必修5 Unit 5 First aid 单词拓展参考答案.doc

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1、必修5 Unit 5 First aid 单词拓展学案 参考答案第一部分:重点单词学习拓展Task 1 根据提示,借助英语书和英语字典,完成任务1. temporary adj. 暂时的;临时的 adv.暂时地;短暂地 temporarily 反义词:永久的 permanent 英译汉:This kind of medicine can only give you temporary relief from pain. 这种药只能暂时缓解你的疼痛。 2. bleed v. 流血 过去式/过去分词 bled n. 流血;失血bleeding n. 鼻出血;流鼻血nosebleed 词组:blee

2、d to death 因流血过多致死 3. choke v. (使)噎住 (使)窒息 过去式/过去分词 choked 词组:(1)choke on sth 被噎住 (2)choke to death 窒息而死英译汉:He choked on a piece of bread. 他被一块面包噎住了。 4.essential adj. 最重要的 不可缺少的 本质的 n. essentials 必需品词组:(1)对必要的 be essential to/for (2)做某事是必要的it is essential to do sth 汉译英:健康饮食对每个人都是不可缺少的。 A healthy die

3、t is essential for everyone. 5.mild adj. 轻微的 温和的 温柔的 adv. 轻微地;温和地 mildly 根据句意,判断mild的汉语词义(1) We had a mild winter last year.mild意思是 温和的;暖和的 weather fairly warm(2) He suffered a mild heart attack.mild意思是 不严重的;轻微的 illness not serious (3) My English teachers voice is soft and mild.mild意思是 温和的;温柔的 a per

4、son has a gentle character and does not easily get angry. 6. tissue n. (生物) 组织 ;薄的织物; 手巾纸 注意:作为组织时常作不可数名词 如:lung tissue 肺部组织 brain tissue 脑组织作为纸巾,面巾纸时常作可数名词 如:a box of tissues 一盒面巾纸7. unbearable adj. 难以忍受的 不能容忍的 反义词:可容忍的,可忍受的 bearable 拓展:bear v. 承受;容忍;开(花)结(果) n. 熊 如;polar bear 北极熊 8.infection n. 传染

5、 传染病 感染 复习:(1) v.传染;感染 infect (2)adj. 传染的 infectious 词组:be infected with 感染;染上疾病 9. vital adj. 至关重要的 生死攸关的 词组:(1)absolutely vital 至关重要 (2) it is vital to do sth 做某事是极其重要的(3) play a vital part/role in sth 在中起到极其重要的作用(4) be vital to/for 对极其重要汉译英:毅力对于成功是极其重要的。(毅力:perseverance) Perseverance is vital to/

6、for success. 10. tight adj. 牢的 紧的 紧密的 adv. 紧地;牢牢地 tightly 词组:(1) tight jeans 紧身牛仔 (2) keep a tight hold on 紧紧抓住英译汉:The bandage must be tight enough to stop the bleeding. 绷带必须缠紧才能止血。 11.firm adj. (动作)稳定有力的 坚定的 adv.坚固地;稳定地 firmly 根据句意,判断firm的汉语词义(1) Most doctors recommend sleeping on a firm mattress(床

7、垫).firm意思是 结实的;坚实的 not soft, not easy to bend (2) Our client hasnt reached a firm decision on the matter yet.firm意思是 确定的;坚定的 not likely to change (3) He gave me a firm handshake. firm意思 紧紧的;(动作)稳定有力的tight and strong 12. ceremony n. 典礼 仪式 礼节 常用搭配:(1)the wedding ceremony 结婚典礼 (2) a graduation ceremony

8、 毕业典礼 (3) the opening ceremony 开幕仪式 13. pressure n. 压力 挤压 压迫(感) adj.感到有压力的 pressured 词组:(1) pressure cooker 压力锅 (2) put pressure on sb 给某人施加压力 (3)在压力下 under pressure 第二部分:巩固练习Task 1 根据提示默写词组1.(对伤患者的)急救 first aid 2. fall ill 生 病 3. electric shock 触电;电休克 4. 挤出;榨出 squeeze out 5. over and over again 反复;

9、多次 6. 在适当的位置;适当 in place 7.若干;许多 a number of 8. put ones hands on 找 到 9.make a difference 区别对待 有影响 起作用 Task 2 选用方框内合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空.fall ill squeeze out of a number of make a difference put ones hands on in place over and over again 1. Helen likes to put everything in place in her room.2. We can sque

10、eze the juice out of the lemon3. He fell ill because of that long journey. 4. In the earthquake a number of houses and bridges were destroyed and more than 500 people died. 5. Your support will certainly make a difference in our work. 6. I cant put my hands on my English book. 7. I made the same mis

11、take over and over again .Task 3 单词拼写,根据句意和提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. Dont put much pressure on the handle, or it will break.2. To our sadness, she died before the ambulance arrived.3. A ceremony (仪式) is held every year to remember those who died in the war.4. He took hold of the rope tightly (紧紧地).5. Since

12、he wanted to continue studying at university, he only found a temporary job in the summer holidays.6. I find his rudeness unbearable .7. When asked to join us, Cal replied with a polite but firm (坚定的) “no”.8. Please change another pair of shoes; the ones are much too tight (紧的)9. This area is famous

13、 for its very mild winter climate10. Is money essential to happiness?Task 4 单项选择题( C ) 1. This is just a(n) receipt. You can change it for a formal one tomorrow.A. unbearable B. vital C. temporary D. complex ( D ) 2. She soon and didnt recover.A. fell asleep B. fell behind C. fell over D. fell ill (

14、 C ) 3. Im lucky to have escaped from the accident without serious .A. crime B. infection C. injury D. symptom ( A ) 4. The hotel offers its guests a wide of amusements.A. variety B. amount C. interest D. deal ( C ) 5. The lemon looks dry, but you may be able to a few drops.A. break out B. take out C. squeeze out D. put out ( A ) 6. Dont throw things about. Mother l


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