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1、2015湘少版三年级下册期中英语试卷桐林小学三年级下册英语期中考试 姓名:_ 班级: _题号一二三四五六七八九十分数 听力部分(40分)一 、Listen and choose. 听音,选单词,听2遍。(10分)( )1. A. like B. look C. black( )2. A. evening B. night C. morning( ) 3. A. nice B. beautiful C. big( ) 4. A. fourteen B. thirteen C. fifteen( ) 5. A. oclock B. clock C. time 二 、Listen and numbe

2、r. 听音,标序号,听2遍。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、Listen and choose. 听音,选出正确的句子,听2遍。(10分)( )1. A. Good night, Lingling. B. Good evening, Lingling.( )2. A. Look at the trousers. B. Look at the shorts.( )3. A. Im fine, too. B. Im very well.( )4. A. The pen is white. B. The ruler is white. ( )5. A. Yes, I am. B

3、. Are you Mingming?四、Listen and judge. 听音,判断句子的正()误()。(10分)( )1. This is blue.( ) 2. Good night, Anne.( ) 3. How many books are there?( ) 4. Are you Jane? ( ) 5. Theyre nice.笔试部分( 60分)五、Read and write. 看谁写得好。(10分)eight twelve seven day manyclock green see high blue六 、Read and choose. 选择题。(10分)( )1.

4、_ is it? Its ten oclock. A. Where B. How many C. What time ( ) 2. Sorry, I_ know. A. am not B. isnt C. dont ( ) 3. My schoolbag is big.A. two B. too C. to( ) 4. _is this? It is black.A.What B. What colour C. what time( ) 5. Is it blue? No ,its_.A. green B. pencil C. balloon七 、Read and choose. 选出不同类的

5、单词。(10分)( )1. A .red B. pink C. six( ) 2. A. night B. one C. three( ) 3. A. pen B.please C. ruler( ) 4 .A. pencil B. elephant C. cat ( ) 5. A. lemon B.apple C. hen 8、 Read and choose. 根据英文,选择正确汉意。(10分)( )1. evening A. 早上 B. 晚上 C. 下午( )2. colour A. 颜色 B. 数数 C. 钟表( )3. but A. 太 B. 但是 C. 也( )4. they A.

6、 他们 B. 你们 C. 我们( )5. and A. 太 B. 因为 C. 和九、Read and choose. 情景交际。 (10分)( )1.你去公园玩,想问别人时间,应说: A. Whats your number? B.Whats the time?( )2.你想问同学的文具盒是什么颜色,应说: A. What colour is the eraser? B. What colour is the pencil box?( )3.问同桌的钢笔有多少,应问: A. How many pens are there? B. How much is it?( )4. 开学了,你和你的同学又

7、见面了,应说: A. Im glad to see you again. B. Nice to meet you.( )5.你问别人的气球是什么颜色的,应说: A. What colour is the balloon? B. Is the balloon yellow?十 、Translate. 翻译下列句子。(10分)1. How many books are there?_2. What colour is the balloon?_3. Look at the red coat._4. What time is it?_5. Im fine, thanks. And you?_2 / 2


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