2012届高考英语二轮复习 每日精练(15).doc

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1、2012届高考备考二轮复习每日精练(15)第二节 完形填空 (青岛市高三统一质量检测) When I was a little boy, I would play outside for hours on sunny summer days and then have a deep and peaceful sleep at night. Sometimes, Id have some vivid dreams, making me 36 for a moment. I would stare out into the darkness to see if anything was there

2、 and then 37 over and go back to sleep. I can still remember a few times when I woke up, 38 out into the darkness, and actually 39 someone there. It was Mom 40 over me as I slept. Each time she 41 told me to go back to sleep and I closed my eyes again, feeling 42 and loved.I 43 asked Mom why she wat

3、ched me sleep from time to time, but 44 seeing my own children 45 so fast, I think I know why. She wanted to catch a moment in time and 46 it in her heart forever. I just 47 that she carried a lot of those moments with her into Heaven when she 48 at only 55. Last night I was sleeping lightly 49 I su

4、ddenly felt someone near me. I opened my eyes and saw Moms 50 standing in the room, smiling at me. And then she was gone. Now 51 may say that this was just a dream, a wish or part of an old 52 . To me, though, it was 53 that Moms loving spirit was still watching over me. To me, it was evidence enoug

5、h to know that one day I would be 54 with her and everyone I have ever loved. Trust in their love. Know that your own life can be full of 55 , too. Then joyfully go out and live it with a brave heart and a smiling soul. 36. A. excited B. afraid C. worriedD. awake 37. A. take B. roll C. lookD. climb

6、38. A. went B. burst C. looked D. found 39. A. met B. saw C. expectedD. dreamed 40. A. watching B. treating C. helpingD. sitting 41. A. angrily B. gladly C. silentlyD. gently 42. A. quiet B. nervous C. safeD. anxious43. A. never B. often C. sometimesD. seldom 44. A. before B. after C. since D. for 4

7、5. A. bring up B. raise up C. lift upD. grow up 46. A. hold B. remove C. findD. cover 47. A. decide B. hope C. wonderD. remember 48. A. ran away B. put away C. passed awayD. took away 49. A. when B. while C. afterD. before 50. A. body B. figure C. shapeD. shadow 51. A. all B. none C. some D. any 52. A. dream B. wish C. storyD. memory 53. A. proof B. time C. chanceD. belief 54. A. reunited B. buried C. connectedD. joined 55. A. hope B. joy C. loveD. surprise 第二节 完形填空 36-40 DBCBA 41-45 DCABD 46-50 ABCAB 51-55 CDAAC 2用心 爱心 专心


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