2020年八年级英语下册教学课件:Unit 5 Section A (1a:2d) (人教版)

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1、SectionA 1a 2d 学练优九年级英语 RJ 教学课件 Unit5 Unit5Whatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcame Keywords phrases rainstorm alarm begin heavily suddenly strange waitfor gooff pickup takeashower atthattimeKeysentences 1 Iwaswaitingforthebuswhenitbegantorainheavily 2 So whentherainstormsuddenlycame whatwereyoudoing 3

2、Icalledatsevenandyoudidn tpickup Learningtargets Ireadbooksinthelibrary Leadin 1 Whatdidyoudoyesterdayafternoon Ididmyhomeworkathome sunny rainy 2 Howwastheweatherthen cloudy stormy snowy rainstormn 暴风雨alarmn 闹钟beginv 开始heavilyadv 在很大程度上 大量地suddenlyadv 突然 忽然strangeadj 奇特的 奇怪的gooff 闹钟 发出响声pickup接电话 W

3、ordsandexpressions Whathappenedlastnight rainstorm Presentation 1 Iwasinthelibrary 2 Iwasinmyhouse 3 Iwasonthestreet 4 Iwasatthebusstop b d c a 1aWherewerethepeopleatthetimeoftherainstorm Matchthestatementswiththepeopleinthepicture doingmyhomework studyingb playingbasketball readingc goingtowork wai

4、tingforthebusd walkinghome shopping ListentotheTVreportandcirclethecorrectresponses 1b Shewasreadingathome Lookatthepicturesandanswerthequestionsbyusing was were doing Whatwasyoursisterdoingatthetimeoftherainstorm He Whatwasyourbrotherdoingatthetimeoftherainstorm wasdoinghishomework Talkaboutwhatthe

5、peoplein1aweredoingatthetimeoftherainstorm A Whatwasthegirldoingatthetimeoftherainstorm B Shewasathomedoingherhomework 1c A Whatwastheboydoingattimeoftherainstorm B Hewasreadinginthelibraryafterschool A Whatwasthewomandoingatthetimeoftherainstorm B Shewaswaitingforthebusafterwork A Whatwasthemandoin

6、gatthetimeoftherainstorm B Hewaswalkinghomefromthesupermarket Nowyouarethereporter Giveareportontheweather 2a Listenandnumberthepictures 1 5 1 2 3 4 5 Listenagain Fillintheblanksinthesentencesin2a Myalarmdidn tgooffsoI uplate I tothebusstopbutIstillmissedthebus woke ran 2b I forthebuswhenitbegantora

7、inheavily I sobusy fortheumbrellathatIdidn tseeacarcoming waswaiting was looking Itookahotshowerand somewarmfood ate Jack sunluckyday 2c Usetheinformationin2atoretellthestoryinaconversationbetweentheboyandaTVreporter Role playtheconversation 2d Readtheconversationin2dandanswerthequestions 1 WhatwasL

8、indadoingatsevenlastnight 2 WhatwasLindadoingateightlastnight 3 WhatwasLindadoingatninelastnight 4 WhydidMarycallLindalastnight Shewasinthekitchenhelpinghermom Shewastakingashower Shewassleeping Sheneededhelpwithherhomework 1 Iwaswaitingforthebuswhenitbegantorainheavily 1 beginv 开始 它的过去式为began 过去分词为

9、begun 它表示开始某一动作 相当于start 两者都可接不定式 也可接动名词 例 Thechildbegan startedtocry Thechildbegan startedcrying 那个孩子开始哭了 2 heavilyadv 在很大程度上 大量地 例 Itisrainingheavily 雨正下得很大 Languagepoints 2 So whentherainstormsuddenlycame whatwereyoudoing 1 辨析 when与while 表示 当 的时候 若后面连接的动词为进行时态 则用while多于用when 而when通常与瞬间性动词或延续性不强的动

10、词连用 如果while前后的动词都是进行时态 while译为 与此同时 例 Iwasreadingwhilemybrotherwasdrawing 我正在看书 然而我弟弟在画画 当while前后的句子描述的情况相对或相反 while可译为 而 while更强调并列的对比而非转折 例 Iamoutgoingwhilemysisterisquietandshy 我和外向 但是我的妹妹安静且害羞 总之 when表示做某种动作的时间或瞬间 由其引导的时间状语从句的时态决定 如果是一般过去时 其主句通常要用过去进行时 while表示略长的一段时间 由其引导的时间状语为过去进行时 主句时态根据实际情况而定

11、 2 suddenlyadv 突然 忽然例 Isuddenlyrealizedthattherewassomeonefollowingme 我突然意识到有人在跟踪我 Whenweweretalkingaboutournewclothes shesuddenlyfelltotheground 当我们正在讨论新衣服的时候 她突然摔在了地上 3 Icalledatsevenandyoudidn tpickup pickup接电话 它相当于answerthephone telephone 它是由 动词 副词 构成的短语 可接名词或代词作宾语 代词作其宾语时 要用其宾格形式且必须放在pick与up中间

12、pickup还有 捡起来 偶然学到 的意思 例 Shepickedthebagupfromtheground 她把包从地上捡起来 4 Icalledagainateightandyoudidn tanswertheneither 辨析 either also too与aswell either也不 用于否定句句末 例 Ididn tfinishmyhomeworkeither 我也没完成家庭作业 also也 用于肯定句 它通常位于be动词 情态动词 助动词之后 实义动词之前 也可用于句首 其后用逗号与句子其他成分隔开 例 Ialsolikeclassicalmusic 我也喜欢古典音乐 too

13、也 多用于肯定句或疑问句句末 其前可用逗号也可不用 例 Didhegotheretoo 他也去那儿了吗 aswell也 多用于肯定句句末 例 Shelikesthefilmaswell 她也喜欢这部电影 5 That sstrange strangeadj 奇怪的 奇特的 陌生的 其副词为strangely 奇怪地 名词为stranger 陌生人 一 单项选择 1 Itrained andlastedforalongtime That sterrible Somestreetswerefullofwater A hardlyB stronglyC heavilyD lightly2 Ididn

14、 ttakemyumbrella butitrainedandIgotwet A shortlyB heavyC suddenlyD sudden3 Weseldomsleepthewindow A with openB with onC with down Exercises 二 根据汉语意思完成句子 1 当妈妈叫我下楼的时候 我正在刷牙 Imyteethmymothermetogodownstairs 2 这感觉像是在做梦 他突然就离开了 Itfeelslikeadream Heso 3 如果你不去 我也不去了 Ifyougothere Inotgo brushing was asked when either don t will suddenly left 1 Learntsomenewwordsandphrases rainstorm alarm begin heavily suddenly strange gooff pickup2 Learntpastprogressivetense 结构 was were v ing Summary 1 Reviewthewords phrasesandsentences 2 Recite2d 3 Trytoexpresswhathappenedtoyouyesterday Homework


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