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1、人教版必修3 Unit 1 Section III 课时训练.单词拼写1Please_(提醒)me to write to my mother tomorrow.答案:remind2It is cruel to_(淹死)the cat in the river.答案:drown3You should _(道歉)to your teacher for coming late.答案:apologize4We cant take photos here without_(允许)答案:permission5It is_(明显的)that he hasnt known the truth.答案:obvi

2、ous.短语填空turn up,keep ones word,hold ones breath,make a fool of,remind.of.1Jane always_her younger brother.答案:makes a fool of2She told me she would meet me here at 8.But it is 9 oclock now and she still_.答案:hasnt turned up3That woman_me_my mother.答案:reminded;of4Im sure he will give me a hand.He alway

3、s_.答案:keeps his word5The girl_at the sight of the snake.答案:held her breath.单项填空1We agreed to meet at 10 at the bus stop but he_so far.Adidnt turn upBhasnt turned upCdidnt turn off Dhasnt turned off解析:本题除了考查turn的搭配用法,还考查了动词的时态用法。首先根据句意应选择表示“露面;到来(turn up)”的短语,其次是句中用了so far就应与现在完成时态连用。答案:B2He found a

4、snake was slowly crawling towards him,which made him_ his breath.Aget BholdClose Dtake解析:hold ones breath“屏住呼吸”;lose ones breath“喘不过气来”;get ones breath“喘过气来”;“恢复正常”;take ones breath“吸口气”。答案:B3He is a man you can rely on because he always _.Abreaks his words Bkeeps his wordsCbreaks his word Dkeeps hi

5、s word解析:短语keep ones word“守信用”和break ones word“不守诺言”中的word应用单数,由rely on可知应选D项。答案:D4If you want to catch the first bus,youd better_ for the bus station immediately.Aset up Bset aboutCset down Dset off解析:句意:如果你要赶上第一辆班车,你最好马上去车站。set up“建立;成立”;set about“开始做;着手做”;set down“写下;记下”;set off“出发;动身”。答案:D5Hold

6、your _ for a moment and then_ deeply.Abreathe;breath Bbreath;breatheCbreathes;breath Dbreath;breathing解析:句意:屏住呼吸然后再深呼吸。hold ones breath中breath是名词;breathe是动词。答案:B6If you pretend to know what you dont know,youll only make a _ of yourself.Atrick BgameCplay Dfool解析:句意:不懂装懂只会闹笑话。make a fool of sb.“愚弄某人”,

7、为固定搭配。答案:D7By whose _ did you enter the wilderness preserve for hunting?Apermit BrightCpermission Dfreedom解析:句意:谁允许你进入野生动物保护区打猎的?permission“允许,许可”,符合句意。permit“证件,许可证”;right“权利”;freedom“自由”。答案:C8You should_to her because she was hurt by what you said.I will,but she didnt have good manners,either.Aadd

8、 BapologizeClead Dturn 解析:句意:你应该向她道歉,因为你说的话伤害了她。我会道歉的,但是她也不讲礼貌。apologize to sb.“向某人道歉”,符合句意。add to“增加;增添”;lead to“导致;通向”;turn to“求助于”。答案:B9Many people_when the boat overturned.Acalmed BsettledCdrowned Drecovered解析:句意:船翻后,很多人淹死了。drown“淹死;溺死”,符合句意。calm“平静,镇定”;settle“安家;定居”;recover“痊愈;恢复”。 答案:C10It is_

9、to everybody that the only way to achieve ones goal is to work hard.Aobvious BsuitableCsure Dright解析:句意:大家都知道,获得成功的唯一途径就是辛勤工作。“Its obvious to sb.that.”“对某人来说是显而易见的”,为固定句型。suitable“合适的”,常用于be suitable for sb.或be suitable to do sth.结构中;sure“确信的,有把握的”,不以it作形式主语;right“正确的”。 答案:A11Sorry for keeping you w

10、aiting so long.There are several traffic jams on the way.Could you_me?Aapologize BdoubtCforgive Dallow解析:句意:抱歉,让你久等了。路上发生了几次交通堵塞。你能原谅我吗?forgive“原谅”,符合句意。apologize“道歉”;doubt“怀疑”;allow“允许”。 答案:C12My room gets very cold at night. _.ASo is mine BSo mine isCSo does mine DSo mine does解析:考查固定句式。句意:在晚上,我的屋变

11、得很冷。我的屋也是(变得很冷)。“so助动词/情态动词/系动词名词”,表示上述情况也适合于这一主语,故选C项。答案:C13They must try every means to_out flies and other insects in the restaurant to guarantee food safety.Atake Bput Cpick Dwipe解析:考查wipe构成的短语。wipe out flies and other insects“消灭苍蝇和其他昆虫”。故选D项。答案:D14(2011北京高考)_volleyball is her main focus,shes al

12、so great at basketball.ASince BOnceCUnless DWhile解析:由语境可知此处用while(尽管)引导让步状语从句。since“自从,既然”;once“一旦”;unless“除非”。答案:D15(2011大纲全国高考)Mary,I _John of his promise to help you.Atold BremindedCwarned Dadvised解析:remind sb.of sth.表示“提醒某人某事,使某人想起某事”;warn sb.of sth.表示“告诫某人某事”,强调提醒某人注意可能发生的危险或不快的事。根据语境可知选B项。答案:B

13、.阅读理解AMothers Day is the time you say“thank you”to your mom.Stop shopping at the store.Flowers and other things in stores are too common to mention.You can choose a special gift for Mothers Day!Just try staying close to homeand heartwrite a Mothers Day poem for her.Use your head.Think of special mom

14、ents when you were a child,times youve shared with your mom,things she did for you,and why you love her.Write down how those moments influenced you.Write down everything you can think of.This is your inspiration for the poem.Look at what you wrote and pick out those things that are connected(有联系的)See if any words rhyme(押韵)Its fine to write a free poem(one without rhymes),but many people find poems with rhymes are easier to work with,easier to read and quite catchy(容易记住的)If no words rhyme but you want your poem to,try to find connecting words that can help


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