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1、四川美术学院 硕士学位论文 具象精神的传承 具象雕塑语言体系在当代艺术语境中与现 代雕塑教学的关系及发展的可能性 姓名 杨小波 申请学位级别 硕士 专业 雕塑 指导教师 余志强 20050428 主题词 具象雕塑语言 传承 教学 论文提要 1 具象雕塑语言面临的问题 雕塑艺术从古典主义到现代 主义再到现当代艺术 以人为主的 具象雕塑语言经过重重挑战 被质 疑 被反复 被解构 到如今其仍 面临着自身的困境 1 具象雕塑语言在现当代 艺术多样与开放的环境中 形式上 独立创新的空间的余地越来越狭 窄 迫使其位置边缘化 2 传统具象雕塑语言形式 长期缺乏创新与变化 导致视觉审 美经验疲劳 3 掌握传统

2、具象雕塑语言 的能力需经过长期专业训练 这一 门槛限制了更多人利用这一语言 形式来表达自身的思想情感 2 具象雕塑语言存在的必然性 1 在当代艺术进入全球化 的今天 艺术面临着以强势文化和 市场经济所带来的共同的价值观 来解决各种问题的趋向 而艺术所 要求的感觉方式的差异性与这种 强势文化全球化进程的趋同性之 间存在着尖锐的矛盾 使得我们不 得不反思传统的艺术语言体系在 当代艺术教育中的思路 落实到我 所探讨的论题 这种趋同性还为雕 塑语言的多元性保留着多少可能 性 更深一层的思考是具象雕塑 语言为雕塑艺术提供了一种传统 语言方式外是否还能提供更有意 义的文化价值 而这种价值在今 天的雕塑教学

3、中如何呈现 用具象特有的艺术感觉方式 和艺术思维方式建构其在当代艺 术中的价值 以世界文化的眼光来 重新解读具象雕塑语言 与传统对 话感悟具象雕塑的妙处 将具象传 统艺术的创作方法及材质意味的 发掘与现代雕塑语言的空间概念 和塑造及表现方法结合起来 建构 一个多元互补 互动的新的雕塑艺 术文化格局 将是具象雕塑在新的 世界文化背景下的最佳选择 事实 上已有不少具超前眼光和文化自 觉意识的艺术家做出了这样的选 择 他们深入到具象传统文化中感 悟具象雕塑语言的精神 探究具象 雕塑语言的文脉传统 与自身所处 的文化情境相结合 在自己的作 品中创造读解着具象雕塑语言的 意趣 2 雕塑艺术发展至今 包

4、括各类学科都把人类自身作为一 个对象孜孜探究 这种以人为本表 达对雕塑艺术本身理解并以其反 映艺术家理想 反映对社会人文思 想观念和抒发人文精神关怀的艺 术形式在现当代多元互动的艺术 氛围当中 以其极具传承性和不可 替代的形式仍然凸显 在整个现当 代美术史纷繁的艺术流派中这种 传统吸纳当代艺术精神于具体形 象之中 带着自身的命题与当代艺 术观念 形式进行碰撞 对话 3 此外 人体具象雕塑语 言在现代生活学科方方面面也得 到广泛的联系运用 从公共环境 三维电脑图像 医学整形 考古复 原到与之相关的各种产业 无论是 学术和实用价值其前景不容忽视 存在就有其理由 具象雕塑语 言它不仅是现代雕塑发展的

5、基石 它也为当代雕塑艺术发展提供了 新的语言方式更深演变的可能性 更建立了一种有意义的文化价值 观 而这种以不同感知方式和它所 带来的价值观的力量在多元化的 今天尤应彰显 4 具象雕塑语言的艺术教 育 要具有一种教育的独立精神 人体作为具象雕塑语言的教 学研究对象仍然是学习理解雕塑 基本语言掌握艺术基本规律的重 要方式和途径 经过几十年的实 践 我们对其层层有了新的认识 它的价值针对雕塑艺术而言有着 绝对意义 论文关键词 具象雕塑语言 现代教学 当代艺术 Abstract 1 Problems that concrete sculpture language is faced with Bei

6、ng oppugned repeated and deconstructed from classicism modernism to modern contemporary art in the sculpture art field the concrete sculpture language that aims at people has experienced many difficulties 1 In the condition of modern contemporary art s diversification and opening the concrete sculpt

7、ure language is more and more difficult in innovating so it s position became more and more fringe 2 Because of the absence of innovating and transformation traditional concrete sculpture language results in taste experience weariness finally 3 To predominate traditional concrete sculpture language

8、needs long professional training so numerous people are limited in expressing their ideas and sensibility by using this language form 2 The inevitability of the concrete sculpture language s existence 1 Nowadays globalize influences contemporary art art is tending to settle problems by the common va

9、lue conceptions which were bringing by the strong culture and market economy However there is aculeate antinomy between the difference of sense that art requires and sameness of globalize culture so we have to self ponder traditional art language s way in contemporary art education Back to my theme

10、how much possibilities does the sameness of globalize culture remain for sculpture language s variety And besides the traditional language mode can the concrete sculpture language provides more meaningful cultural value And how does the cultural value present in current sculpture teaching It will be

11、 the concrete sculpture s best choice in the new world cultural background that constructing the concrete art s value in contemporary art by using it s unique art feeling mode and art thinking mode re unscrambling the concrete sculpture language by the whole world culture perceiving the soul of conc

12、rete sculpture language by talking with tradition combining the creating method of concrete traditional art and discovering new material with the space conception and expression method of modern sculpture language and creating a new multi aspect inter acting and inter supplying sculpture art culture

13、 pattern Actually there have had many artists with foresight and cultural self knowledge consciousness who made this choice They perceive the spirit of concrete sculpture language by going deep to concrete traditional culture discovery the context tradition of concrete sculpture language combine it

14、with their own cultural situation and express the feeling of concrete sculpture language in their creation 2 Nowadays many knowledge including sculpture art take human being as an object to discovery In multi aspect and inter acting modern contemporary art condition this kind of art form which expre

15、ss the understanding of sculpture art and the concept of society and human culture and be used in reflecting artists ideas and human cultural care based on people throws out outstandingly by it s inheriting nature and un substitute nature Among the numerous and complicated art genre of modern contem

16、porary art history tradition absorbs contemporary art spirit in concrete figures and talks with contemporary art concept and form with it s own proposition 3 Besides concrete body sculpture language is also exerted in modern living From public surroundings three dimensional computer images iatrical face lifting archaeology restituting to any other correlative domain the foreground of concrete body sculpture language s science and practicality value is un ignored Existence must has it s reason Th


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