高三英语复习 非谓语动词复习 新课标 人教版

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1、非谓语动词 复习 non infinitive lateinthemorning Bobturnedoffthealarm TosleepB SleepingC SleepD Havingslept2001春季高考第21题 Multiplechoice 2 aletterfromherparents Lilyisnowlookingforwardto fromthem Havingnotreceived hearB Notreceived hearC Nothavingreceived hearingD Receivingnot hearing V phrases ing appreciate

2、 avoid can thelp consider enjoy escape finish giveup imagine insiston keep on mind miss devoteoneselfto payattentionto beusedto getdownto 过去分词 不定式 ing形式 非谓语动词 不定式的作用 不定式的时态 不定式的否定形式 不定式 1 作状语 2 作定语 3 作表语 4 作补语 过去分词 不定式 B 该题考查疑问 不定式在句中做宾语的用法 英语中有一些动词后可以跟一个疑问词的不定式做宾语 如 tell discuss know show learn dec

3、ide wonder explain B 不定式 因为主语是thepurpose 在 purpose wish promise plan 后常跟不定式 古表语要用不定式 to不能省略 因此构成thepurposeisto notto do句型 故选B D 不定式 常和不定式完成式连用的动词还有 Wouldlove meant hoped planned expected promised wish等 例如 Imeanttohavetelephonedyou butIforgot A 该题考查动词不定式做宾语的用法 Wouldlove like to是固定搭配 因此B C 不合题意 Wouldl

4、ove 不定式一般式 表示 想 希望 而接不定式完成式则表示 原本希望 而未曾实现 的意思 不定式 C 该题考查不定式的否定式作主补 要注意warn后跟词方式 warnsb nottodosth warnsb againstdoingsth 该题应该用 结构 两外 not应放在to之前 在大多数的动词可接不定式短语做宾补 只有少数动词 五个看see watch notice observe lookat 三使役make let have 二听listento hear等 须接不带to的不定式做宾补 过去分词 1 作状语 C 1 该题考查过去分词作状语的用法 动词 ing或过去分词作状语 其逻辑

5、主语应是主语 2 陷入深思 有两种表达法 A LoseoneselfinthoughtB belostinthought 按句子提供的语境可用结构B 过去分词 2 作定语 A 过去分词做定语与其修饰词之间是动宾关系且过去分词表示的动作以完成 现在分词作定语表示动作正在发生 与修饰词是主谓关系 不定式作定语表示将要发生的动作 所以A是正确的 Firstplayedin776B C whichwasfirstplayedin776B C 过去分词 3 作表语 C 该题考查分词作表语的用法 topaysb bythehour 计时给某人报酬 此题被动结构作表语 类似的有 getburnt gethu

6、rt getwounded 过去分词 4 作补语 该题考查过去分词作宾语补足语的用法 Theplan与carryout的关系是被动关系 Seesth done这结构常见的还有watch notice observe have和make sth done C ing形式 ing形式主要考查其在句子中作定语和状语的用法 A Makingitthepopularsportintheworld为现在分词短语作结果状语 这类分词短语常放在句子的后面 ing表示顺其自然 不定式表示突然 出乎意料 如 Hisparentsdied leavinghimanorphan Herushedtothepostof

7、ficeonlytofinditwasclosed 历年高考题 1 Thespeakerraisedhisvoicebutstillcouldn tmakehimself NMET9134 A hearB tohearC hearingD heard 2 Onafternoon MrsGreenwenttothemarket somebananasandvisitedhercousin NMET9123 A boughtB buyingC tobuyD writing 3 Iusuallygotherebytrain Whynot byboatforachange NMET9214 A tot

8、rygoingB tryingtogoC totryandgoD trygoing 4 areply hedecidedtowriteagain MET9239 A NotreceivingB ReceivingnotC NothavingreceivedD Havingnotreceived 5 Howaboutthetwoofus awalkdownthegarden MET9317 A totakeB takeC takingD tobetaking 6 downtheradio thebaby sasleepinthenextroom MET9324 A TurningB Toturn

9、C TurnedD Turn 7 CharlesBabbageisgenerallyconsidered thefirstcomputer MET9334 A toinventB inventingC tohaveinventedD havinginvented 8 Imustapologizefor aheadoftime That sallright MET9421 A lettingyounotknowB notlettingyouknowC lettingyouknownotD lettingnotyouknow 9 Ratherthan onacrowdedbus healwaysp

10、refers abicycle NMET9422 A ride rideB riding rideC ride torideD toride riding 10 Themissingboyswerelastseen neartheriver NMET9425 A playingB tobeplayingC playD toplay 11 Thefirsttextbooks forteachingEnglishasaforeignlanguagecameoutinthe16thcentury NMET9434 A havingwrittenB tobewrittenC beingwrittenD

11、 written 12 Youwerebraveenoughtoraisedobjectionsatthemeeting Well nowIregret that NMET9526 A todob tobedoingC tohavedoneD havingdone 13 Theboywantedtoridehisbicycleinthestreet buthismothertoldhim NMET9535 A nottoB nottodoC notdoitD donotto 14 WhatdoyouthinkmadeMarysoupset hernewbicycle 97上海13 A Assh

12、elostB LostC LosingD Becauseoflosing 15 Shecan thelp thehousebecauseshe sbusymakingacake 97上海12 A tocleanB cleaningC cleanedD beingcleaned 16 Shelooksforwardeveryspringto theflower linedgarden 95上海20 A visitB payingavisitC walkinD walkingin 17 Whileshopping peoplesometimecan thelp intobuyingsomethin

13、gtheydon treallyneed 96上海14 A topursueB persuadingC beingpersuadedD bepersuaded 18 Thepurposeofnewtechnologiesistomakelifeeasier itmoredifficult NMET9921 A notmakeB nottomakeC notmakingD donotmake 19 Acomputerdoesonlywhatthinkingpeople 99上海19 A haveitdoB haveitdoneC havedoneitD havingitdone 20 WhenI

14、gotbackhomeIsawamessagepinnedtothedoor Sorrytomissyou willcalllater NMET9925 A readB readsC toreadD reading 5 Mrs Smithwarnedherhusband afterdrinkingagainandagain A nevertodriveB toneverdriveC neverdrivingD neverrive 6 Tomasteraforeignlanguage A alotofpracticeisneededB itneedsalotofpracticeC practic

15、eisinneedofD oneneedsalotofpractice 20 Thelibraryneeds butit llhavetowaituntilSunday A cleaningB becleanedC cleanD beingcleaned 4 Ourfatheroftentoldusinthepastthat isbelieving A toseeB seeingC seeD tobeseen 1 Hegaveussomeadviceonhow English A learningB learnedC tolearnD learn 2 It sapayday andtheyar

16、ewaiting A payB payingC paidD tobepaid 3 Alettermaybetooslow Whynot atelegram A trysendingB trytosendC totrysendingD tryingtosend 巩固练习 1 isagoodofexerciseforboththeyoungandtheold A ThewalkB WalkingC TowalkD Walk 2 Whenandwheretobuildthenewpowerstation yet A isnotdecidedB arenotdecidedC hasnotdecidedD havenotdecided 3 Is necessarytochangetrainsatBeijing A thisB thatC itD he 4 Ourfatheroftentoldusinthepastthat isbelieving A toseeB seeingC seeD tobeseen 5 Shepretended theletterIwrotethedaybeforeyes


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