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1、用心 爱心 专心 七年级英语七年级英语 Unit 9 People 1 北师大版北师大版 本讲教育信息本讲教育信息 一 教学内容 Unit 9 People 1 Lesson 33 What does he look like Lesson 34 What s he like 二 教学目标 学习对人的外表描述的表达方式和词汇 了解如何描述体型 学习如何描述人的性格 三 重点难点 Lesson 33 What does he look like I Words Study 单词学习 painterdesigncharacterdetectivebuildthin longwavyblondcur

2、lyordinary looking in one s fiftiesneighborglassesslimlength II Expression Patterns 常用的表达方式 1 对人的外表描述的表达方式 What does he look like He s tall He has black hair and blue eyes 1 like 的用法 v 作为动词 是 喜欢 喜爱 的意义 a Which color do you like The red one or the blue one I like the blue one 红色和蓝色 你喜欢哪种颜色 我喜欢蓝色 b Do

3、 you like your cat Yes I do And I love it very much 你喜欢你的猫吗 是的 很喜欢 而且我非常爱它 Note 注意 like 喜欢 与 love 爱 热爱 的区别 前者感情较浅 后者感情深 a I like my cousin but I don t love him 我喜欢我的表哥 但我并不爱他 b I like playing ping pong but I don t love it 我喜欢打乒乓球 但我并不热爱这项运动 like prep 作为介词 意思为 像 像 一样 常与 look 一起构成 look like 看 起来像 是个什么

4、样子 a What does she look like She s thin and tall 她是个什么样子呢 她瘦而高 用心 爱心 专心 b He looks like ill what s the matter with him 他看起来像病了 发生了什么事 c You look like happy Tell me the truth 你看来挺高兴的 把真相告诉我吧 2 句型 What look like 看起来像什么 什么样 a 你爸看起来什么样 他中等个 偏瘦 What does your father look like He s medium height and he s

5、thin b 你的小狗是什么样的 它全身黑毛 非常可爱 What does your dog Liupeng look like It s very cute It has black hair all over the body c 你的朋友刘鹏是个什么样的人 他个子高 不胖不瘦 有一头棕色的卷发 而且他还喜欢看书 下棋 What does your friend look like He s tall has curly brown hair and a medium build He likes reading and playing chess d 李军长什么样 他个子矮小 一头黑发

6、What does Li Jun look like He s short with black hair with 的用法 1 表示 带有 eg I d like a pizza with mushrooms tomatoes and cheese 我想要个带有蘑菇 西红柿和奶酪的比萨 I don t have money with me 我身上没带钱 2 with 还有 和 的意义 eg I play with my sister on Sundays 周日我和我妹妹玩 3 help sb with sth 帮别人干什么 Please help me with English 请帮我学英语

7、 Let me help you with your study 让我在学习上帮帮你吧 2 描述外表的一些词汇 tall medium short large medium thin slim wavy curly straight long medium short blond black brown 用心 爱心 专心 blue brown green ordinary looking Lesson 34 What s he like I Words Study 单词学习 intelligentfriendlyserioussmart shy soccergenerousathleticha

8、ndsomehonest classmateappearancepersonalitykind II Expression Patterns 常用的表达方式 1 appearance personality appearance 描述人的外表 personality 描述人的性格 intelligentfriendlyinterestingseriousquietfunny smartshygenerousathleticserious 其他描述性格的词汇 easygoing unfriendly cool interesting kind moody outgoing 2 区分 1 What

9、 does he look like 2 What s he like 3 What does he like doing 句子 1 be am is are like 怎么样的 问人物性格 What does your father look like He s tall and strong What is he like He is friendly and kind 你爸爸长什么样 他又高又结实 他是个什么样的人呢 他友好 善良 从上面的对话中我们可以看出上单元学的 look like 和这单元的 be like 的区别 前者着重问人物长相 look 是看上去 即看上去是个什么样 而后

10、者着重人的内在性格 人品 是个什么样的人 模拟试题模拟试题 答题时间 90 分钟 一 单项选择 1 What does your friend look like A He is thin B She is a kind girl C She likes musicD She has good looking 2 Mr Simmons a medium build and he has yellow hair A isB hasC looks likeD isn t 3 Is he heavy 用心 爱心 专心 No he is a little bit A tall B thin C sho

11、rt D quiet 4 Lucy doesn t have curly hair Yes we can say she has hair A baldB blonde C short D straight 5 Which is your teacher The one thick glasses over his eyes is A wearsB wearC with D has 6 Is Miss Gao tall No she isn t tall and she isn t short too She is A medium height B medium build C a litt

12、le heavy D thin 7 He has big eyes and small nose A How old is he B What does he do C What does he look like D How is he 8 Who is in the classroom now All the students are on the playground A Someone B Anybody C NobodyD Mary 9 Is your friend quiet No he never stops A talkB talking C to talk D laughin

13、g 10 Tom is not very heavy Yes I think we can say he is heavy A a little B a bit C a little bit D A B and C 二 词汇 一 Miss Li is our English teacher Do you k 1 her And what does she l 2 like Let me tell you She s m 3 height but a little b 4 heavy She has short brown and c 5 hair She always wears a pair

14、 of g 6 on her face She is g 7 we like her very much She loves to tell j 8 and she is very p 9 in our school Can you r 10 二 说出至少 10 个描述人性格的词 并把它们写下来 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 三 补全对话 Tony 与 Mike 在谈论 Tony 的足球队长 你能把他们没说完整的话补充上吗 Tony Do you know the captain of our football team Mike What does he 1 Tony

15、 He isn t very tall or short he is 2 height 用心 爱心 专心 Mike Is he 3 Tony No he is a little thin Mike Does he have 4 or straight hair Tony Oh he has no hair he is 5 and he also has 6 on the upper lip Mike Does he like talking Tony No he s a little bit 7 but we like him very much He is very 8 in our tea

16、m 四 完形填空 Johnny is twelve 1 old He is very tall and he loves 2 basketball His parents 3 from Anqing Sally is small and she 4 glasses She 5 long and curly hair She likes 6 She 7 hard Dave 8 medium height He enjoys 9 computer games He loves to tell 10 1 A year B yearsC D years 2 A play B plays C playingD to play 3 A is B are C comes D be 4 A not wear B do wear C doesn t wear D don t wear 5 A has B have C is D are 6 A sing B singing C sings D doesn t sing 7 A works B working C to work D doesn t wor



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