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1、六年级下册英语全册教案 Unit 1 A family outingPeriod 1一、教学内容:A、B部分二、教学目标 (Teaching Aims)1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims):1) 70能听懂、会说、认读新单词together, ride, grandparent和B部分词组;2) 50能运用新句型:Where are we going? What are we going to do? Well;2、能力目标(Ability Aims): 1) 50能用B部分词组造句;50能用What are we going to do?询问他人活动计划,并能用“WellIll”对该

2、问题进行回答。 2) 40能理解课文A部分。3、 情感目标 (Emotion Aims)培养学生爱家,爱生活的情感。三、教学重难点(Teaching Focus & Difficulties)1) 重点:能运用重点句型回答和描述家庭郊游。2) 难点:will在一般将来时态中的用法。四、教学准备(Preparation for Class):word cards, PPT五、教学方法;问答法,直观教学法,六、教学过程 (Teaching Process)Step one: warming up1. Greetings.2. Free talk. Talk about their experien

3、ces in winter holiday.How many people are there in your family?What do you usually do at weekends with your family?Step two: presentationIntroduce new words and phrases.1、Listen to the tape of part B and repeat.2、运用“直观教学法”教授新单词,让学生学习、体验生活中的英语。教授outing, movie, together, ride, grandparent,并板书。3、利用课件教学

4、B部分六个词组,帮助学生明白它们对应的家庭活动。4、“记忆大赛”:老师利用多媒体课件快速呈现B部分图片,学生看图说出其对应的英文词组,看看谁能说得又快又准。Part A1、老师呈现没有文字内容的课文插图,师生一起观察,谈论并对课文内容进行预测。T:Look at the picture. Where are they? What are they talking about? Can you guess?2、观看A部分动画视频,看完回答问题。T: What are they talking about? Lets find the answer.3、再观看一遍视频,让学生轻轻跟读对话,根据对话

5、内容回答问题。T: Dongdong and Lingling are talking about their new family outing. Do you want to know what they will do?就对话中的四个人物怎样问,怎样说提问,让学生在回答问题中初步熟悉课文。老师要引导和帮助学生回答:She willHer mother willHer father will4、老师利用多媒体课件呈现,师生一起梳理课文信息,完成表格。5、Listen and repeat.Step three: practice1. Talk about what you are goin

6、g to do on this weekend.2.读一读,选一选(PPT)( )1. We will go on an _.A. outing B. out C. picnic D. playing( )2. Lets play basketball_.A. yesterday B. last day C. together D. gether( )3. Well _ my uncle tomorrow.A. visits B. visit C. visited D. visiting( )4. Can you _ a bicycle?A. read B. ride C. rode D. r

7、unStep four: consolidation1、 Talk about your plans to travel at weekend with your partner and act it out.2、Homework1) Listen and read Part A and B.2)Copy the new words four times.七、板书设计 (Blackboard Design)八、教学反思:Unit 1 A family outingPeriod 2一、教学内容:C和D部分二、教学目标 (Teaching Aims)1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims):1

8、) 能听懂、会说、认读新单词beach, restaurant, ourselves;2) 学习、运用新句型:My family 描述家庭成员的各项活动。2、能力目标(Ability Aims): 1) 能描述家庭成员活动2) 能初步阅读D部分,并根据内容判断句子正误。3、 情感目标 (Emotion Aims)促进家庭和谐,培养学生爱生活的情感。三、教学重难点(Teaching Focus & Difficulties)1) 重点:能听懂、会说、认读新单词;阅读和理解D部分短文。2) 难点:阅读后完成判断题,正确理解、巩固主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。四、教学准备(Preparatio

9、n for Class):课件、教学录音等等。五、教学方法:问答法,直观教学法六、教学过程 (Teaching Process)Step one: Warming upRevision1. Greetings.2. 复习B部分词组。3、Free talk. What do you usually do at weekends?师生对话、生生对话,谈论自己在周末经常做的事情,Step two:PresentationPart C1、Talk about our family outing during the winter holidays.2、带读C部分四个句子。3、让学生根据本部分的图片和文

10、字内容进行回答练习,老师先做示范。T: What does Peters family do?S:Peters family watches a movie together.4、小组讨论、交流,仿照C部分句子对自己家庭出游进行描述。My family often goes shopping.Part D1. Have a competition between girls and boys. We can read the text, speak out the new words, and speak out sentences.2. Look at the picture on the

11、book and say what you can see.T: What can you see in this picture? I can see a ball. Anything else?S1: I can see a girl. She is playing.S2: I can see a basket. I can see a girl is drinking.3. Find out what these people are doing on the beach in the text and underline them.4. Read the text and finish

12、 the exercise.5、渗透法制教育:家人外出注意环境卫生等。Step three: practice老师板书或用课件呈现“My family likes.”让学生根据C部分内个说句子。如:Peters family likes to watch a movie together.Step four: consolidationHomework1. Try to recite Part A.2. Read Part D again.七、板书设计 (Blackboard Design)八、教学反思:Unit 1 A family outingPeriod 3一、教学内容:E、F部分二、教

13、学目标 (Teaching Aims)1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims):1) 复习、巩固新词和B部分词组2) 熟练运用运用新句型 Well My family 进行表达和书写。2、能力目标(Ability Aims): 1) 能初步询问和介绍他人家庭活动2) 能运用E部分问题提示和写作模块描述家庭活动3) 能跟随音频朗读课文,感受英语韵文的韵律美3、 情感目标 (Emotion Aims)培养学生学习英语积极性、感受音乐节奏美。三、教学重难点(Teaching Focus & Difficulties)1) 重点:理解并运用生单词;2) 难点:运用新句型。四、课前准备(Prepar

14、ation for Class):课件、图片、卡片等等。五、教学方法:直观教学法,问答法六、教学过程 (Teaching Process)Step one: warming up1. Greetings.2. Free talk: tell us what your family usually does at home? Where does your family go outing?Step two: presentationE部分1、老师呈现书上的问题,让学生圈出疑问词(what, where),读问题。1.) What does your family usually do at w

15、eekends?2.) Where does your family usually go at weekends? 3.) What do you like doing with your family most? 2、学生结对讨论、交流,回答问题,进行口头作文。3、根据写作辅助模块,自主写作。如:My family usually goes to park at weekends.My family usually goes to park and beach.I want to watch a movie with my mother.F部分1、跟着音频听一遍,整体感受歌曲的韵律。2、打开书,看着歌词听一遍,伴着旋律律动,可以轻声哼唱歌曲。3、放录音,逐



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