStudents SportsCenter Call

7、Mr Brownat293 7742 C help 帮助 动词help sb withsth在某方面帮助 某人 helpsb to dosth帮助某人做某事English speakingadj 说英语的 我们需要你帮助学英语的学生开展体育活动 busy的用法 1 形容词 忙碌的 繁忙的反义词 free空闲的 2 常用短语 主语 be动词 busy withsth 主语忙于某事主语 be动词 busy doingsth 主语忙于做某事例句Hisfatherisverybusy Tomisbusywithhomework Tomisbusydoinghomework Ioftenhelpmymo

8、therwithhousework 我常帮妈妈做家务 Ioftenhelpmymotherdohousework Ioftenhelpmymothertodohousework helpsb dosth helpsb todosth 帮助某人做某事v 动词 helpv 帮助 helpsb with n 名词 帮助某人做某事 Canyouplaythepianoortheviolin Doyouhavetimeontheweekend Theschoolneedshelptoteachmusic Itisnotdifficult PleasecallMrs Millerat555 3721 B

9、or 或者 也不 用于否定句和疑问句中help在此处是名词teachsb todosth 教某人做某事teachsb sth 教某人某事 or的用法 或者 还是 常用疑问句 否定句 前后可以连接 词 短语 句子 2 否则 表示转折关系例句 Hedoesn thaveapenorapencil Wemustleavenow orwewillmissthebus 注意 and和orHeatetwoapplesandanorange Hedidn tatetwoapplesoranorange 含有and的句子变成疑问或否定句时 and要改写成or Canyouplaytheguitar Revis

10、ion 复习 I 汉译英 1 参加 2 跳舞 3 游泳 4 唱歌 5 画画 6 演出 7 我们的 8 星期日 9 国际象棋 10 小孩子 join dance swim sing paint show our Sunday chess kid words 11 电子邮件 12 弹吉他 13 下象棋 14 说英语 15 弹钢琴 e mail Playtheguitar playchess speakEnglish playthepiano 16 少量 一点儿 17 游泳俱乐部 18 音乐俱乐部 19 摇滚乐队 20会中国工夫 alittle swimmingclub musicclub rock

11、band doChinesekungfu 句式 Canyoudance Yes Ican No Ican t Canhe shepaint Yes he shecan No he shecan t CanMaryspeakEnglish Yes shecan No shecan t 句式 Ican 我会 做 Ican t 我不会 做 She hecan 她 他会 做 She hecan t 她 他不会 做 Whatclubdoyouwanttojoin Wewanttojointhechessclub Iwanttojointhebasketballclub Whatcanyoudo Ican

12、 句式 Teacher 1 Mario Lisa Wewanttojointhemusicclub Teacher 2 Mario Icansing Teacher 3 Lisa Yes Icanalsoplaythepiano butIcan tplayitverywell Teacher 4 Mario Mario Yes lcanalsoplaytheguitar Teacher 5 Mario Sorry Ican tplayitverywell Whatclubdoyouwanttojoin Whatcanyoudo Canyousing Canyouplaythepiano Can

13、youplayitwell MusiciansWantedforRockBandWewanttwogoodmusiciansforourrockband you the you you the PleasecallBillat790 4230 guitarcanplaycandrumssingcanplay Can play guitar Can sing drums Can play 用方框中的单词完成下列海报 句型转换 1 Icandance 变一般疑问句 2 Canheplaytheguitarwell 做出否定回答 Canyoudance No hecan t 句型转换 3 Sheca

14、npaint 变否定句 She paint 4 HecansinganEnglishsong 对划线部分提问 he can t sing Whatcan 5 Hecanswim 变一般疑问句并作肯定回答 swim 6 Myfatherwantstojointheartclub 变否定句 Myfather tojointheartclub Can he Yes he can doesn t want 7 Iwanttojointhechessclub 划线提问 8 HecandoChinesekungfu 划线提问 Whatclubdoyouwanttojoin Whatcanhedo 句子翻译

15、1 我能说英语 I speak 2 你能帮助小孩们游泳吗 you kids swimming you kids can English Can help with Can help to swim 3 你能干什么 canyou 4 你为什么想参加俱乐部 youwant jointheclub 5 我有一点点会画画 Icandraw What do Why do to a little 6 你会弹钢琴 吹喇叭 敲鼓或是弹吉他吗 7 我们的摇滚乐队需要两个优秀音乐人 Canyouplaythepiano thetrumpet thedrumsortheguitar Wewanttwogoodmus

16、iciansforourrockband 8 汤姆会弹吉他 但是他弹的不太好 9 你善于和孩子们相处吗 10 Tom不会唱歌跳舞 Tomcanplaytheguitarbuthecan tplayitverywell Areyougoodwithkids Tomcan tsingordance 考考你 句型转换 1 Icanswim 变为一般疑问句 2 HecanspeakEnglishandChinese 就画线部分提问 3 Theycanjointhechessclub 就画线部分提问 4 Tomcanplaytheguitar 就画线部分提问 5 我会讲一点儿英语 6 你会中国功夫吗 7 我能帮助你学习英语 8 然后你可以参加我们的音乐节 1 自制卷子一张 包括重点词汇和句子 2 你对你的家人了解吗 他们能做什么 不能做什么 请对他们做一个采访 看看你能为他们做些什么 编成对话 Homework David Whatclub youwant join Lisa We tojointhechess David Canyou chess Lisa No I Joe Ican do t



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