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1、书 山 有 路 1 五年中考三年模拟英语试题及答案 一 一 听力部分 听力部分 20 分 分 一 听句子 选择适当的答案 5 分 1 A Not at all B No it isn t C Thank you 2 A You re welcome B Thank you all the same C It s very kind of you 3 A Yes Who s that B Yes Who are you C Yes it is 4 A It is Tuesday B It s a sunny day C It s May 20 5 A It s my pleasure B I m

2、 glad to hear it C You re very kind 二 听对话和对话后的问题 选择正确答案 5 分 1 A Friday B Thursday C Saturday 2 A Class 4 Grade 2 B Class 5 Grade 2 C Class 5 Grade 2 3 A Eggs and tea B Bread and tea C Tea bread and eggs 4 A 8673305 B 8673350 C 8763305 5 A Japan B London C Washington 三 听短文和短文后的问题 选择正确答案 10 分 1 A Thre

3、e B Six C Four 2 A She is a teacher B She is a doctor C She is a worker 3 A He likes collecting foreign stamps B He likes to go skating in winter C He likes to go swimming in summer 4 A He wants Li Ping to send him a message B He wants Li Ping to send him some stamps C He wants Li Ping to send him s

4、ome photos 5 A Before lunch B Before supper C After supper 二 单项选择 每题二 单项选择 每题 1 分 共分 共 15 分 分 1 Mr Green has three daughters but of them lives with him A neither B none C all D both 2 They all felt after a bus ride A happy pleased B pleasant pleased C pleased pleasant D happy pleasure 3 No matter I

5、won t agree with him A what he does say hat he says C how he says D what does he say 4 have you lived there I ve lived there I left school A How long since B How soon when C How long as soon as D When since 5 This jacket is so nice but it too much A pays B costs C takes D spend 6 I ve never seen mou

6、ntain in my life A so beautiful B such a beautiful C so beautiful a D such beautiful a 7 The old man didn t allow us into the house It s dangerous 书 山 有 路 2 A to come B come C coming D came 8 careful you are mistakes you will make A The more the more B The fewer the more C The more the fewer D The l

7、ess the less 9 What a nice bike How long you it Just two weeks A will buy B did buy C are having D have had 10 Because he is always ill he had to his job A put up B put on C look up D give up 11 you ever the Summer Palace A Did go to B Do go to C Have gone to D Have been to 12 Not only he but also s

8、he the film A have seen B have saw C has seen D has saw 13 Reading can us happy A make B feel C get D help 14 We should do better in English A speak B say C speaking D saying 15 Hainan Island is island of China A the second largest B the second large C the second larger D second largest 三 三 完形填空 本题有

9、完形填空 本题有 15 小题 第小题小题 第小题 1 分 共计分 共计 15 分 分 阅读下面短文 然后在各题目所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 I have a good mother She has always make sure we eat very 1 We live 2 the sea and have fish about four times a 3 We eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day We don t eat 4 sugar or fat 脂肪 A lot of my school friends eat many swe

10、ets every day but I only eat a few And I m not too heavy so I 5 have to be thinner I m quite healthy I don t often get cold 6 I had a bad cold and a high temperature last week because I played football in the 7 I don t often get things 8 flu 流感 either Last winter almost all my classmates got flu but

11、 I didn t I don t get these things 9 I take a lot of exercise and I am very 10 Two years ago I broke my 11 while I was playing football and I couldn t 12 my arm for a month So as you 13 from what I ve said I m an 14 person But there s one thing I really love playing football I m captain of the class

12、 team at school Because of this I must have a good diet 饮食 and as I ve said this isn t a problem because my mother 15 us so well 1 A slowly B safely C healthily D quickly 2 A in B under C above D near 3 A day B week C month D year 4 A much B any C delicious D good 5 A sometimes B often C always D ne

13、ver 6 A so B but C and D for 7 A rain B sun C field D forest 8 A for B like C of D with 书 山 有 路 3 9 A because B while C if D when 10 A busy B tall C helpful D strong 11 A foot B arm C hand D head 12 A open B pull C move D find 13 A hear B see C write D describe 14 A ordinary B important C interestin

14、g D exciting 15 A feeds B trains C invites D interviews 四 四 阅读理解 共阅读理解 共 15 小题 小题 1 5 第小题第小题 1 分 共分 共 5 分 分 6 15 每题每题 2 分 共分 共 20 分 合分 合 计计 25 分 分 A Some small children don t know it s not polite to laugh at others Some of them often laugh at a lame 瘸的 or blind 盲的 person or someone in bad clothes Bu

15、t as they grow up they learn not to hurt people s feelings by laughing at their problems They learn to laugh at other things Most important they learn to laugh at themselves For example you make a mistake and lose in a basketball match Do you become angry Or can you laugh at yourself and hope to do

16、better next time If you can you ve really grown up 1 The passage tells us to laugh at other s problems is not A bad B polite C easy D difficult 2 When small children grow up they learn A to hurt people s feelings B not to hurt people s feelings C to laugh at themselves D not to laugh at themselves 3 If you don t win a basketball match you should A become angry with the winners B laugh at the winner C hope to do better next time D lose another next time 4 We know from the passage not to hurt peop


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