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1、山西省晋中市和诚中学2019-2020学年高一英语下学期周练二考试时间:70分钟 满分:100分 班级_ 考号_ 姓名_1、 课文语法填空(10*2=20)I couldnt believe it, but my school life will soon end. It 1._(seem) that in a few days, Ill be walking out of the school gates forever. I find myself looking back at my senior year, and thinking 2. _ all the wonderful thi

2、ngs that 3. _(happen). One of the best things about this year has been working as an arts editor. Ive so enjoyed it ! Something else Ive 4._(great) enjoyed is working as a peer mediator, someone 5._ helps students to settle problems that they have with other students. During the Ester vocation, we h

3、ad great fun 6._(race) each other down the ski slopes.The highlight of the year was the senior prom. I found a dress that suited me 7. _(perfect) and had my hair specially 8. _(do) on the day of the prom. But the big surprise 9._ the evening was when I 10._(elect) prom queen.二、背写Review of phrases(用m

4、odule 2所学短语,否则不计入正确.10*2=20)1.回顾,回忆_2.玩得开心_3. 很可惜_4.担任_5.解决问题_6.有.问题_7.与.分享._8.讲笑话_9.去旅游_10.定居下来,平静下来_三、阅读理解(5*4=20)What are American high schools like?Well,Im happy to tell you what I know.When I started school here,it had already been a week since the school opened.At this school,freshmen usually

5、go on a trip for about three days at the beginning of school.Unfortunately I missed that wonderful trip,which would have been the best time to get to know my classmates.I was really sad.I wished Id known about it earlier.Despite the disappointment,however,I gradually adapted to my new life and schoo

6、l.There is a space in the basement of the teaching building where students chat and meet each other.As we do not always have the same classrooms and classmates,the school wants us to get to know each other there.Students usually come to school early,sit in that space and have fun.Around the space,th

7、ere are many lockers for students to leave their books in,so that students do not have to carry a heavy schoolbag everywhere.It really surprises me that we have almost no textbooks.We only have textbooks for World History and Algebra 2 and they are big and heavy,like bricks.For other classes,we only

8、 need binders(活页夹)with paper in them.Without textbooks,students learn things freely and actively.For example,my humanities teacher just teaches us what is in her mind at the time.We never know what we will learn.Another difference between American schools and Chinese schools is that American schools

9、 care about students morality more than their academic studies.For example,if you do not finish your homework,you will just be asked to do it later,but if you cheat or lie,you will get a warning or even be kicked out.I think that most students here are good at schoolwork as well,but compared to Chin

10、ese students,they can make learning a more joyful experience.I think we should take the good points from our two different kinds of education to perfect our approach to studying.1What was the writer sad for?AHe was late for school. BHe missed the trip at the beginning of school.CHe didnt know anyone

11、.DAmerican students looked down upon him.2Why do students go to the basement of the teaching building?ATo attend class.BTo share a classroom.CTo have fun.DTo meet teachers.3How do teachers in the US.teach the students?AHowever they want to.BThey use bricks.CSome use textbooks,some teach freely.DThey

12、 always teach as required.4According to the passage,in American high schools,_.Ayou are likely to be kicked out if you cheatByoull be punished if you do not finish your homeworkCstudents are better at school work than Chinese studentsDstudents care much about the grades they get5.What the authors at

13、titude towards American schools?A. uninterestedB. negativeC. puzzledD. approval四、短文改错(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)(2019全国卷)要求抄题在纸上,然后按规范格式进行改错,否则不得分。I became interesting in playing football thanks to a small accident.One afternoon where I was in primary school, I was walking by the school playground.Suddenly

14、football fell just in front of me but almost hit me.I stopped the ball and kicked it hardly back to the playground.To everyones surprising, the ball went into the net.All the football player on the playground cheered loudly, say that I had a talent for football.From now on, I started to play my foot

15、ball with classmates after school.I am a good player now.五、语法填空(10*2=20)(2019浙江卷)There are several reasons why school uniforms are a good idea.First of all, uniforms help the students look smart.The students feel that they belong to a particular group.When every pupil in the school wears the uniform, nobody 1._(have



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