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1、1 What can do for you?你有什么事?2May I help you?我能帮你什么忙?8Please take a seat!please sit down!请坐下4Wait a moment, please请等一等5Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起让你久等了6It is not serious病情不严重7Dont worryThere is nothing to worry about.不必顾虑。8You need a thorough examination你需要做一个全面检查9You will have to stay in hosp

2、ital for sevral days你需要在医院里住几夭We think that you had better be hospitalized我们认为你最好住进医院来。10 You should stay in bed for a few days.你需要卧床几天11 You can keep on workingYou can carry on with your work.可以继续工作。12 You should be very careful for a week or two这一两周内,你需要很注意。13. Try to relax and keep calm尽量放松保持镇静。1

3、4 Youll soon be all right你很快就会好起来的15 1m sure this medicine will help you a great deal这药对你肯定会很有效的16 Feeling well again is a rather slow process,Im afraid.恐怕痊愈将是一个很慢的过程17 You will have to wait for twenty minutes你需要等20分钟18Complete recovery will take a rather long time彻底恢复需要一段很长的时间。19 You will have to c

4、ome here for periodical check-ups你需要定期来门诊检查20 If you feel worse, please come back to the clinic right away.要是你觉着病加重了,就请马上来门诊。Conditions & Diagnoses 状况及诊断Achondroplasia 软骨发育不全症Acute infantile eczema 急性婴儿湿疹Ambiguous genitalia 性器官不明确Anoxic spell 缺氧兆Apnoea 呼吸暂停Asphyxia neonatorum 初生儿窒息Atresia, biliary 胆

5、管闭锁Atresia, oesophageal 食道闭锁Attachment 亲情连结 / 亲密感Battered child syndrome 虐儿综合征Birth injury (trauma) 产伤Caput succedaneum 儿头水肿Cerebral palsy 大脑麻痹Chicken pox/ varicella 水痘Child abuse 虐儿Cleft lip 唇裂Cleft palate 颚裂Coeliac crisis 粥状泻危机Congenital cardiovascular anomaly 先天性心血管畸形Croup 膜性喉炎 / 嘶哮 / 格鲁布Cystic f

6、ibrosis 囊性纤维变性Diaper rash 尿布疹Downs syndrome 唐氏综合征Embryo 胚胎Embryology 胚胎学Encopresis 大便失禁Enterobius vermicularis 蛲虫Enuresis 遗尿Epispadias 尿道上裂Erythroblastosis foetalis 胎性母红血球病Failure to thrive 生长不旺Favism 豆中毒Febrile convulsion 发热性痉挛 (抽搐)Foetal alcohol syndrome 胎儿酒精综合征Foreign body aspiration 吸入异物Galactos

7、aemia 单乳糖血症Gene, dominant 显性基因Gene, recessive 隐性基因Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency 六磷酸葡萄糖去氢酵素缺乏症Gluten-induced enteropathy 谷胶诱发肠病变Haemolytic disease of newborn 初生儿溶血病Hereditary spherocytosis 遗传性球形红细胞病Hermaphrodite 阴阳人Hernia, diaphragmatic 横膈膜疝 / 膈疝Hernia, direct inguinal 直接性腹股沟疝Hernia, h

8、iatus 食道裂孔疝Hernia, indirect inguinal 间接性腹股沟疝Hernia, umbilical 脐疝Hirschsprungs disease 巨结肠症Hydrops foetalis 水胎Hyperbilirubinaemia 高血胆红素Hyperkinetic syndrome 运动过强综合征Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 肥厚性幽门狭窄Hypospadias 尿道下裂Imperforated anus 肛门闭锁 / 闭肛Inborn error of metabolism 先天性新陈代谢紊乱Infant 婴儿Infant, post

9、mature (post-term) 过熟婴Infant, premature 早产(不足月)婴Intussusception 肠套迭Jaundice, neonatal 初生婴儿黄疸Jaundice, physiological 生理性黄疸Juvenile diabetes 幼年型糖尿病Karyotype 核型Kernicterus 核脑性黄疸 / 核黄疸Klinefelters syndrome 男性不全综合症Koplicks spots 科泼力克氏斑点Lanugo 胎毛Low birth weight infant 低出生体重儿 / 轻磅婴Macrosomia 巨婴Malabsorpti

10、on syndrome 吸收不良综合征Measles 麻疹Meckels diverticulum 梅克耳氏憩室 / 回肠憩室Meconium 胎粪Meconium ileus 胎粪性肠阻塞Meningocoele 脑脊膜膨(突)出Meningomyelocoele 脊髓脊膜膨(突)出Mental retardation 智力迟缓 / 弱智Milia 粟粒疹Molding 儿头变形Mongolian spot 胎斑Mortality rate, infant 婴儿死亡率Mortality rate, neonatal 初生婴儿死亡率Mortality rate, perinatal 围产期婴儿

11、死亡率Mumps 腮腺炎Muscular dystrophy 肌肉增长不良Necrotizing enterocolitis 坏死性小肠结肠炎Neonatal cephalohaematoma 儿头血肿Neonatal hyaline membrane disease 新生儿肺透明膜病Neonate / new-born 新(初)生儿Newborn, high risk 高危险性新生儿Obesity 肥胖症Ophthalmia neonatorum 初生儿眼炎Osteogenesis imperfecta 成骨不全Parasitic infestation 寄生虫感染Pertussis/ wh

12、ooping cough 百日咳Phenylketonuria 苯酮酸尿症Poliomyelitis 小儿麻痹症 / 脊髓灰质炎Post-maturity 过度成熟Prematurity 早产Pseudomenstruation 假月经Puberty 青春期 / 发育期Reflex, grasp 抓握反射Reflex, moro 拥抱反射Reflex, plantar 足底(跖)反射Reflex, rooting 寻乳反射Reflex, startle 惊吓反射Reflex, stepping 跨步反射Reflex, sucking 吸吮反射Reflex, tonic neck 颈强直反射Re

13、gurgitation 反吐(流)Respiratory distress syndrome 呼吸窘迫综合征Retrolental fibroplasia 晶状体后纤维性增殖Rhesus incompatibility Rh(恒河猴)因子不相配Scarlet fever 猩红热Sex-linked heredity 性相连遗传Small for gestational age 比妊娠期细小Smegma 包皮垢Spina bifida 脊柱裂Strawberry mark 草莓(莓状)痣Sudden infant death syndrome 婴儿猝死综合征Surfactant 表面张力素Syn

14、dactyly 并指(趾)畸形Thyroglossal cyst 甲状腺舌囊Toddler 幼儿Tongue-tie 结舌Tracheo-oesophageal fistula 气管食道廔Undescended testes / cryptorchidism 隐睪症 / 睪丸未降Vascular naevus 血管痣Vernix caseosa 胎脂(垢)Weaning period 断乳(戒奶)期Worm, hook 钩虫Worm, round 蛔虫Investigations, Treatment & Operations 检查, 疗法及手术Apgar score 阿帕嘉评分法Blood

15、exchange transfusion 换血Booster dose 加强剂Circumcision 包皮环割(切)术Continuous positive airway pressure 呼吸道持续性正压Day care centre 日间托儿中心Feeding, demand 需求喂食Feeding, supplementary 补充喂食Genetic counselling 遗传辅导Growth chart 生长曲线表Incubator 婴儿保温箱 / 孵箱Lecithin 卵磷脂Logans bar 罗根棒Phototherapy 光线疗法 / 光疗Play therapy 游戏治疗Pyloromyotomy 幽门切开术Rooming-in 母婴同室 Hospital 医


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