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1、Part II Grammaer and structure一、题型简介 全国高等学校英语应用能力考试的语法结构部分由A 节和B 节两部分组成。共设20 道题。实际上包含词法和句法两大部分,测试内容主要有句法结构、词形变化、词类用法并着重动词用法。二、测试要点及解题技巧Section AI. 测试要点从近年对试卷的分析来看,语法结构A 节部分完全是测试考生对大纲中词汇和短语的理解、短语动词的搭配以及句型的辨认。对于高等职业教育、高等专科教育和成人高等教育的广大考生来讲,在词法部分应特别注意以下4 个方面的问题: 一是词类用法 二是时态语态用法 三是短语动词的搭配 四是固定句型。 II. 解题技

2、巧1.仔细审查题干,判断测试点,如语法结构,习惯用语,固定搭配,近义近形词辨析和短语的使用等。2.依据题意,做出选择。3.将所选选项放入题干中,从句意和语法角度对所选选项进行检验,判断选择的正确性。Section BI. 测试要点 从近年对试卷的分析来看,语法结构B 节部分主要测试考生对大纲中所列单词的词形变化和转换的掌握以及对句型的掌握和组词造句的能力。因此,在句法部分应当养成3 个方面的敏感性: 一是对词形在不同上下文中变化和转换的敏感性; 二是对组词造句的敏感性; 三是对时态、语态、语气的敏感性。II. 解题技巧为了便于学生掌握解决词性变化和语法类问题的技巧,现通过图标将其解题步骤展示如

3、下:分析句子结构,确定考查目的 构词法(前后缀) 语法通读句子,理解句意,确定答案根据空缺前后单词确定所填单词词性从记忆中调用构词法知识进行词性转换从记忆中调用所学知识进行验证确定所给单词的词性和意义通读句子,确定句中的语法考点三、考点突破与专项训练Section A考点解析I.词汇部分固定搭配 固定搭配主要考查学生对大纲词汇表中词汇及短语的意义,用法,搭配的辨认和运用能力。常见考点有:1)动词搭配 2)名词搭配 3) 形容词搭配 4)介词搭配【样题示例】(2004年6月)Dinner will be ready_ .Lets go and wash our hands .At all B.

4、at least C. just now D. right away【答案】D【解析】 该题考查短语的意思。right away:立刻,马上;At all 根本;at least:至少 ;just now 刚才。根据句意,答案应选 D。近义词,近型词 该题型旨在考查学生辨别同义词,近义词以及词形相近的词在不同语言环境中准确应用的能力。【样题示例】(2005年12月)She was talking about her _ as a nurse in a hospital ,which we had never heard before . Expenses B.excuses C. experi

5、ences D. expressions 【答案】C【解析】该题考查近形词辨析。Expenses:花费;excuse:借口;experienc经历; expressions:表情;本句的意思应为“她正在谈论她在一家医院做护士的经历,这是我们从未听说过的。”故答案应选C。动词短语 该题型主要检测学生是否掌握了大纲要求的动词短语的用法。需要注意的是,动词短语的组成相对比较固定,可以将其看作是一个独立的实义动词来使用。动词短语经常是由动词和副词或介词构成,所以这一题型实际上也是在考查考生对副词和介词的掌握。在平时的学习中,考生要加强相同动词构成意义不同的动词短语以及由不同动词构成的意义相近的动词短语

6、的积累和运用。【样题示例】(2005年6月)The boss told his secretary to _ the documents for later use.put away B. turn on C. make up D. break out 【答案】A【解析】 该题考查短语动词辨析。put away:把。收起来;turn on:打开(某种电器);make up :编造,化妆;break out:(战争,火灾)突然爆发。根据句意:“老板让他的秘书把文件收好以备日后使用”,应选 A。专项训练1.Jack called the airline to his flight to Beiji

7、ng this morning. A. improve B. believe C. confirm D. insure2.The newspaper two people were killed in the accident. A. says B. talks C. calls D. asks3.We had a(n) with him about this problem last night. A. explanation B. impression C. exhibition D. discussion4.The house was sold for $ 60000, which wa

8、s far more than its real . A. money B. payment C. value D. profit5.The small company is to handle this large order. A. able B. probable C. reasonable D. possible6.In his report of the accident he some important details. A. missed B. wasted C. escaped D. failed7.Sorry, we cannot you the job because y

9、ou dont have any work experience. A. make B. send C. offer D. prepare8.All the traveling are paid by the company if you travel on business. A. charges B. money C. prices D. expenses9.My impression of the service in the hotel was that it had really . A. improved B. implied C. imported D. imagined10.Y

10、oud better advice before making a project plan. A. put down B. take in C. turn out D. ask for11. They had to give up the plan because they had money. A. come up to B. got along with C. run out of D. taken charge of12.To obtain a visa to enter that country for the first time, you need to apply . A. i

11、n part B. in person C. in turn D. in place13.The department manager a new plan to promote sales at the meeting. A. took away B. put forward C. looked after D. got on14.I my former manager when I was on a flight to Beijing. A. ran into B. put on C. took away D. shut down15.The work seemed easy at fir

12、st but it to be quite difficult. A. broke out B. turned out C. worked out D. set out16.Were going to the task that we havent finished. A. take away B. carry on C. get onto D. keep off17.The sales department was required to a plan in three weeks. A. turn up B. get up C. come up with D. put up with 18

13、. writing a letter to the manager, he decided to talk to him in person. A. Due to B. Because of C. As for D. Instead of19.I was late for the interview because the bus on the way to London. A. got off B. brought in C. kept off D. broke down20.The department manager a new plan to promote sales at the meeting. A. took away B. put forward C. looked after D. got onII.语法结构 语法结构题主要考查非谓语动词,动词的时态及语态,虚拟语气,复


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