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1、Module4 Module4 Planes shipsandtrains Unit1 Helivesthefarthestfromschool 生词书签 比一比 看谁能快速说出下面的单词 roadn 路 尤指 公路 accidentn 交通事故 意外事件 classmaten 同班同学 journeyn 旅行 旅程 e g Ilikeeverysubjectexceptmath 除了数学我每个学科都喜欢 Learnmorenewwords exceptprep 除 之外 choicen 选择 e g Theymayhavenochoice 他们可能没有别的选择 faradv 远 遥远adj

2、远的 遥远的e g Hetookhisjourneyintoafarcountry 他到一个遥远的国家去旅行 Howfarcanyouthrow 你能扔多远 短语 farfrom远离 e g Theschoolisfarfrommyhome 学校里离我家很远 closeadj 距离上 近的 接近的adv 距离上 接近地e g Thechurchisclosetotheschool 教堂在学校附近 Theylivequiteclose 他们住得很近 e g Itissocrowdedthatthereisnotevenstandroom 挤得几乎没有站立的地方 crowdedadj 拥挤的 人数

3、过多的 crowd是该词的名词和动词形式 作名词时 意为 人群 作动词时 意为 拥挤 注 allthetime一直 不断地 e g Heisabusinessmanallthetime 他一直是个生意人 Howdoyouoftengotoschool Workinpairs Lookatthepictures andsaysomethingaboutthepictures bus Myfathergoestoworkbybus bike Mostofourclassmatesgotoschoolbybike It sverycheap train It sthefastesttraininth

4、eworld It smodern taxi Mumoftengoestoworkbytaxi It sthemostcomfortableway ship TheBlack saregoingtotraveltoLondonbyship Manypeopletaketheundergroundtowork It scrowded underground subway TheytraveltoBeijingbyplane It sthemostexpensiveway plane Matchthewordsintheboxwiththepictures busshiptaxitrainunde

5、rground train ship taxi underground bus ListenandmatchthewordsintheboxwiththepicturesinActivity1 Youneedtouseonewordmorethanonce Listenandread Nowcompletethetable bybus byunderground walk onfoot bybus Completethesentenceswiththecorrectformofthewordsinthebox 1 The waytogotoschoolisbytaxi 2 Tonylivest

6、he fromschool mostcomfortable farthest 3 Lingling shomeisthe toschool soshealwayswalks 4 ForBetty goingtoschoolbybikeisthe choice best closest Completethesentenceswiththewordsorexpressioninthebox 1 Allthestudentstakethebustoschool Sam 2 The trainintheworldistheShanghaiairporttrain 3 Isawa n onmywayt

7、oschoolyesterday 4 Idonottakethebustoschoolbecauseitisusuallyvery except mostmodern accident crowded EverydayEnglish Whathappened 发生什么事情了 Don tworry 别担心 Listenandunderlinethewordsthespeakerstresses 1 Wholivestheclosesttoschool Linglinglivesclosest 2 WhatisthemostcomfortablewaytogotoschoolforBetty By

8、taxi Nowworkinpairs Listenagainandrepeat Askandanswerquestionsaboutthewaysofgoingtoschool Usethewordsintheboxtohelpyou Workinpairs What sthemostexpensivewaytogotoschool Goingbytaxiisthemostexpensive Howaboutbybus isitagoodwaytogotoschool Itischeap butsocrowded 1 MaybeIshouldgotoschoolbytaxi 或许我应该坐出租

9、车去上学 by和表示交通工具的名词 名词前没有任何冠词 连用 意思是 乘 坐 例如 travelbytrain car ship underground boat bus taxi乘火车 汽车 轮船 地铁 小船 公交车 出租车出行 Languagepoints 语法透析 两者比较用形容词或副词的比较级 当我们要将三个或以上的事物进行比较时 要用它们的最高级 例如 1 Lingling shomeistheclosesttoschool 玲玲家离学校最近 形容词的最高级前要用the 2 Itisthemostcomfortablewaybutit sthemostexpensive 这是最舒适的

10、方式 同时也是最贵的方式 形容词 副词的最高级 3 Tonylivesfarthestfromschool 托尼住得离学校最远 副词的最高级前可以不用the 4 Ofallthestudentsinmyclass Macywritesmostcarefully 班上所有的学生中 梅西写得最仔细 形容词和副词的最高级的变化规则 一 规则的 有两种 1 在形容词和副词的词尾 直接加上 est 2 在形容词和副词前加most 形容词 副词的最高级的构成 最高级的规则变化 二 不规则的 每个单词有其不同的最高级形式 需个别记忆 如 good best 形容词 well best 副词 详见下面的表格

11、形容词和副词的最高级的不规则变化 注意 在表示 A比B 时 我们用Ais thanB 但最高级表达的是三个及三个以上的事物的比较状况 所以后面通常用in of among 来表示比较的范围 例如 Tomisthetallestinourclass Tonylivestheclosesttoschoolofallmyclassmates 随学随练 写出下列单词的最高级形式 1 short 2 nice 3 big 4 thin 5 early 6 slowly shortestnicestbiggestthinnestearliestmostslowly 7 beautiful 8 carefu

12、lly 9 badly 10 much 11 little 12 far themostbeautifulmostcarefullyworstmostleastfarthest furthest 中考链接 1 Thegirlsaretalkingabouttheartfestival Yes Theyhavesomanyfunthingstoshare 2013温州 A easilyB angrilyC sadlyD happily 2 Ourschoolbuswillleaveat8o clocktomorrow Don tbelate OK Iwillbetheretenminutes 2

13、013安徽 A soonerB slowerC fasterD earlier3 Debbieisgrowingfast Sheiseven thanhermother 2013北京 A tallB tallerC tallestD thetallest 4 Dad wouldyoupleasedrive Nohurry Wehaveenoughtimebeforetheplanetakesoff 2013福州 A fasterB moreslowlyC morecarefully5 DoyouknowLinShuhao Yes Heisoneof basketballplayersinthe

14、NBA 2013漳州 A popularB morepopularC themostpopular 6 Whichcountryisyourfavorite LinTao 2013牡丹江 France ofcourse It sthe placethatIwanttovisit A worstB betterC best7 IsLily shome awayfromschoolthanLinda s 2013益阳 A farB fartherC farthest 8 Whoran ofallinthesportsmeeting Hectordid Ithink 2013襄阳 A fastB fasterC thefastestD mostfast9 LiNais tennisplayerinChinanow A mostfamousB themostfamousC morefamous Rememberthenewwords thenfinishyourworkbook Homework



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