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1、高中语法:动词V-ing 综合训练1.Taking pictures _ very interesting. (解析: )A. is B. are C. to be D. be 2._ the bad news made him cry. (解析: )A. Hear B. Heard C. Hearing D. Is hearing3._ a desert had always been a risk adventure. (解析: )A. being crossedB. Having crossed C. Crossing D. To have crossed4. Toms never wi

2、lling to alter any of his opinions. Its no use_with him. A. to argue B. arguing C. argued D. having argued (解析: )5.Before he came, Id finished _ the whole book. (解析: )A. to read B. to have read C. reading D. read6.We are considering _ a trip around the island. (解析: )A. take b. to take C. to be takin

3、g D. taking7.I hope you dont mind _ at your newspaper. (解析: )A. I look B. my looking C. I looking D. my to look8.He spent a lot of money _ books and magazines. (解析: )A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. bought9.The silkworm is an insect worth _. (解析: )A. to know B. knowing C. to be known D. being known10.H

4、e sat there _ a novel. (解析: )A. read B. reading C. reads D. had read11. Dont wake up the_ child. (解析: )A. sleep B. slept C. sleeping D. sleepy12.Engines(引擎) are machines _ power or motion(动力). (解析: )A. produce B. producing C. produced D. which producing13._ my homework, I went home. (解析: )A. Having

5、finished B. Finished C. Being finished D. Finish14.Weather _ , we will have a picnic tomorrow. (解析: )A. permit B. permits C. permitted D. permitting15._ our shoes in our hands, we crossed the stream(河流,小溪). (解析: )A. To carry B. Carrying C. Carried D. Carry 16. Tony was very unhappy for_to the party.

6、 (解析: )A. having not been invited B. not having invited C. having not invited D. not having been invited 17._ The_girl was last seen_near the park. (解析: )A. missing; playing B. missing; play C. missed; play D. missed; to play_18._ made her very happy. (解析: )A. Her parents will come B. Her parents to

7、 come C. Her parents came D. Her parents coming提升拔高 高考链接:解题技巧1对非谓语动词类考题,解题时首先要通过句子结构判断是否是非谓语动词,若句中有连词,则需用谓语动词形式,若句中没有连词,则考虑用非谓语动词形式,再通过分析句子成分判断应使用哪种非谓语动词。例如:作主语、宾语用动名词或动词不定式;作状语常用分词:目的状语常用动词不定式,伴随状语则常用现在分词等。2确定为非谓语动词后,再观察非谓语动词与被修饰词之间的主动、被动关系以及动作发生的时间,由此判断出正确的时态、语态形式。非谓语动词与被修饰词之间是主动关系,常用现在分词、动词不定式或动名

8、词的一般式;是被动关系,则用过去分词、ing形式或动词不定式的被动式;非谓语动词表示的动作如果发生的早,则要考虑完成式等。单句改错1(2016新课标)We can choose between staying at home and take a trip.2(2016新课标)I showed them I was independent by wear strange clothes.3新课标)After looks at the toy for some time,he turned around and found that his parents were missing.4(2015

9、浙江)I enjoyed sit close to the windows and looking at the view.5(2015陕西)My favorite picture at the party is of my coach and me enjoy the biscuits with happy laughter!6(2014辽宁)It is difficult to understanding why she barks every minute shes outside.7(2014陕西)One evening at sunset,we sat by the fire,hav

10、e our barbecue.单句语法填空1(2016新课标,66).a TV show in the mid1980s,when I was the first Western TV reporter_(permit)to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.2(2016新课标,67)My ambassadorial duties will include _(introduce)British visitors to the 120plus pandas at Chengdu a

11、nd others at a research centre in the misty mountains of Bifengxia.3(2016新课标,49)If you find something you love doing outside of the office,youll be less likely _(bring)your work home.4(2016新课标,63)Skilled workers also combine various hardwoods and metal _(create)special designs.5(2016新课标,64)People pr

12、obably cooked their food in large pots,_(use)twigs(树枝)to remove it.6(2016四川,64)For 25 days,she never left her baby,not even to find something _(eat)!7(2015陕西,24)At college,Barack Obama didnt know that he _(become)the first black president of the United States of America.9(2016浙江,13)A sudden stop can

13、 be a very _(frighten)experience,especially if you are travelling at high speed.10(2016北京,26)_(make)it easier to get in touch with us,youd better keep this card at hand.11(2016北京,28)_(order)over a week ago,the books are expected to arrive any time now.12(2016北京,32)Newlybuilt wooden cottages line the street,_(turn)the old town into a dreamland.13(2016天津,4)The cooling wi


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