八年级英语下册 Unit 3 An Amazing Plant同步测试 教科版.doc

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1、Unit 3 An Amazing Plant第一卷一、听力测试(本题共30分)(略)二、单项选择(本题共15分,每小题1分)选择最佳答案21. Look, a spider! -Oh, I _ spiders! Please _ it! A. am afraid to, kill B. am scared of, care for C. am afraid of, kill22. It isnt my watch. I _ mine at home. A. leave B. forgot C. left23. -_ do you like koala bears? -Because they

2、 are cute. A. Why B. Where C. How24. Welcome to our restaurant. Its _ in the city. A. good B. better C. the best25. Wheres your father, Davy? -He _ in the kitchen. A. cooks B. is cooking C. cooked26. _ a player, Im looking forward _ the 2008 Olympic Games. A. For, at B. As, to C. With, for27. This k

3、ind of food _ cool, clean and dry according to the instruction. A. should be carried B. must be put C. must be kept28. Whats the _ for being late? -I _ the time. A. reason, forget B. reason, left C. reason, forgot29. What does “Eat an apple going to bed, make the doctor beg his bread.” mean? A. Frui

4、t will keep us healthy. B. Doctors dont sell apples. C. Most doctors dont like apples.30. You have to decide _ before they come. A. what to do B. to do what C. how to do31. I _ start early _ leave everything to the last minute.A. prefer, rather than B. prefer to, rather than C. prefer to, rather32.

5、This is _ he was absent yesterday. A. the cause B. the reason of C. why33. Which is good for our health? _. A. (肉制品图片) B. (蔬菜和水果图片) C. (汉堡等快餐食品图片)34. Henry has worked for 8 hours and here is the bill he gave me. I will pay _ for him.BILLONE DINNING TABLE March 23, 2007 Cost of wood 17.00Paint 1.50Wo

6、rk 1.00 / an hourTotal: A. 19.50 B. 26.50 C. 42.5035. Which stress of the following words is different from the others? A. benefit B. cause C. appear三、完形填空(本题共10分,每小题1分)Usually people sleep 36 seven and eight hours a day, but a lot of people have problems 37 every night.Many people do not know why t

7、hey have insomnia. Most people know that tea, coffee and cola often make it 38 to go to sleep because there is caffeine in them. But there is caffeine in some medicines, such as cold tablets, too. Sleeping pills can help you 39 , but when you get up the next morning you feel tired. You will sleep 40

8、 if you use your bedroom only for sleep. You 41 use your bedroom as an office, a TV room or an exercise room. You should also have a regular sleeping routine. So try to go to bed 42 every night and get up at the same time every morning. Dont eat just 43 you go to bed but try a glass of 44 . And 45 a

9、ll this doesnt work, count sheep!36. A. among B. from C. between37. A. getting up B. getting to sleep C. going to bed38. A. easy B. difficult C. happy39. A. asleep B. wake up C. go to sleep40. A. more easily B. harder C. quick41. A. cant use B. should C. can42. A. at different time B. at the same ti

10、me C. late43. A. after B. when C. before44. A. warm milk B. Coca Cola C. coffee45. A. if B. whether C. after四、阅读理解(本题共20分,每小题1分)(A)Garlic is probably the healthiest food you should take. While garlic isnt likely to help you with your social life when you eat too much of it chasing people off with th

11、e bad breath, it may actually save your life! Used widely by Egyptian Pharaohs(法老) as well as the ancient Chinese, garlic is known for its culinary(烹调的) and medicinal properties. The Egyptians even fed garlic their slaves to keep them healthy.For those suffering from high blood pressure, high choles

12、terol(胆固醇), heart disease, garlic should become their best friend. Garlic can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that just one clove of garlic daily is enough to reduce cholesterol. Garlic is also good for treatment of bronchitis, colds, coughs, sore throat and fever.To

13、fight cold-related symptoms, garlic is an excellent food therapy specially if taken with other food rich in Vitamin C, which helps to stimulate(刺激) white blood cells to fight off infections. If you suffer from a sore throat, take two or more cloves, crushed or whole, at the first sign of pain. Howev

14、er, dont eat too much raw garlic, for it may cause stomach upset.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案46. According to the passage, why cant garlic help us with our social life? A. Because when we eat too much of it, we will have bad breath. B. Because people dont like garlic at all. C. Because it is bad for our body.47. To fight cold-related symptoms, we should eat garlic with _. A. other food rich in Vitamin C B. other food rich in Vitamin A C. other food rich in Vitamin B48. We know garlic is good for _. A. those suffering from high blood pressure, high cholesterol,


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