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1、HOMEPAGE. Opening of the companys extranet, every employee in the companys various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system

2、should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks,to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is

3、 required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or ligh

4、ting circuits apart. the whole systems color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: r

5、epresents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Cen

6、tral Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and

7、other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System overvie

8、w the new plant production, office network-building workshop is built on a Foundation plant structured cabling, the use of advanced network technologies, formed met Office, business, scientific research and plant production group network. Plant network is the basis for intelligent network system as

9、a whole. Plants contain large amounts of information, should be used with a broadband local area network. Exchange of technology for the plants construction provides point-to-point connectivity, LAN tradition sharing the exclusive network structure into a parallel processing system. System should pr

10、ovide a channel for each user, and the channel is connected to a high speed backplane bus, each device can access each other to port speed. 100M to the desktop In factory production, and network with H3C is mature ERP management software recommended choice or CISCO series switches. Center backbone s

11、witches, non blocking switching performance, high port density, high reliability, as well as high-speed routing between subnets, IP networking, policy-based virtual network ports, more emphasis on analysis of flow control and roaming features. Secondary switch, with high performance, high speed Alli

12、ed port, VLAN support,中大网校引领成功职业人生 2010年公共营养师国家职业资格四级第四章食品营养评价习题总分:100分 及格:60分 考试时间:120分理论知识部分 一、单项选择题(共34题,每小题0.5分。每小题只有一个答案是正确的)(1)对小包装肉类取样日习,可从同批同质随机取若干包混合,总量不得少于()kg。(2)分层抽样时,每层的样本量(Ni)、总体数量(N)、抽样数量(n)和每层的抽样量(n1)的关系是()。(3)水果汁、果肉果汁是把原果汁浓度调整到()左右而制成。(4)关于食品标签中的原料配方,说法不正确的是()。(5)食品样品系统随机抽样且样品数量过大时,

13、抽样区间长度k与总体数量N和抽样数量n的关系是()。(6)食品营养标签除普通标签外,还包括()、健康声称、营养声称三部分内容。辽宁省2007年11月四级真题 (7)下列选项中,不是预包装食品标签通则中强制标示内容的为()。(8)根据食品添加剂分类和代码,我国将食品添加剂分为()类。(9)当一批样品的包装件数(N)超过00件时,抽样量(n)按()公式计算。(10)当总体分布较为均匀,个体数量不太多,有较全面的总体信息时,可采用()抽样。(11)牛乳是B族维生素的良好来源,特别是()。(12)谷物中()部位含脂类最高。(13)固体样品取样量一般为()kg。(14)谷物中()含量最多。(15)牛乳中

14、脂肪含量约为()。(16)收集食物样品时最核心的问题是()。(17)大豆蛋白质中含有较高的(),可以和谷物蛋白质互补。(18)从市场上买来或收集的食物实验样品,样品数量一般为()份以上,以确保所抽取的样品能代表其食品整体。(19)牛乳中的蛋白质含量约为()。(20)下列关于乳中碳水化合物的描述,错误的是()。(21)某包装食品净含量为500g,其中钙的含量为015,脂肪含量为30,碳水化合物含量为60,若钙的NRV值为800mg,则以下说法正确的是()。(22)下列法规对预包装食品的相关术语、基本要求等进行了规定的是()。(23)食品配料清单应按配料加入量的()顺序排列。 (24)全脱脂消毒乳

15、中脂肪含量为()。(25)我国对食品添加剂的管理主要依据的法规是()。(26)食品营养标签中最基本的信息是()。 (27)谷物胚芽中富含()。(28)下列说法错误的是()。(29)一般来讲,谷物中的第一限制性氨基酸为()。(30)谷物中()部位含矿物质量最高。(31)人体发生乳糖不耐受的原因是()。辽宁省2007年11月四级真题(32)牛乳中乳糖含量比人乳中乳糖含量()。(33)下列属于抗氧化剂的是()。(34)某饼干产品配料表为:小麦粉、巧克力颗粒(白砂糖、氢化植物油、可可粉、葡萄糖、乳化剂、香兰素)、植物起酥油、白砂糖、食用盐、乳清粉、膨松剂、食用香精、柠檬酸等。下列说法不正确的是()。二、多项选择题(共41题,每小题0.5分。每小题至少有2个是正确的。错选、少选、多选,均不得分)(1)口感检验包括()。(2)下列食品种类是我国强制规定必须标注营养成分的有()。(3)从抽样的过程讲,食品样品可分为()。(4)营养标签包括()。(5)选用食品添加剂时,要注意的方面包括


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