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1、雅思口语开场问题雅思口语刚开始必问的四句:这部分请不要多说。严格按照问题来答。1.“good afternoon. My names X. Can you tell me your full name, please?”My name is XX.2.“What can I call you?”You can call me Jane.3.“Can you tell me where youre from?” (= Where are you from?) Im from Beijing.4.“Can I see your identification, please?” (= Could I

2、 see your identification, please? = May I see your identification, please?)Sure.接着必问的三个话题之一:(这部分共四个问题)以下可以适当发挥,每题两至三句话就可以了。个别可以多说几句。Your Studies1.What subject are you studying?2.Do many people from your country choose this subject?3.Why did you choose this subject?4.How long have you been studying t

3、his subject?5.Which part of your studies do you find most interesting?6.What is the most difficult part of your studies?7.Have you always wanted to study this subject?8.How do you think studying this subject will help you in the future?9.Where are you studying?10.Do you think it is a good place to s

4、tudy?11.Why did you choose this college/school/university?12.What do you like about studying at this college/school/university?13.Is there anyone who helps you with your studies at school/university?14.Do you often get together with your classmates after classes?15.What do you hope to do when you fi

5、nish your studies?16.What kind of job do you want to do in the future?17.How easy will it be for you to get the kind of job you want?Your Home1.What kind of place do you live in , a house, a flat, or a dormitory?2.Who do you live with?3.Do you like living there?4.What do you like about the rooms in

6、your home?5.How long have you lived there?6.What is the area like where you live?7.Would you recommend this area as a place to live?8.Do you think you will move anytime soon?9.What kind of house or apartment would you like to have in the future?Your Hometown1.Whereabouts did you grow up?2.How long h

7、ave you lived there? (How long did you live there?)3.Do you still live there?(Does your family still live there?)4.Tell me about the town or city you come from.5.What kind of place is your hometown?6.Whats the best thing about your hometown?7.Whats the most interesting part of your hometown?8.Is/Was

8、 your hometown a good place for young people?9.Has your hometown changed in recent years? / since you were a child?10.What changes would you like to make in your hometown?雅思口语第一部分话题1.Advertisements1.Do you like advertisements?2.What kind of advertisements do you like most?3.Do you prefer advertiseme

9、nts on TV or in magazines?4.Do advertisements ever influence your choice about what to buy?5.Do you think there are too many advertisements?6.What do you think is the purpose of advertising?2.Ages1.When do people usually get married in your country?2.When do people usually learn to drive in your cou

10、ntry?3.At what age(s) can people legally smoke, buy alcohol, and get married?4.At what age do people usually retire from work?5.What could you do when you were younger that you cannot do now?6.How do you think your life will be different when you are retired?3.Agriculture1.What are the main agricult

11、ural products in your region(country)?2.Do many people work on farms in your region(country)?3.Do students often work on farms during their holidays?4.Is farm work well-paid in your region/country?5.How important is farming in your region/country?4.Ambitions1.What is your main ambition in life?2.Do

12、you think you will achieve your ambition?3.Do you think that you are an ambitious person?4.Are your friends/family members ambitious?5.Is it always good to be ambitious?6.What do you see yourself doing in 5/10/20 years time?5.Animals1.Do you like animals?2.Do you have a pet?3.What kind of animals do

13、 people keep as pets where you live?4.Are wild animals protected in your region/country?5.Do you often visit zoos or wildlife parks?6.Are animals important in farming in your country?6.Art1.How do you feel about art?2.What form of art do you like most?3.What form of art are you best at?4.Did you lea

14、rn any artistic activities when you were a child?5.What (other)kinds of artistic activities do children learn in your country?6.Do you ever buy art?7.Bicycles1.Are bicycles popular where you live?2.Do you often ride a bicycle?3.When do you ride a bicycle?4.Where do you ride a bicycle?5.Would you say

15、 that bicycles are suitable for everyone?6.What are the advantages or disadvantages of travelling by bicycle?8.Birds1.Do you like birds?2.Are there many birds where you live?3.How do people in your country generally feel about birds?4.Do people often keep birds in your country?5.Do birds have any special meanings in your culture?6.Do you think people should try to protect birds?9.Birthdays1.Do you prefer to be with your family or with friends on your birthday?2.What do children generally do on their birthdays in your coun



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