七年级英语下册 Unit2课时训练 冀教版.doc

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1、Unit 2 On the Train Lesson 9 Getting on the Train. 根据所给的汉语用适当的词语填空。1. Look! An old woman is _.(上车)2. Please _. Dont let them go out.(拦住他们)3. Can you _ from the window?(看见我)4. There are some _ in this school.(男老师)5. Dont _! Please sit down.(站起来). 根据句子意思用适当的介词填空。1. Can you say these words _ English?2.

2、 The students are getting ready _ the meeting.3. What seat are you _, Danny?4. They are very excited _ the news.5. Do you have tickets _ the movie?. 根据句子意思, 用方框中词汇的适当形式填空。get very onto ready1. The cat jumped _ the chair.2. We are _ to play this game.3. Mr. Zhang is a _ good teacher. 4. Jenny _ the f

3、irst in the race.连词成句。1. now to has he out go_(.)2. your Mr. Dong say father to did what_(?) 拓展提高 汉译英。 1. 我停下来去做作业。_2. 我停止做作业。参考答案:I. 1. getting on the bus 2. stop them 3. see me 4. men teachers 5. stand upII. 1. in 2. for 3. in 4. at 5. forIII. 1. onto 2. ready 3. very 4. gets 1. He has to go out n

4、ow. 2. What did Mr.Dong/ your father say to your father/ Mr.Dong?1. I stop to do my homework. 2.I stop doing my homework. Lesson 10 What Are They Looking at? 根据汉语写英语,并各写出3个与其相关的单词(不能重复)。1. (村庄)_: _ _ _2. (动物园) _: _ _ _3. (农场)_: _ _ _. 用括号中所给词语的适当形式填空。1. There are three _ in her family. (people)2. Ar

5、e these _ books? (they)3. Some _ are working in this company. (woman)4. How many _ are there in this village? (house)5. Jenny is _ at a school on the map. (point). 根据所给的汉语完成下面的句子,每空一词。1. 你们能找到你们的座位吗?Can you _ _ _?2. 丹尼正在向窗外看。Danny is _ _ _ the window.3. 谁正在那边站着呢?Who is _ _ _?4. 他们看了看远处的一些东西。They loo

6、k at _ _ _.5. 坐在火车上很好玩。Its fun _ _ _ _.参考答案:Lesson 10I. 1. village; dog; house; people 2. zoo; lion; tiger; monkey3. farm; grass; cow; sheepII.1. people 2. their 3. women 4. houses 5. pointingIII.1. find your seats 2. looking out of 3. standing over there4. something far away 5. sitting on the train

7、Lesson 11 Dannys New Friend. 根据句子意思选择适当的单词填空。a lot of, hope, hear, feel, enjoy, of course, scare, suddenly1. I _ remembered(想起) that I didnt bring my key. 2. _ people are waiting for the bus.3. Can you do this work? _ I can!4. The dog _ the thief away.5. He is the _ of his school.6. I _ someone laug

8、hing.7. I _ cold in the outside(外面).8. I _ reading books. 根据句意,选词填空。1. Can you _ the girl in the car? (look; see)2. I am _ in learning English. (interested; interesting; interest)3. There are not _ people in the house. (some; any). 根据句子意思选择适当的单词填空。nothing, anything, something1. There is _ on the tab

9、le.2. There isnt _ on the table.单项选择。( )1. Lucy is _ a book and Lily is _ the blackboard.A. reading; looking B. seeing; looking at C. reading; looking at D. watching; looking( )2. Give _ some apples, please. All of _ like apples. A. they; them B. we; us C. them; them D. us; we参考答案:I. 1. suddenly 2.

10、A lot of 3. Of course 4. scared 5. hope 6. heard 7. feel 8. enjoyII. 1. see 2. interested 3. any III. 1. something/nothing 2. anything. 1. C 2. C Lesson 12 Lunch on the Train. 根据所给的汉语用适当的词语填空。1. Danny, who are you _ here?(等)2. Li Ming is _ now. Lets buy something for him.(又饿又渴)3. Excuse me, will you

11、 pass me _?(两瓶水)4. Jenny, would you like _?(一些葡萄)5. Hi, Ms Liu! Did you buy _ in the shop?(一些水果). 单项选择。( )1. Im going to Beijing tomorrow. _A. Bring something when you are back. B. Lets go out for a drink.C. See you tomorrow. D. Have a nice trip!( )2. I like it more than _.A. something B. anything C

12、. anything else D. something else. 下面是小红在火车上和卖食物的乘务员的对话,但是被打乱了顺序。现在请你将正确的顺序写在后面的横线上。(开头和结尾已给出) Drinks! Fruit! Bread! Who wants some?A. No, I dont like orange juice. Well, Im hungry! I want to have some bread, please.B. Sorry. We dont have any coffee. But we have some orange juice.C. No, thank you.D. Okay. 5 yuan.E. Stop here, please.F. Yes, please. May I have a cup of coffee?G. May I help you?H. Anything else? Here you are. Thanks.Reading 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Its


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