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1、2020年中考英语完形填空专题训练 (带详细解析过程) (名师精讲解题方法与技巧+实战训练,建议下载练习)一、解题技巧完形填空题以其内容广泛和知识、能力有机结合而备受命题者的青睐,它也是各类英语测试和竞赛中的重点题。且多数同学认为完形填空题是较难的题型之一。完形填空题难主要有两个原因:一是它所测试的内容几乎是无所不包:单词、语法、句式、习惯用法等基础知识的掌握都可通过此题进行测试;二是它可以把知识和能力紧密结合,而且是以测试能力为主,基础知识为辅。通过完形填空,可测试出学生综合运用基础语法、词汇、句式、习惯用法等阅读理解能力,及分析、判断、推理能力。这也是综合运用英语知识来解决实际问题的能力。



4、词、句、语法知识还不能确定。这就要从上下文的联系中找答案。看所空的单词与前、后词的关系,所空单词的句子与上、下句的关系,以及同全文的联系等。多角度,全方位分析后,方能确定。填完后应整体阅读一、两遍,看看意思是否连贯,通顺,首字母是否对应,有无语法错误,大、小写是否有误等。还要注意用词准确,书写规范。另外,答完形填空题时,还要注意一个“快且细”的原则。虽然时间紧,也要尽可能多读几遍,读得快,思考得快,快中有细。做到词词留心,句句留意,争取高分、满分。二、实战训练1 Charlie came from a poor village His parents had (1) money to send

5、 him to school when he was young The boy was very sad Mr King lived next to him He found the boy(2) and had pity on him and lent some money to him So the boy could go to school He studied hard and (3) all his lessons When he finished middle school, the man introduced him to his friend in the town An

6、d he began to workOnce Mr King was seriously hurt in an accident Dying, he asked Charlie to take care of his daughter, Sharon The young man (4) and several years later he married the girl He loved her very much and tried his best to make her happy He often bought beautiful clothes and delicious food

7、 for her He was good at cooking and he cooked (5) for her So she became very fat and she felt it difficult to walk And one day she found there was something wrong with her heart Her husband wasnt at home and she had to go to(6) at once The doctors looked her over and told her (7) eat meat, sugar, ch

8、ocolate and things like these She was afraid (8) the doctors words and wrote all the names of the food on the paper When she got home, she put the list on the table and (9) When she returned home that afternoon, she found many kinds of food: meat, sugar and chocolate in the kitchen Charlie was busy(

9、10) there As soon as he saw her, he said happily, Ive bought all the food you like, dear!1 A noB someC muchD enough2 A lazyB cleverC carefulD hard3 A did well inB was poor atC was workingD was good for4 A was angryB thought hardC agreedD said No5 A a littleB a fewC manyD a lot6 A restB sleepC hospit

10、alD work7 A shouldB wouldC toD not to8 A to rememberB to forgetC to catchD to teach9 A sleptB went outC cookedD ate10 A readingB seeingC cookingD writing2Ibby Piracha is one of many common customers at his local Starbucks in a small town in Virginia, US However, Ibby isnt like the other regulars(老顾客

11、) hes(1) Krystal Payne, a new waitress, wanted to do something to make Ibby feel more (2) So she spoke with other waiters about Ibby, learning that they always did what they could to give him excellent service But Payne wanted to take it a step further She went home and spent her night learning Amer

12、ican Sign Language so she could better communicate with Ibby The next day, she wrote him a small note saying: Ive been learning ASL, just so you can have the same (3) as everyone else Ibby was so moved by Paynes action that he posted(贴) it on Facebook to share with his friends His (4) was then repos

13、ted by many other people a result that he did not (5) But he is happy that Payne is getting what she deserves (应得) The next morning, Payne heard about the post when her manager(6) her and mentioned that there were many requests(请求) from reporters to interview her A Starbucks spokeswoman heard about

14、her (7) action and said the company was very proud of Paynes actions My job is to(8) people have the experience they expect and thats what I gave him, said Payne Ibby sees Paynes act of kindness as special encouragement It shows that she respects deaf people, he said Payne now knows enough ASL to ta

15、ke Ibbys (9) , which makes Ibbys life much easier In the past, Ibby would have to order through text messages that he would show to the waiters Ibby still loves to visit the coffee shop, saying it is something that gave me true(10) even now, Im still smiling(1)A quietB famousC deafD blind(2)A welcomeB cheerfulC differentD confident(3)A rightB experienceC chanceD mood(



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