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1、书 山 有 路 1 2009 年中考英语模拟试题及答案 I 听力测试 共 25 分 Part one Part Two 每小题每小题 1 分 分 Part Three Part Four 每小题 1 5 分 Part one Part Two Match the best choice from A to G according to the dialogue you hear 6 They are talking about 7 Father s favorite 8 Son s favorite 9 Mother s favorite 10 Mother sometimes forgets

2、 A favorite TV programmars B Discovery Channel C Sports Channel D English Channel E News Channel F Film channel G to cook for family PartThree 11 We should buy present for my mother A On her birthday B On Mother s Day C On Father s Day 12 My friend lives A With her parents B with me C alone 13 When

3、the girl make a call her parents she dialed A D B C E F 书 山 有 路 2 A once B twice C three times 14 One day I with my friend at her home A chatted B played C studied 15 My friend always her parents A thinks about B looks for C laughs at Part Four 16 are good seasons for outdoor activities 17 It is imp

4、ortant that you should take box in order to give simple medical treatment to someone in great need as soon as possible 18 When hiking in a group young people have a good chance to learn of team 19 If you see a snake nearby during the hiking you should quietly for it to go away 20 You should tie some

5、thing the bite to stop the poison from spreading to other parts of the body if you or someone else is bitten Then you should send for help II 单项填空 共 15 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 15 分 从 A B C 选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 21 My grandfather has sent me e dog as my birthday present A a B an C 22 Which would you like a cup of

6、 tea or a glass of milk I think I ll just have a glass of water A Both B Neither C None 23 Which do you think is important air tank space suit or digital camera for an astronaut I think the digital camera A less B the most C the least 24 Do you know will repair the robot that went wrong A whether B

7、where C who 25 Amy prefers at home to out at the weekends A staying going B stay going C staying go 26 Why not come and join us in the game Linda but I have something to discuss with Mr Smith at his office now A Let s go B I d like to C Yes please 27 I don t know if it tomorrow If it we ll go out fo

8、r a picnic A will rain won t rain B rains doesn t rain C will rain doesn t rain 28 I do a lot of exercise eat vegetables and meat than I did last year That s why you re getting thinner A fewer more B more less C less more 29 When I came inside the office they a party for the coming festival A planne

9、d B were planning C plan 书 山 有 路 3 30 It is impossible her the work in half an hour A for finish B of finish C for to finish 31 I wanted to help those homeless children in the Big Earthquake I donated my pocket money that I had saved for two months A so B because C since 32 Audrey Hepburn dancing an

10、d focused on acting after her first successful movie A gave in B gave off C gave up 33 Could you tell me to visit Dr Sun Yatsen s Mausoleum 陵墓 The day after tomorrow I think A when will you go B when you will go C when would you go 34 Don t forget to turn the lights before you leave the office A dow

11、n B off C on 35 The man made such a speech that all the audience at the meeting felt A boring boring B boring bored C bored boring III 完形填空 共 15 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 15 分 Antarctica is the continent which is the most 36 area of land on the Earth and is mostly covered 37 ice This is 38 of the driest and 39

12、in the world But people from all over the world come to 40 there Near the South Pole three 41 people live together in a place 42 Amusen Scott Station The station has libraries cinemas shops sports rooms canteens and laboratories 实验室 There is electricity 电 and they have 43 the system that they use to

13、 have a conversation 交谈 44 someone in another place And they have 45 electronic machines that stores information and uses programs to help them find organize or change the information But the people here 46 travel by car or train or bus because there aren t any roads or railways near the station The

14、y travel by ship helicopter plane or snow tractor or 47 dogs There aren t 48 trees or flowers there but there are hundreds of different birds and other animals Most of the people here are 49 They study plant and animal life and how ice moves The ice can tell us about changes in climate Ray Kingman i

15、s an expert at Amundsen Scott Station telling us on the phone This is my second year here It s a very interesting and beautiful place but life is very hard 50 In the summer we can go swimming in hot pools of water We welcome newcomers here for further study of the continent 36 A southern B northern

16、C eastern 书 山 有 路 4 37 A for B at C with 38 A a B that C one 39 A warm areas B coldest places C cool areas 40 A travel B go sightseeing C work 41 A thousands B thousand C thousands of 42 A called B call C calls 43 A telephones B radios C televisions 44 A with B in C at 45 A computers B printers C mouse 46 A don t B didn t C weren t 47 A with B on C in front of 48 A much B any C either 49 A teachers B scientists C doctors 50 A in the winter B during the autumn season C in all weather IV 补全对话 本题共


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