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1、marketing strict internal cost control, business and innovation performance. -Increasing electricity access, price increase, electricity supply is guaranteed. In 2012, the company with coal inventory, get rewards of Jiangsu provincial government power to 266 million kWh. Through the small and bilate

2、ral trade, access to electricity 1.695 billion kWh, seeking removal compensation when the power 50 million-kilowatt, 116% market share in Jiangsu Province ranked first in the same capacity, the same type units. Company closely tracked coal linkage policies on July 1 and August 20 respectively increa

3、se prices 2.08 minutes and 2.5 points, profitability increased significantly. 公 . Job grading, remuneration of labour agreements into long-term contract workers compensation system, stimulating the enthusiasm of the staff. -Further strengthening of human resources management. Full implementation of

4、the performance appraisal regulations, incentive effect. Complete the reserve cadre evaluation and selection, produced 10 primary reserve cadres and 11 secondary reserve cadres. Implementation of operation staff induction gang system, 14 staff posts be promoted. Strengthening the cultivation of prof

5、essional technical leaders, selected coverage 9 13 factory-level professional and technical leaders. To enhance staff skills training, 8 staff technicians. Labor contract law compliance, contracts of up to 100%. -Star team-building to advance further. Establish a holding system implementation, and p

6、romoting the whole team-building goals, strengthen group management. Team building into a performance review, promoting the construction of the star team depth. This year, respectively, 1 track, 4 team four star rated five-star by Datang and the team. Four, insists on six cultural construction of ha

7、rmonious development, really good job of party construction and the independent Commission against corruption, strengthening the humanistic care and psychological counseling, the enterprise culture construction to a new level. -Building of enterprise culture is fruitful. Companies adhere to the Shen

8、hua lead of corporate culture, culture of responsibility at the core, to safety culture, a culture of learning, ethical culture, cost culture culture system-assisted, through various cultural integration, has boosted business centre, this year has won the Chinese cultural management advanced unit, N

9、ational Advanced Unit in the building of enterprise culture of reform and opening up 30 and other honorary titles. The liability of the company culture: solving management problems of corporate culture project was awarded the CEC national electric power enterprise culture achievement award of excell

10、ence. The accident early warning and prevention system was rated as Chinas power of innovation management, innovation management of electric power enterprise in Jiangsu Province. -Party and the independent Commission against corruption continues to strengthen. Was carried out to maintain隆康学校教案作业展评活动

11、方案一、活动目的:全面贯彻落实小学教学常规要求,规范学生作业。以实施素质教育为宗旨,通过优秀教案的评选,既促进教师之间的工作交流,也为全体学生提供一个展现自己良好作业习惯和作业成绩的机会。通过各班级的榜样带动全体同学进一步规范作业书写格式,进一步规范本校学生的书写,提高学生作业书写质量,加强学生良好学习习惯的养成教育,提高作业质量,从而培养学生良好的作业习惯。二、评比科目及方式:1、所有教师的各科教案。2、一、二年级学生参评作业为语文、数学作业;三至五年级学生参评作业为语文、数学、英语作业。3、一至六年级学生每班按照10%-20%的比例推选(语、 数、 外、)优秀作业参评,摆在教室的第一排,其

12、余学生的作业摆在后面。4、教案展评分科目摆放,在语文、数学中各选出一份最优秀的教案。5、作业展评以学生个人的所有作业综合打分,每班选一名“书写之星”。三、评比标准:教案: 1、教案格式规范,各教学环节齐全,书写工整、图表规范,板书设计合理; 2、教学目的明确,重点难点突出,教材分析透彻,切合教材与学生实际。 3、教学过程详细,设计思路清晰,教学方法适当,关注师生互动(有相关活动的安排和说明),注重能力培养;教案中既能体现传授知识的科学性、系统性,又能体现教学方法的灵活性、多样性。 4、课堂容量合适,课堂例题、习题设计合理、典型、切合学生的实际;作业量适当。 5、教案备写有亮点和课后反思,能恰当

13、合理地使用现代化教育教学技术手段。作业: 1作业格式规范,书写认真、工整,字体规范,无乱撕、乱画、乱贴现象。(占50%) 2作业批改及时,及时更正(占10%) 3作业保持整洁,习惯良好(占20%) 4作业批改正确,无错改、漏改(占10%)四、观展形式:由班主任组织学生排队,有秩序地到其它年级参观该班学生作业,参观完毕再由班主任把学生带回本班,看本班同学的作业,让学生在对比中进行评价、学习。五、具体步骤:1、教案的摆放。所有教案分科目摆放在一起,在集体办公室展评,由韩德胜老师负责。1、作业的提供。所有学生的各科作业。2、作业的摆放。请各办负责教师根据学校要求摆放学生作业本。(1)每个学生的所有作


15、处。6、奖励方式:参展作业的作者在本班争星专栏张贴红星,报送到教导处的学生发奖品。六、评比小组:组长:马生祥副组长:韩德胜组员:贾琰 刘世雄 马成芳 贾春 马进录 贾正滢 马钢民 马继辉 马如林 铁燕诚具体负责:语文教案:贾正滢 刘世雄 马成芳数学教案:马进录 马如林 贾春 学生作业:一、二年级:韩秀芳 李光祖 马乙四夫 三、四年级:马富斌 马进录 贾正滢 五、六年级:贾琰 刘世雄 马成芳七、评比时间:2014.10.16隆康学校学生作业展评结果 评委对各班上交的作业从整体印象、保护情况、学生书写、批阅质量、错误更改五方面进行综合评判,优秀作业获得者如下:一年级:韩雪梅 二年级:三年级: 四年级:五年级:六年级:2014年10月17日隆康学校教案评比记录数学组 2014年10月16日教师等级是否完成评比结果贾琰良是贾春贾春优是马进录良是马富斌良是马乙四夫良是韩德胜良是马如林良是隆康学校教案评比记录语文组


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